3×22 “Behind The Curtain”

“3×22 “Behind the Curtain”
Written by:
Chris Coleman, Kristi Clark and Kelly Zollo
Episode may contain language, violence and sex.
Theme Song:
Red Hands- Walk Off the Earth

Dani had tried her best to unwind from the night before and her outburst, from Jackson stating he needed to head back to some weekend rehab retreat, the night before she didn’t think either of them slept well. So they decided a day at home with the twins was in order. They took them to the park and spent some time together, watching them toddle in the grass and she had been a little shocked at the text about a meeting at DGI before the casino opening. She had no idea why Natasha decided to call one with a company called BA Energy. She had gotten the twins settled with Dylan in the playroom, they really didn’t need Dru to watch them; her nephew was more than capable. She had noticed that Jackson had gotten uneasy about the mere mention of Dru which wasn’t that odd they were replacing her and tired of her antics. She’d sent in her recommendation to Jackie that morning, a lovely older woman from Sweden that was married wanting to work a few more years for her retirement. She felt Jackson doing the zipper on her gown and smiled at him putting the last of the mascara on her lashes. It was a subtle dress. It wasn’t her night that had been the Summit, it was Max and Bliss’s night.

“There was no way I was going to be able to do that little clasp in the back. I sent that application for Alice back to your mom. I think she’s going to be a good fit, much better than Dru. Do you have any idea what this entire thing with DGI is about? I thought things were okay with Natasha and we seemed to have all been working together pretty well. She has a lot of nerve first accusing Maddie of throwing coffee on her and then this stunt right on the night of the opening.” Looking at her reflection in the mirror she felt put together after her explosion the night before maybe it was the fact that Jackson had just held her most of it. But it felt like things were going to at least look up for them going forward they could overcome what was going on with her sister regarding Randall’s book. They could figure out everything with him and she only hoped that meant that Mason was onto a damned lead when it came to Lowell’s will. Maybe they needed to hire a private investigator they could certainly afford one, She honestly didn’t think Maddie had thrown the coffee. Was she a teenager yes but never had she seen her resort to throwing things on people. She finished applying her deep red lip before turning around wrapping her hands around Jackson’s neck kissing him gently on the lips before pulling back. “Thank you for last night. I know I was a mess. You look a million miles away are you alright?”

Jackson had been thinking about his father and the choices he made. Was that all he was bad choices? A night ago he was in bed with Dru Price another notch on her disgusting bedpost and now he wasn’t sober anymore. Things had shifted in a couple of hours and his life wasn’t the same. He tried to pretend and he tried to act like everything was normal but he knew it wasn’t. In fact it was eating him alive, Jackson and Dani never had lies between them. However, seeing Dani breaking down over Victoria and how her life had been since her death. Then knowing that he was a liar and that his promises meant nothing made him sick to his stomach. He watched Dani playing with the twins and he just pretended to be busy with business when he was trying to contemplate his morality. Who was he as a man? What was next for them? Whatever the situation he would have to fix this. His soul was honestly aching and that wasn’t what he wanted. In fact he wanted to numb this dulling of his humanity. What type of man kept this type of secret? Was this how Lowell felt between Tess and his mother? Those questions haunted him.

“You were a mess? What about me? I’m always a mess, I mean I’m a junkie.” He said lowering his head. “You have been through a hell of a lot Dani and your family has taken you for granted. We all have taken you for granted.” He said, wrapping his arms around her. “I promise I won’t anymore you hear me?” Jackson whispered in her ear. He laughed thinking about Maddie tossing some expensive latte on Natasha. “I can see my niece tossing a drink on someone but I also think she’d do it with a lot more flare. Unfortunately for all of us she was always on dad’s knee listening and absorbing his flare. It’s like he put a little of himself inside of that kid because she’d hire someone to whoop Natasha’s ass before breaking a nail. I just don’t see it happening that way but I’m not her father and if Chauncey thinks she’s out of control well. I can’t stop him but this meeting with BA Energy is bullshit and I don’t know what Natasha is doing but tonight we are going to stop that harpy in her tracks because we are a team.” Or at least they were in his mind or were once before he ruined his own life.

Dani rubbed the back of his neck. Yes he was an addict, a former one, but she didn’t think he was a mess and if he was a mess, he was her mess. She didn’t think that her family took her for granted. Maybe they did. She wasn’t sure anymore all that she did know was that Victoria was hanging over them. Her mother for sure and if she had to guess her father as well, even though he didn’t want to talk about it. She supposed she was forgotten in the fray of it all from time to time and it wasn’t a huge secret that Braden often came first but she never felt that Jackson didn’t place her first. “I don’t think you’ve ever taken me or our family for granted. We hit a rough patch earlier with the fundraiser but it was just that, a rough patch. It was on me just as much as you and things have been pretty good since then. Besides you’re my mess and I kinda love you for it. I don’t know what is exactly going on but if it’s Tess that is stressing you out or the entire thing with DGI we will figure it out. After this whole book thing with Randall, if you still feel like you need to get help we’ll do that.” Dani said looking at him not sure how she was supposed to make it better for him he seemed to be carrying so much inside lately.

“Maddie’s a lot of things according to Dylan but ranting and raving banshee to go after Natasha seems like a huge stretch but I can see how it looked to your mom when she walked in. I’m beginning to think that there is more to Natasha than meets the eye, I still can’t believe that she is doing this right in the middle of everything that Tess is doing too. As for the meeting I can think of a million other things I’d rather do than go to it but if she insists they can wait till after.” Dani said, reaching up to kiss him again, wishing they could just blow off the meeting and take a detour on the way to the casino opening. Knowing that deep down that was selfish of them she was actually looking forward to a night out at the casino just them for the evening. She trusted Dylan with the twins and he had their number if he needed them. She pulled back, keeping her hands on his waist while she looked up at him. “I do think Alice will be a good replacement for Dru we can call her in the morning or tomorrow afternoon and have the paperwork done, a hefty severance and she can move on to whatever or whoever she thinks that she needs next. I think we can squeeze in a minute to check on Max too.” Dani said playfully, pulling back from him with a smile while she went to the coats on his side of the closet. “Which jacket do you want because if we keep staying in here hiding I won’t want to go.”

“The royal blue Tom Ford.” He said confidently feeling a little better because at least after tonight Dru would be leaving Atlas Falls and a bad memory. One thing that sat with him was why would Natasha lash out against Maddie at this point. He also knew that the meeting wasn’t good for DGI because nobody called a last minute meeting for nothing. It was always met with consequences. That made his stomach turn because honestly he couldn’t take anymore hits. With him cheating, using and having a psycho nanny.  This was almost all too much to take but having Dani by his side even though she didn’t know the wrong he did brought solace. She was still his rock, and still the most constant thing in his life. Jackson looked in the mirror and actually hated who he saw. He was running from the monster who was in front of him. If Dani ever found out his life would be over. Pulling out his phone he actually texted the one person he never thought he would. He needed him. Chauncey Devonshire had more experience running people out of Atlas Falls and he would lean on his big brother at this moment. Did he think Chauncey might try to blackmail him? Absolutely but overall he knew better than to not use the nastiest piece of work he knew.

Placing his cufflinks on he looked at Dani who was still the most breathtaking woman he’d ever seen. How did he cheat on her? She was so beautiful and her eyes seemed to glow magically. Last time he wore the Tom Ford suit was at Zach and Mason’s wedding. “You know what’s crazy to me, how happy my best friend and your cousin are? I think we inspired them to finally take the plunge and honestly Mason was always a good guy but never happy. I never saw him truly happy because he wasn’t being himself. Just yesterday I was texting him asking what we were doing for his birthday? You know what he said? He’s thinking of throwing a Harlem ball themed birthday party. I’m amazed with the information he told me and is really embarking on his gay culture.” He flopped down and picked up his Ferragamo slides and slipped them on his feet. “I don’t want to go but it’s Max’s big night and I think if I miss it she’d kill me not to mention my twin is having such a hard time. Right now I want her to see us, you know happy and shit. So she can see there is life after having a baby.”

Dani looked over her shoulder at him for a moment before turning her attention back to the closet and reached for the coat from Zach and Mason’s wedding. The memory of their encounter coming to the forefront when they made love carelessly while Dru watched, she never considered that a huge kink she had. Surprisingly though even the thought made her blush she wouldn’t be opposed to it in the future if the circumstances were right. She reached for the jacket draping it over her arm while she turned seeing something fall out at first in the light thinking that it was a piece of paper. Bending down she picked up the baggie looking at the powder inside of it and she was pretty sure her entire face turned ghost white looking at the drugs in the bag. She was pretty sure it was cocaine, maybe crack even. She wasn’t entirely sure of the difference between the two. Her mind was racing while she looked over at Jackson as he was casually putting on his shoes not a care in the world and her heart broke little by little watching him tie his shoes. Was this what he had been talking about last night that he needed to go to rehab because he was using again? Then an uneasy feeling sank into her. Where had he really been the night before? Clearly it wasn’t with her, he was out at the hotel or so he claimed he could have had an Uber take him home or even called the Devonshire one, they probably had one on call. She realized her hand was shaking just looking at the bag in her hand drawing out the small talk about Mason’s birthday party or even the casino.

“You really want to talk about Mason’s birthday plans and being there for Max? Show her what exactly? How happy we are? Do you even hear yourself right now? Well I want to talk about this. I thought after Montana and the wedding that things were okay again.” She finally managed to get out looking at him, watching him stare at the bag in her hand. She understood he was an addict. She wasn’t stupid but in her mind he had no reason to just suddenly relapse and then lie to her face again about it. Worse was he brought drugs into their house where they made love in the next room, where their kids were down the hallway. Here she had been the last few months thinking she had been the problem thanks to someone messing with her phone and he was out here hiding coke in his pockets thinking she would never know. She was so angry at him and she almost laughed at his shock at the bag in her hand. “You know I thought it was strange when you came home mentioning that you needed to run off to rehab again but I didn’t think it was because of this. How long were you going to do this? Flat out lie to me again after everything? Where were you last night?” She fought the tears back while she looked at him waiting for him to deny it and when he didn’t say anything back she tossed the bag between them on the island waiting for him to say something, anything at this point.

Jackson’s face scrunched up as he listened to Dani unleashing on him. As he looked at the coke in his wife’s hand. His eyes swelled up as he shook his head. Had he used it before his night with Dru? Cracking his knuckles he looked at her and knew he had to speak up for himself. “I was out but I wasn’t doing any drugs. Wow is that what you immediately think of me. Anybody could have put that in my coat and you immediately just jumped to the worst of me.” He couldn’t believe at that moment he was gaslighting Dani but he had to fight back and seeing that she was just standing here furious. Who had done this? Lex? Dru? Chauncey? Tess? Forbes? God even Pierre could have his hands in this and seeing her immediately become as enraged he knew he couldn’t tell her about Dru. What had happened because Dani would break and he knew just how fragile she was but making this about someone else. Doing whatever he could to fix this. Her fury and pain was palpable and all he wanted to do was make it stop so blaming someone else. He wasn’t using drugs before that night. He wanted to go to rehab and his heart began to palpate as he was afraid of what he had to do.

“Stop it, I was driving around and lost in my thoughts of my family. I’m sorry I didn’t call but I wasn’t using and you accusing me is bullshit. It’s overwhelming me that you think so little of me wants to piss test me now, wife? Huh?” Jackson barked back as he looked at his wife. “I’m not fucking using Dani! I’m going to rehab because I am fucking lost and I want to grab that fucking coke and snort the entire thing. You want to know why? My father who gave us his legacy is dead and dying destroying my company. This psycho bitch has somehow stolen that legacy and put not just my inner family in flux but my siblings and mother as well. I am frustrated and confused about what’s next and that facility is a way to make things clear, not just go for rehab. I’m a addict and if I feel fucking like my life and everything I have fought for is spiraling then damn it that’s what I need.” He screamed back at his wife as his eyes teared up. “I’m not using drugs.” At least he didn’t remember what happened with Dru and he wasn’t trying to use it anymore.

Honestly Dani didn’t know what to think or feel at the moment while he denied it with the bag on the counter between them, she wanted to believe him. It was in the pocket of his jacket. What was she supposed to think that the dry cleaner put it there or the housekeeper? Did he really think she was that naive or stupid, maybe she was. So he wanted to claim it wasn’t his and he wasn’t using but he still wanted to run off to rehab, it didn’t make any sense to her. Maybe it was because she didn’t understand what it meant to be in his shoes, if he wasn’t using why did he have to run off to a rehab facility instead of talking to a therapist. “What do you want me to think it’s in your coat not mine. Who would have put it there, the dry cleaner, the housekeeper, why would they do that?” Dani said back her voice rising at him not even sure if her nephew could hear them arguing over it, the weird meeting before the opening adding more stress to her over all of it. She watched his body language how he didn’t move for the bag while it sat there between them on the counter, almost like he was afraid to take a step towards it, maybe she was overreacting she didn’t know anymore.

“So let me get this straight, you were driving around all night and then decided to check into a hotel instead of coming home here or to my mom’s and that is just normal? Why not just come get me and lean on me instead of shutting me out to worry about where you were and who you were with? You’ve been acting strange since you came home. I have been nothing but supportive since your dad died even when you kept doubting me. I get it’s been a lot but I thought you and I were in a better place that we were a team, a partnership you keep hiding things from me.” Dani shot back at him, her voice wavering a bit while she looked at him. She didn’t want to be questioning him all the time or doubting everything he was saying but there was his recent behavior and now a full small bag of coke between them on the island that he really expected her to believe was planted there. She wasn’t going to cry, maybe she was the crazy one at this point, the doubt in her mind over it all, everything the last few months feeling like a crushing weight. “Do I need to go out and buy a test?” When she said it it was barely above a whisper and it felt like a pin could drop in the room between them her alarm on her phone vibrating that they needed to leave making her jump.

“We should go or we’ll be late. I’ll go start my car and maybe we really need to sit down with someone to help us navigate all of this. I don’t know what to think anymore Jackson.” She eventually managed to say, eventually breaking the silence between them grabbing her clutch and her keys before turning to exit the closet. She wiped at her eyes, holding off the tears before making her way to the living room to say goodbye to her nephew and the twins before they left.

Jackson looked at Dylan who was staring daggers at him. Great now his nephew would hate him and even worse it felt like Dani didn’t believe in him. His heart sank because he couldn’t believe himself. He was lost and knew that Dru knowing he had accidentally used drugs again or whatever happened he was at fault. Attacking his wife made him feel like a lesser man. This was a mess and he wasn’t using it before last night so how did drugs get in his jacket? His eyes glossed over as he walked to the twins and kissed them both and made little eye contact with Dylan. His heart pounded knowing that he was in dangerous ground. He was close to losing everything he had built and his wife wasn’t going to stay in this nightmare. She was going to leave him and he wouldn’t survive losing Dani or the twins. Adjusting his jacket he walked to the towncar and prayed that they could fix this. “Dani, you have to believe me.” He whispered to himself wondering when he became such a liar and it was so easy for him? Was he becoming Lowell Devonshire? Was he becoming the man he spent the last year of his life detesting? Sitting down he grabbed Dani’s hand only for her to take it away from him. He exhaled and looked out the window. His phone lit up and he looked at the text message from Dru.

*We need to talk… Or I’m going to tell Dani everything.*

Jackson immediately texted back.

*Come to the opening of the Nightingale Casino I’ll give you what you want.*

Pressing send he looked at Dani. He had to find his big brother because there was no way in hell he would let this harpy win or lose his family. “I’m not giving up Dani and I need you not to give up either.”


Brock adjusted his tie in the mirror adding some gel to his hair while he got his suit out ready to head to the casino opening, Zach had insisted that he buy one for his wedding. He actually figured that he and Greer would be going to more events like this down the line and she probably would buy him more clothes and suits to wear, a small annoyance. He was still a bit irritated at the fact that she spent money like she did all the time without a care and he was still worried about everything with their son, but they could work it out. He certainly wasn’t going to become like Chauncey or the other rich assholes he knew in town, but maybe he had been looking at it wrong. What was so bad with a little wealth here and there? He looked over at Greer while she was getting into her gown and walked up behind her leaning down to plant a kiss on her neck. Clearly she was struggling with the zipper and he helped her with it.

“Did you have a good lunch at the Crestwood, were you meeting someone there for an article or perhaps your father even? I feel like we’ve been in a good place lately and with the wedding coming up as soon after the little man is born I was hoping we could talk about your dad. He used you when you came to town Greer and I’ll never understand that or your bond with him but if we need to set boundaries with my family I want to do the same with your dad.” Brock said looking at her she was simply glowing and with the room set up down the hall for the nursery at his small house they had one set up at her condo as well, honestly he wanted her to move into his house and they could make it their home. It just made more sense than living downtown since that wasn’t where his firehouse was and it wasn’t like Greer couldn’t commute in if that is what they decided. “I just think having some parameters with him is needed, I don’t want him to influence how we raise our son to turn him into some weapon he can use in all the scheming. Visits are fine to start and my mom wanted to know if she could come stay for a week or two after the baby is here. I told her I would ask instead of just saying yes, she wants to help out here at the house.”

“Wait a minute.” Greer’s head turned swiftly, rubbing her belly as she placed her makeup brush down. “Listen I don’t question all the Fraiser traditions so I don’t expect you to understand my relationship with my father but you aren’t going to judge. In fact I suggest we change the subject because my father isn’t the one who is harassing us. Don’t forget your beloved aunt Lauren is constantly throwing insults and jabs at me. My father might not like you for me but he respects the fact that we are in love and will be a family so don’t worry about my father’s influence. Worry about the hypocritical people who keep trying to rip us apart like your sister Kelsey or your aunt or your brother all who hate me.” Picking up the blush she began to apply it to her cheeks as she looked at Brock in the mirror. “What makes me so annoyed is how everyone keeps saying he used me. I knew what I was doing and I’m not some damn docile flower. I don’t know if you’re used to the sweet girls whose father wouldn’t ask what mine did. But he did and I agreed it was my choice and I can tell you that if it wasn’t me it would have been another girl. So either way I did what I needed to do to get what we almost had. Which happened to be one of the biggest global conglomerates in the country.”

Standing up she winced slightly because she was feeling every bit of her nine months. “My father hasn’t shown you disrespect as your family has. The truth is that the Fraiser’s act like they are all nice and good salt of the earth people but they have been horrid to me. So please don’t pretend that my father and my choices make him the villain. My father will have a place in his grandson’s life. Now are done with this dreadful conversation? I’m trying to look my best. If you must know, I ran into Chauncey. I told him I want nothing to do with him and I also offered to leave Maddie alone. He begged me not to do that and I agreed. Would you like a play by play of my day at work? I do think we need to chat because I’m not going to be one of those barefoot and pregnant wives. I’m going to be a working woman. It’s just as important for our son to see me working as you. So with that being said I’ll be returning to my job because no offense I’m the breadwinner here. I make a multimillion dollar income and my paper and media empire is just as important for BJ’s future. I’m sorry we will always disagree with certain things but him having money won’t be one of them. My son is the heir and he will know it.”

Brock looked at her when she swiveled around in the chair almost like she was ready to fight with him over her father? Then she had to start in on his family versus her own like it was some competition he had stood up to his aunt, hell even Kelsey in a way. He honestly was beyond annoyed her father had pimped her out to various men. At least he could say no one in his family had ever gone that far. “I’m sorry but no you don’t get to just change the conversation or dictate how I feel about your father being around my son, no more than I do when your feelings towards my aunt are very valid. He did use you, he literally told you to go out and sleep with a string of men for power and money and sure you went along with it, that is your prerogative. Sorry that I don’t want our son used as some pawn in his sick ass game he wants to play with DGI. Want to know what no one in my family has ever done? Sold out one of their own or pimped out one of their own for money, power and revenge. Great example of love Greer. My aunt and my cousins have been horrible to you, but you haven’t been exactly welcoming any of them with open arms. I want to talk about this like adults, I’ve asked my family to take a major step back since the hospital they have. The least amount of respect that you could show me is a conversation about your father.” Brock finished looking at her again seeing the pure shock on her face that he didn’t back down.

“I didn’t need a play-by-play of your day. I was simply asking how it was and yet you automatically wanted to assume that I had some ulterior motive over it. I’m surprised that Chauncey was at the Crestwood and not actually doing any work or you know what maybe it doesn’t surprise me that much. Can’t say that I like that you are attached to his spoiled daughter or him still either but I’m not going to dictate who your friends are. Kelsey brought up something pretty interesting the other day at Zach’s wedding. Do you want to know what it was? Why do you always schedule appointments for the baby when I am working?” Brock said looking at her reaction wondering if there was something he should be worried about if she didn’t show it. He didn’t think that Kelsey was trying to be malicious when she had told him but it had got him thinking. He knew that Greer was spoiled, clearly she thought that money was above what he did that his career was so insignificant from hers but it would be a cold day in hell before she began to raise his son like that. “Fine so you want to return to work as soon as the baby comes you know who you are starting to sound like Max Devonshire word on the street is she’s walking all over that poor bloke she is with. My mom was offering her help if that is so you can run off back to the office instead of raising our son. I would prefer that we not over indulge him. Is that such a bad thing? That he actually has to earn things instead of having them handed to him?” Brock finished looking at her wondering if they were ever going to see eye to eye on any of it.

“I’m sorry that my upbringing is so problematic to you but by you saying that it’s as if my father will have some kind of control over me or how I choose to parent my child? That’s incorrect and I’ve stood up to my father plenty of times. The fact that you think that my father was my pimp is problematic and furthermore our relationship isn’t your business. But my son will have a relationship with his grandfather and I don’t think that this is up for discussion. This is how I feel and if you don’t agree well I don’t know what to tell you. Between Harvey and Pierre LeClerq they showed me more love and support than you will ever know. So don’t judge my family and evidently you do need a play by play because you constantly question me. You constantly ask why I’m doing this or that. I’m sick of the accusations and accusatory nature of everything you say to me. Maybe you were at the firestation? Maybe you were dealing with your crazy ass grandmother? Maybe you were just not available. If you want to attend an appointment then come but don’t try and make it like I’m doing something duplicitous just come. You know for someone so family oriented you haven’t been at my appointments.” Placing her eyebrow pencil down.

“You disapprove of my upbringing and you believe that my uncle spoiled me. You believe my father pimped me out. What else Brock because if Max is demanding a shred of dignity that we aren’t barefoot and pregnant. This isn’t the eighteen hundreds we don’t have babies and tend to the house. Just to not have a life of our own. It’s actually funny you keep trying to shame me for showing that I can raise my child and have a career. Are you insecure because my salary is more than yours or are you mad that I want him to have both? I want him to earn but should he be deprived because of your archaic thought process of raising a child?” Greer sneered as she got up. You want me to be your perfect little wife and that isn’t the truth. That isn’t me. I am going to do things you disagree with and I’m going to act accordingly. You know what I would prefer? For you to for once respect that I want to give my son everything you never had. In fact that’s not problematic either. To give him a easier life than either of ours isn’t that the point of being a damn parent.” Greer snapped as she rubbed her belly. That was it. Kelsey would have to learn a serious lesson. Picking up her phone she snickered knowing that Brock was about to blow a gasket. “Hello, this is Greer LeClerq. I would like to speak with David Rhodes about my personal information being leaked to my fiance. Not only that HIPPA might have been broke from a doctor.” Covering the phone she looked at Brock. “That’s too far now. She’s making it like I’m keeping you from the appointments. That’s enough.”

Brock refused to play this game with her anymore about who was worse when it came to her family or his and his entire body shook as she really called the damned hospital on his sister. He reached out, taking the phone out of her hands and disconnecting the call watching her fume at him over it. Kelsey could be nosey as hell most of the time but she would never break confidentiality like Greer was accusing her off, in fact his sister hadn’t. The only thing she had done was mention that Greer always seemed to go to her appointments on her own, nothing more or nothing less. He didn’t know a ton about HIPPA but his sister had never offered up any of Greer’s medical information or condition to him. “Clearly I need one because like always you go from one extreme to another. Apparently that is warrant enough for you to bring a pretty hefty accusation against my sister where she could literally lose her entire career. She never once brought up your personal or private medical information to me or anyone else. Kelsey brought up that I’m never there for the appointments and you always schedule them. Maybe I should be in charge of the next one. I’ve been busy at the firehouse and pulling shifts and then we had that huge wildfire that unfortunately I had to be on call for I get it that you think my job is beneath you but I do love it. Saving people and their homes.” Brock finished fuming at her not even caring if he was being unreasonable or not at this point. His sister and Greer needed to find middle ground. Greer threatening her job was clearly not going to help that.

“Let’s for a moment brush aside that your childhood was filled with a huge hole that was your father’s absence that you seemed to have replaced with your uncle who is the only decent one. All I am asking for is that if you want to impose ridiculous limits with my family, which I implemented with my aunt, that you could give me the same damned respect with your father seeing how he’s my son too. This isn’t even about your salary anymore, it’s about how vain you are, that my feelings here have never once mattered to you or you simply never take them into account.” Brock finished staring at her. This was so beyond money at this point, he had stepped up to his aunt, put his foot down and was respecting her wishes; the very least she could do was respect his wishes with her father. He honestly didn’t care where their son got his wealth at this point but if he was going off the idea that his son would learn to follow her lead he didn’t want any part of it. “I had a pretty good childhood, I worked hard and had good parents that guided me. My uncle is obviously an asshole but I was good. I didn’t need gifts or money thrown at me to achieve that. I had good influences that included my crazy grandmother as you so much like to call her.” Honestly he looked at Greer like she grew two heads with it. His grandmother was sick and suffered from dementia and they all helped taking turns with her care, she knew how important that woman was in his life.

“Maybe we should go to the casino separately.” Greer said completely understanding what she needed to do. She couldn’t do this anymore. He wasn’t this baby’s father and he was fighting with her about her past. His family attacked her and she attacked his family. Instead of pretending they weren’t so different it might be time to give up this farce. As she covered her mouth knowing that she was going to say something that she would regret. Her eyes began to burn with the sting of tears as she shook her head. She was becoming infuriated with the saint Fraiser’s and did her father do something wrong? Absolutely and maybe that’s why their relationship was so estranged. After all he did, he was her father and didn’t their father attack Zach for his sexuality? Hadn’t he judged and pushed Lucy until she ended up working for criminals? Her engagement ring sparkled and she wondered if she could keep all of it together. “I’m sorry about your grandmother, she is a lovely woman to be honest I just can’t right now. These limitations we keep putting on each other and I truly don’t think you see me. I can’t keep proving just because I want my son to have more he is going to be a bad person. Money doesn’t change people. It seems that tit for tat against each other is exhausting. I’m exhausted.” Greer said honestly as she looked at him raising her hands up unwilling to fight anymore.

“I’m so sick of this I can’t even get ready without a fight or argument. My father has always been welcoming to you and so manly for you to snatch a phone from me. You are really showing me what it’s like to be a Fraiser. It’s all about what you all want. Just leave me alone Brock please! I don’t supposed to be under stress and I don’t want to continue to deal with you or this. Just go!” She shrieked, shocking herself. Finally able to express what she wanted to for a while. “We were crazy to think this could work.” She got up and walked to the bathroom slamming the door. Pressing her back against it, how could she fix this mess? How could she continue to genuinely make one of the best men she knew the villain? Brock wasn’t wrong and she was shocked how forceful he was and it no doubt took him by shock. He looked so hurt and for the first time in a long time Greer knew this was cruel. She had been thinking about herself so much but Brock loved this child already and that was scary. If the truth came out he’d be embarrassed and heartbroken. Greer also was sick of being another persona and mask. She had done that with Chauncey, and here she was once again with a life shattering secret again. When does life truly begin if she was always wearing masks? Being anyone but herself? How would that help this little boy?

Facing a fact about her father wasn’t easy. He just wouldn’t do her right. She knew if he ever knew the truth about her son’s paternity he would be using it as a weapon. A part of her understood Brock’s worry and fear. Saying goodbye to her father meant no connection to who she was. Harvey was her uncle and as badly as he was a father figure not her daddy. One day Pierre and she would have to face what he did to her. How he used her and her beauty as a weapon. How he basically pushed her to do things no father should do with his own child. The pain of that might take her out. If she had to cut off her father. That wasn’t an option as she exhaled touching her belly. Then it all clicked. Maybe she needed to tell the truth. Chauncey would love this child and Brock needed to be free. This was horrible and she had made such a mess and honestly she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know how to fix it. She was just left knowing if she told the truth Chauncey would be livid. Brock would be devastated and she would be left with no one but her little baby and maybe not him either because Chauncey and Natasha would go for custody for sure. Maddie honestly flashed in her mind because she was depriving her of a sibling. “What am I going to do?” She whispered to herself. Walking to the bathroom counter Greer picked up her phone. She texted Chauncey informing she needed to see him. Placing her phone down she prayed her next moves were right. If she messed up. She could lose her beloved baby boy. “Never, nobody will ever take you from me, kid. God himself will have to fight me for you.”

Brock stood in the bedroom looking at the bathroom door wondering if she was right or not. Yes he’d taken the phone so she didn’t go off the rails and ruined his sister’s career but that clearly made him a monster in her eyes now. He probably could have handled it better but so could she and was that the Fraiser coming out in him it was pretty likely. His family was notoriously stubborn and that was unfortunately part of that was in him too he could work on it. He had wanted to say something to her and he even went as far as to knock on the door. “Greer. ” He said quietly, not sure what there was to say to her, he loved her and loved their child. In a perfect world there wouldn’t be his family against her or the feeling he had towards her father in the way. In a perfect world none of that would matter but he knew that reality was what they were in now. He wanted to be there for his son and he loved Greer but maybe she was right, maybe his aunt and his sister were right that Greer wanted an out from it. He wouldn’t lose his son, that was the only thing he knew for sure. He went to open the door only for his phone to ring and he looked down at the caller seeing it was the firehouse.

“Hey Benson, what do you need? I’m just getting ready to head out to the casino with Greer.” Brock said checking his watch there was no way that he was going to let Greer drive herself after her hospital scare she needed to take it easy. Ophelia had told them before she stepped back and as much as his sister was a pain in the ass about things she had said the same. “Matson was supposed to come in. I think I can cover for a bit. I’ll see you in half an hour tops.” Brock said while the information was relayed they were down at least two on the night shift at the station. Irene was with her mother at the hospital after she had taken a hard fall and wasn’t sure when she would get there. Meaning they were down a Lieutenant and he needed to go in until she could get there. He hung up the phone before knocking on the door again. “Greer, I need to head into the station. I’m sure that the car you ordered for us will come, don’t wait for me. I’ll meet you at the casino as soon as Irene is able to make it in. I promise we’ll work all this out.” Brock said he waited a few more seconds and when she didn’t respond he walked out the bedroom so he could make it into the shift. Knowing that deep down he and Greer needed to work out what they were going to do moving forward.


Sebastian stood proudly but slightly shocked at Max’s dress. He knew he’d hear a sermon from his mother. How the woman who carried their lineage shouldn’t be acting or dressing like that. He liked it. Max was always a risk taker and honestly he might have expected her to change too much. Instead of trying to push her into some sort of box he was going to let her decorate the Navarro Farm. She wasn’t going to be living in some country barn, she would update it, maybe to a Spanish villa in Atlas Falls? He figured he had to make it a challenge for Max instead of telling her but to challenge her into. It was a reverse psychology and Max was predictable and bucked against anyone telling her what she could and couldn’t do. Tonight was going shockingly well. Max was getting lot’s of praise and he loved to see her in her element. This was what she was meant to do. Build new developments for DGI to continue their sprawling empire. Soon she’d move onto her next project and she’d be all about that. “I have a surprise for you.” He whispered into her ear. As he pulled out his phone and showed her a picture of the farm.

“I’ve bought the land and as of today I have had people plowing the fields. Look, my family has some connections and my new vineyard is my own work. Our son will grow up on this and I want you to make it the most urbane farm in history. If you can after all, a farm that’s from the future. That’s something that nobody has ever seen before then it’s you what do you think.” Showing her the video of them starting the farm. “I want to name it after you Maximus Farms. What do you think?” Sliding his finger over to what he was thinking something super modern and so new that nobody yet had seen it. He looked at Max’s face and even though she’d been tough she was intrigued and he saw a glint of excitement. “What’s that? Are you excited? Interested? Mi Amor this is all yours.” Sebastian said, smiling wondering if he had intrigued her enough to be lady of Maximus Farms.

Max had made her way down the stairs at the house after leaving her mother speechless at her attire and beamed at Sebastian in the car ride over to the casino, in her element ignoring most everyone around her. Once they stepped out on the carpet to the gasps and looks she knew that she had made an impression that would never be forgotten eyes were on her where they belong and she almost laughed when Bliss had arrived all prim and proper and even Gia too. No the eyes were on her not on her sister and Hunter, not on Ronan and that atrocious woman he was with just her. She walked the room for a bit greeting various patrons around the casino while people explored and started to play the various games blackjack, the slots, craps and even poker. It was going to be a success. She suffered through shaking Walter’s hand more for show than anything and smiled as Sebastian rejoined her side. When he mentioned that he had a surprise for her she hoped it was jewelry or something to shower her with and watched the phone instead about the farm. It was cute if you had ever wanted to run a farm but she didn’t want that. The name was of course flattering but she wasn’t going to live there.

“It’s so quaint it will be perfect for the vineyard your office could be in the main house. You could change that awful looking stable into the bottling place. I’m sure when me and the baby come to visit to see the vineyard it will be up to our standards. Think of all the staff you could have running the place at the winery, you could even turn it into one like your sisters have back in Spain. You of course will need food there too.” Max said looking at him and seeing the slight disappointment on his face realizing he likely thought she was really going to live there she was most certainly not. She touched his shoulder taking a deep breath while she looked up at him. “I’m just not cut out for farm life and neither are you. Of course you can start a branch of Navarro Wines here and name the restaurant after me. It would likely sell well but live there? With all the dust and dirt? I’m content downtown near DGI at the penthouse. I don’t think we should just change that on a whim so close to the baby being born. Everything is all set up there for the nanny.” She finished seeing his sour look on her face and she nearly rolled her eyes at him eying his bitch of a mother looking at her with a horrified expression as she had finally spotted them across the room. “It’s lovely.” Max relented at the idea was sweet and romantic but she wasn’t living on a farm.

Sebastian felt instantly embarrassed he’d done something grand and here she was already just sticking her nose in the air. Max didn’t know everything about him or his family and he honestly just wanted peace. His family had bred a lot of dysfunction no matter what image his mother liked to portray. The truth was they had so many secrets buried in all the vineyards. He wasn’t who Max thought and he would hate for her to see a uglier side of him. “Max, you are just a damn brat. I’m so sick of it. I buy us a home to build a life in and you complain you aren’t living on a farm. I won’t be separated from my child so we have quite a dilemma because I will be living in my home and farm. You however won’t be living in that highrise because I just sold it to Belle. I sold your baby sister that penthouse because we have a family. Unfortunately Mi Amor you aren’t  her age anymore and furthermore it’s time for you to finally grow up. You are the eldest sister and I might have my issues with how Chauncey does your brothers from what you’ve said, but I expected you to be more. I think your father did as well.” He said knowing that would sting but at this point he just didn’t care.

“It’s like you are more petulant as the days grow longer. I love you a lot Max. In fact I think you look ravishing tonight. I don’t care how you dress, I don’t care how you talk to people, but I do care when you never take my emotions and my thoughts into consideration. You just say my first born is going to live where? No, he’s going to live on the farm Mi Amor and your ass is as well. Now I never have placed my foot down. I have never crossed lines with you about everything you have wanted and done. I’ve supported you. Now I am demanding this time you stand with me. I watched you get in bed with a mobster Max. Do you think GIa is normal? Ronan? Yet I stood back and let you make all of your choices. Now it’s my turn! Now it’s about us and not just you. Are we clear or is this going to be a problem? I’m tired of the spoiled heiress who’s behind there huh Max?”

Max looked at him shooting daggers. How dare he think he had a right to take the penthouse and sell it to Belle of all people that was DGI property that was her home. She doubted that Tess would give it back to her now though and it wasn’t like she was going to move out to the farm if he thought twisting her arm would make her he would have another thing coming. She’d be calling a realtor in the morning for the next best high rise condo she could afford; it wasn’t like he had the funds to match her own. “Seems to me that I need to call my realtor then to look for something that can accommodate everyone I am not living on a farm and you frankly can’t fucking force me to I’m not keeping you from the baby. Chauncey knows what he wants and he goes after it. My father knew that I studied under him and my eldest brother to make sure that the world runs on my terms no one else’s. Why is that so bad or hard to understand? Not everyone wants a picket fence with two and a half children that is your dream not mine. It’s for Bliss and Hunter it’s for my brother and Dani but me you knew that from the get go. I’ve never hidden that from you.” Max snapped back at him making sure to not raise her voice so the press had no idea of the argument at hand.

“Just like you took my thoughts and feelings into consideration when you took the penthouse and decided to hand it over to my British bitch of a half sister, I’ll be sure to send her a recommendation for a subpar decorator. Get into bed with Ronan? He was in bed with my father who happened to think that I could take this project to new heights. I don’t really have a choice to not work with him. As for Gia I’m fairly aware of her past seeing how she still has a thing for you. She kidnapped you and yet here she is because you refuse to cooperate with the police. Oh that’s right we wouldn’t want to upset your family back home.” Max said looking at him and then over at her mother who was now eying them across the room and she rolled her eyes she didn’t need another lecture. She was not going to stand there and play with him over this she knew his family ran drugs for Gia and if she had to guess there was more to the story but she hadn’t asked. “I guess it’s going to be a problem because my son is not going to live on the farm and touch dirt that is so far beneath his breeding it’s comical you thought I would ever agree to it. This is me, Sebastian, it is who I have always been.” Max said, taking a glass of champagne from the waiter and taking a sip while he glared at her and his mother began marching towards them.

Regina had arrived at the casino ten minutes early with her personal bodyguards of course making sure that she was safe upon arrival. You couldn’t be too careful and she wanted to see for herself. Maxamilla working with the man that had gotten her daughter killed all those years ago love was such a small thing that had forced her family to do what they were now. Even her husband knew when to leave the real family business to her and if her son was smart he would give up this pipe dream with the American and return to his roots in Spain to his legacy of taking over the business. His sister’s death had made him too soft, it should have broken her and she knew it broke her husband to the point that he passed she knew that was what caused the heart attack. She watched from her car as the guests began to arrive and made her way inside word would reach Ronan soon enough that she was there and if he was wise he’d call a meeting. Instead she had taken a glass of champagne and attempted a small  chat with Jackie and she wondered if the woman knew how mismatched their children were. When the crowd gasped a bit she turned and saw why, her future daughter in law and mother of her grandchild bearing basically her entire body for the entire crowd while pregnant. She could tell they were having an argument and beelined her way over to them, casting a glance at her son and ignoring Max completely.

“There you are, mijo it looks so perfect a man’s touch clearly came into the planning of the casino. Look at your suit so dignified looking, you remind me of your father. You are still the most handsome man in a room. I see you shopped, at bare it all Max did you consult with your brother’s nanny on it? Not surprising in the least I keep telling him and you.” Regina said the jab got her a glare from Max and maybe this time her son would know that she wasn’t right for him. What type of woman showed up to an event half naked was Max trying to compete with her brother’s trashy nanny from that Summit party? If so she was clearly on her way. “The venue is lovely, a little too gaudy for my tastes but not everyone has an eye for design. Maybe that is why the nursery was so good because Sebastian planned it and put all the effort into it. I meant to let you both know that I’ve decided to extend my trip Sebastian and you will need help at the farm while Seb makes sure the grapes are done right. You’ll want to rest after having the baby. I won’t be in the way I can stay in a guest room of course. Should you really be drinking this far along?” Regina said, seeing Max shaking the glass of champagne in her hand. Waving it off she turned to her son. “Your sister said she could handle things back home. You need my help this time.”

For once he appreciated his mother’s interference but he never knew how selfish the woman he loved was. To look at farming as beneath her because she grew up in the lap of luxury, but rustic life could be luxurious. Getting your milk directly from your very own cow? So many childhood memories were unlocked just by being on the dirt she looked down on. How his mother and father ran one of the biggest cartels in Europe. How his family were just if not more influential than the Devonshire’s. He had money just as much as Max and he was beginning to believe that Max wasn’t going to get it. He wasn’t like other men. He was going to be a part of his child and she wouldn’t be able to bulldoze him. He didn’t reveal his kidnapping because his mother would have caused an all out war with Ronan. She already hated him and the fact his psycho ex lover took him and almost took another one of her children. It would have been non stop bloodshed. One thing Max wouldn’t get until he revealed everything to her was that his family didn’t play and the future was in her womb. That meant his mother wouldn’t sleep until his son was away from her. Taming a literal shrew was hard but his mother was determined to free him of Max and that wasn’t good. Max was spinning herself in the dangers of the mob and didn’t know it.

“Right now Mami I don’t have the patience to think about home. I am trying to fix something with my fiance. Max my mother will be staying with us wherever we are. I’m not leaving you but I won’t be outside of my house for long. You have to work with me. You have given up nothing and I’m in another country, I am trying to build a life here because you are here. I thought I meant something more to you and I am demanding you put me in your line of view. I deserve as much as the father of your child as your fiance. I am the man that will always have your back and I’m the man that needs you to trust me. Let me show you something more but if you can’t follow then how can I lead you to more?” Sebastian asked with his eyes pleading for Max to show some consideration to at least try. Did she not love him enough or at least do that much for him? Did having a mansion, all the things in the world make her life better? Or did it put a spotlight on all of the shortcomings in life? Watching Max horror at Regina staying he didn’t care. “Wherever you are Max I’m here through the good and bad that’s what I meant when I proposed but I can’t have you always stomp and throw tantrums. I just poured my heart out and I guess selling to Belle wasn’t ideal but I wanted you to see that we can have a life. We can have a life on that farm. It doesn’t have to be what you are thinking. It’s just like every mansion, condo, highrise but you can’t get over you feeling like you’re in some self imposed exile from your precious high society of Atlas Falls. Aren’t you tired of everyone ripping you and your family apart? Don’t you ever want an iota of peace?” Seb let the silence of his words sink in as his chest heaved. After a tense minute he shook his head knowing that Max wasn’t trying to bend.

“I need a drink.” Sebastian turned around and stumbled into Ronan and Gia. The dreadful twosome looked like Mr. and Ms. Death walking. They smelled of blood and it was drenched all over their hands. That’s why he wanted the vineyards to stay out of the business even though they were born from the business. “Not you two? Well congratulations Ronan tonight is a success. Gia you are glowing and look radiant. Even though I know you are about to spawn Satan.” He said now refusing to leave his mother or Max’s side because this man and that woman were near either of them.

Regina looked at Max and then over at her son who clearly was wavering on Max and her future daughter in law looked horrified that she was staying. It was inconsequential to her that she needed to be here while her grandchild was born. She saw the opportunity arise the moment Sebastian said he needed a drink as she leaned into Max’s ear. “No eres apto para casarte con mi hijo y no me importa si estás embarazada. Mi nieto sera criado navarro.” Her eyes briefly caught her sons while Ronan and Gia approached and she saw Gia nearly go pale, recognizing her before she walked off into the crowd she’d meet with Ronan on her own terms for now it was not her time.

Max looked at Regina and stared daggers into her when she left she had thought that Brenda was the worst Regina was quickly closing in on that title with her. Brenda had always been at least not as blunt and if Sebastian’s mother knew her place she would be doing the same. She had gone her own way as well. Clearly she and Sebastian needed a break from each other for a few small moments. The last thing she needed was the press coming after her. Instead she looked at Ronan and Gia plastering on a smile when they finally approached them. “Ronan at least you kept up with the dress code for the evening. In all seriousness this casino needs to be successful for all our sakes does it not? You look nice, Gina.” Max said looking at them both and seeing Gia glare at her instead she placed a hand on her stomach feeling the baby kick.

Ronan knew that he needed to keep Gia close to him for now so he had on the car ride over making sure that he showed her affection even. The baby she was carrying was the only thing that mattered to him once he had his son Gia had better run for the hills. Or board a plane back to New York and her own territory if she ever set foot in Atlas Falls it would be the end of her. He’d make sure of it, do it himself if he had too. Once they’d arrived at the cameras and flashing lights he waved and smiled playing it up for the cameras. It was his big night out, well his and Max Devonshire but for him it was his night out to prove that he was just as much a part of Atlas Falls as she was that the Madden name wouldn’t be forever tied to crime and upheaval. Tonight was his way of crushing all of that and starting new and if the woman next to him knew herself she’d ignore Max’s jabs in order to achieve that. He saw Regina out of the corner of his eye on the way over and for a moment his entire body ran cold he hadn’t seen her in years. The agreement was that if she stayed overseas he would leave her side of things alone there. He could understand why she was here given Max’s condition; maybe she would keep the pact and leave after the baby was born. The last thing he needed was her in town as an enemy and he wished that Gia had simply left Sebastian alone now.

“Evening Max and Sebastian I do hope that we can all agree that we are here to make sure that tonight goes off without any extra flair or drama. This is after all about our joint business arrangement and everyone has worked so hard for this moment to come to fruition.” Ronan said, taking a sip of the champagne in his glass while he then twirled it it was of course only the best given who Max was. In truth he had imagined this moment with Lowell time and time again after Kendrick’s death on the car ride back to his estate after blackmailing Lowell into their bargain that had seemed to be a win, win for everyone. He needed to look around for a new right hand especially given how the woman next to him had her own very dangerous one. “Now shall we all continue inside and if we must keep it civil for the sake of the event?” He finished looking at Sebastian to agree and then over at Gia as well.

Sebastian’s face snarled as he looked at Ronan. Playing the gentleman which was bullshit. He knew that he was a monster and was always going to be a monster. He stole his sister from them and that wouldn’t be forgotten. A piece of him wanted to take his future by the reigns and use his family’s considerable power and obliterate the man before him. Much like Gia, he was a albatros slither tighter to choke the life out of anyone. “Have a nice night Ronan, I assure you that all is good here.” He lied through his teeth as he looked at Max. Wondering if Gia would cause a scene because she was damn good at doing that. His eyes also shifted to his mother. Growing up he never understood why men feared his mother. Why would his father shut up and become silent when she spoke. However, seeing Gia and Ronan finally understanding the gravity of who he was. He was Sebastian Navarro and son of Regina Navarro, Europe’s biggest drug queen-pin.

Picking up her hand he looked into his fiancee’s eyes. “Oh Ronan, I do want to tell you if your fiance ever gets out of hand again. I’ll be forced to use my considerable reach to influence a judge to lock her in the sanitarium she belongs to. Ravenous dogs like Gia definitely shouldn’t be let free, they should and will be reigned in.” Letting her know that he was referring to his illegal family business. ”Sadly I think you and I both know that Gia isn’t stable and her lapdog Hector is here no doubt. No two people are more suited than them. You think you are her mate? Her heart? She has none.” Sebastian said, looking directly at Gia showing no mercy in his verbal assault. “Mami, let’s go. Max you as well.” He honestly didn’t mind her around Ronan. It was Gia and all the drama she brought. Seb leaned in and whispered. “I’m asking you to take a risk with me. I’m asking you to pick me and understand that we can have a million houses. But this is the one I want to raise our child in for now. Nothing is forever and if we move out of that house so be it but taking the kid home let’s do it right Max.”


Mason had gotten ready for the opening at home while Zach was out on the shakeout for his shift, the text coming in while he did his tie. He had no idea why Jackson was being summoned to DGi along with either Dani, Chauncey or Natasha for a meeting with DGI, SandStar and BA Energy but he was going as legal representation. Until then he thought he’d venture out to the Nightingale and see how Max’s project had turned out with Ronan, Bliss and Hunter had helped too but to please Max he was going to support her too. It was extravagant and definitely had the touch of a Devonshire and he had to smile wondering if his godfather would approve or not of the ambiance that he was a part of. Gorgeous velvet and fabrics, gold ornate decorations in the walls, the lights of the slot machines he knew Lowell would approve he’d even be proud of Max just like he had been with Rory and RePlay, Chauncey over the years and he was proud of Jackson by naming him CEO. He hoped it would be the same for his father if he was alive, that he would be proud of him for marrying Zach and starting their life together. They just had a few more weeks and then Zach would go off to D.C. and then he’d break the news to Julian that he was giving his notice. He spotted Jamal in the crowd by one of the many bars alone and started to make his way to his brother.

Jamal deserved to have fun after everything he had been through first with Kendrick over a year ago and then Rachel dying, it had been such a shock. Then he had jumped head first into that relationship with Val who had done something horrible to him. He knew that his brother was young there was no denying that but to just not include him in the decision that didn’t sit right with him. He couldn’t imagine if he and Zach had found their surrogate and then one of them decided to end the pregnancy without even telling him. Looking at his brother he went ahead and ordered a gin and tonic before taking the glass and taking a long drink. “So it’s pretty awesome right? You remember that time that you and Rory went to Spring Break in Vegas and you had to call me to ask about that girl? Weren’t you out at the casinos and saw some dealer that you couldn’t stop looking at and her looking at you. Who are you looking for now?” He asked playfully, punching Jamal’s shoulder trying to see who his younger brother had his eyes on now.

Jamal placed his hands up to show his big brother he wasn’t going to be putting up a fight. Smirking, he felt an obvious connection to Belle Devonshire and why shouldn’t he? Shorty was banging. She literally convinced Rory to give them their blessing and was charming everyone in the room. “You really want to know bro?” He laughed while picking up his drink then taking a gulp. “I can’t stop looking at her. She is funny and charismatic. It’s crazy because I never looked at Max like she was a hottie. Maybe it’s because she was older and she was my big sister type I don’t know but Belle. Belle is special man and I think that it’s something there. I don’t know what that something is yet but trouble in the best way. Trouble that I can’t wait to get into and find more and more about her. She isn’t vapid as people think, in fact she’s deeper. She’s selfish but who isn’t in our world? I mean she’s a lot but I like all of it. She’s wild and unpredictable and I just like what’s happening. Ever since Val and Yasmine and Rachel I feel like my luck with women hasn’t been good but right now I think I just hit the jackpot.”

Folding his arms. “I still can’t believe that girl aborted my child. You know dad would have maybe not done what he did if he knew I was having a baby. I think about that a lot and I know I shouldn’t blame her. But I do and believe me I also know I shouldn’t hate her but I just feel like if things would have happened maybe my dad would still be here. Maybe he wouldn’t have taken his own life like a sucker.” He stared at Belle across the room. “She is the first time since dad’s death that I don’t feel like the world is ending and the oxygen is being sucked out of the room.” He finished his drink by placing the glass on the counter top of the marble bar. “I’m trying not to hate Val but I can’t help it. I feel like her selfishness helped kill my dad.”

Mason watched Jamal point to Belle and he had to do a double take that apparently Rory was cool with his brother and Belle. Maybe it was a start for them all that it could be a good thing ever since Selina and Chauncey’s non wedding. His sister still remained friends with Chauncey and they were all still a part of Madeline’s life but it wasn’t like they were close like they had been before. “I mean she is really pretty if you are into that sort of thing and yeah it would have been weird if you were casting glances at Max given the age difference between you two nevermind that she is Jackson’s twin. Now do I think she is vapid, maybe just a little bit she did come into town and cause quite the uproar with everyone and let’s just say it was a shock that she was Lowell’s daughter. I will concede that you have probably had the worst luck since everything with Yasmine and Rachel happened, Val was probably just icing on top of a mudslide.” Mason said wanting his little brother to know that he supported him and that it was okay for him to be moving on from everything that happened, especially everything with Val. “Yeah she should have told you. I don’t think that had anything to do with what happened with dad.” Mason said quietly, taking a sip of his drink.

He did mean that he didn’t think Val’s abortion had anything to do with what their father had done, they still had no answers to his suicide and none of them knew what he was struggling with, hell Ophelia didn’t even know. He had no idea if it was something so recent as the abortion how would his father even have known about it? Was it something in the past? They had no answers and maybe that was why his sister was chasing so hard, for him it had opened him up to the fact that everyone might need mental help now and then. “If you need help coming to terms with what Val did, maybe you should find a professional to talk to. I know maybe dad should have done that you know and there isn’t any shame in that no matter how macho we are supposed to be you know? Don’t buy into that toxic masculinity it caused me to hide in a damned closet for a decade and look at me out now and proudly married to the love of my life in Zach. We can’t control life Jamal and it’s too short to not take chances. Is that where you snuck off to at the wedding? To make some trouble with Belle? If you ever need advice I’m happy to help.” Mason finished slightly poking at his baby brother with a hint of teasing.

Jamal lowered his head and snickered. “Brother a gentleman never kisses and tells but I can say that I was enjoying Ms. Devonshire’s company.” As he wrapped his arms around his brother’s shoulder. “So since you are grilling me and telling me to see a shrink. Let me flip the script brother? When is my adorable nephew Kieran might be coming home? Or I keep hearing rumors from my momma that you and Zach are talking about adoption. So when am I going to be super uncle again because Maddie is too grown at this point to ever listen to her screw up uncle Jamal but a new kid might.” He laughed as he looked at Mason who had that just married glow all over him. “I don’t need to talk to anyone Mason though. I’m fine and I’m not dead. Whatever he was dealing with seemed to be bigger than me, mom, Selina and you and everybody else. He was selfish and I’m sorry if you don’t like to hear that but I’m pissed at him. I can’t say it to Selina because she still idolizes him, I can’t say it to mom because she’s heartbroken, and I couldn’t say it to you because you’re happy. I don’t want to bring you down.” Jamal said finally unleashing what had been pent up for months.

“His darkness, or if he was struggling mentally did he not think that we deserved more than him killing himself. We black, we don’t do that. I remember him saying that shit when that girl committed suicide at school. Then he went out like that? I’m so mad at him because I have so many questions and I’m so pissed right now. I’m so mad.” He said with his voice breaking. Jamal gulped down his drink as he bawled up his fist. “Like we were not enough for him to stay around? Did he not think about all the pieces we would have to pick up? However now I think that I might need to get mentally checked out because why would he kill himself? Huh? Nobody is saying everything and Selina’s playing investigator and it still hasn’t broached answers.” Jamal said infuriated at his father. “Y’all can miss him but I’m pissed at him.”

Mason smiled over at his brother. He was aware enough to know when to take a hint or two clearly Jamal had been with Belle at the wedding. Honestly he was happy with Zach and why shouldn’t he be? They were making plans to bring Kieran home as soon as they had a good lead, training for Zach in Virginia and then adopting that was what they wanted. Hell they and even discussed a surrogate he was pretty sure they had even been proactive about the genetics side with each of them donating to expand their family. “Right now we are looking for Kieran and as soon as a credible lead comes in Zach is on the first plane there to take him back. Scarlett can’t run forever as for expanding our family mom talks too much we’re thinking about it. Right now we’re just enjoying each other and the new phase that we are in being married and settling in. As for you and Belle honestly Jamal you deserve to be happy. Maybe Belle is that missing piece though she may even give you a run for your money in the trouble department. Just be careful is all I am saying.” Mason said lifting his drink to his lips and taking a sip he knew all too well how much happiness really mattered.

Mason didn’t know how to help Jamal see that sometimes life wasn’t fair and sometimes it didn’t make sense. Maybe it was because he felt that Jamal hadn’t really processed things yet. He wasn’t about ready to tell him to see a shrink or a therapist when it wasn’t right for him. “Selina is on a mystery hunt that is for sure maybe she’s onto something and maybe she’s processing whatever the case I’m going to let her process. She’s trying to find herself and her place after everything with Dimitri and truthfully I think she resents our mom, not Ophelia our mom and that’s deep for her given that she hasn’t been able to have a baby of her own. I don’t have her memories of that, you know, so for her it’s personal. You can be mad if you want Jamal no one is telling you not too. I know what it is like to bottle in all that resentment and anger. I did it for years when on the downlow from dad with Simon. Just because I am happy and married to Zach doesn’t mean that you ever can’t come to me or him about anything we’re family. I want you to know that you can always come to us and you don’t have to hide this thing with Belle either. I know they’re hard on her.” Mason finished looking at him and then looking over at Belle and Rory at the craps table again he couldn’t help but see Jamal smile watching her having a good time. “So is tonight your big coming out event with her then Val and the others in the rearview for now?”

Jamal listened to Mason about how he felt concerning his father. He was pissed at him and he couldn’t hide it any longer. He was mad he always told them if they needed help to get it. He was a proponent for mental health and that pissed him off actually. He preached a mighty good game but when the time came Tony punked out. He ended his life and whatever it was that broke him he didn’t get help. That hurt and infuriated him. Whatever haunted his father enough for him to commit suicide made him made him no longer the superhero. He was the supervillain and that was sad when you watch your hero turn into your villain. Thinking about being uncle Jamal was enough for him right now. As badly as he wanted to keep his father’s bloodline going it wasn’t his time and he knew that. It was hard because he understood the immense pressure that they were all under. They were the great Anthony Delacroix kids and even though he didn’t know if Val and his child would have stopped Tony. He did like to think about the alternative. “Well either of y’all could hurry up because I’m not having any children anytime soon. With that said yeah I’m done with Val and all the other ones. She’s a special one bro.” Jamal picked up his drink watching Aspen sprawl around the room looking stunning. He couldn’t help but notice Rory wasn’t paying attention to his fiance.

“Either way right now I think everyone is looking for happiness. That’s all I want for the Devonshire’s, Fraiser, and Delacroix family’s. We’ve been through hell and right now I know this Tess shit is looming and got everyone in flux but you and Simon are the most badass gay guys with degrees and skills I know. They’ve fucked up and they don’t know it. So get them bro and let’s toast to that.” He clicked his glass with his brother. Looking at his best friend and Belle who truly was the most stunning of the night. “Me and her are going to be good. I’m careful but she’s extra careful. Honestly she’s just letting me in and from the first time I saw her I was like damn. If she wasn’t Rory’s sister I would have jumped on it sooner but Val and all that. Either way Mason, I thank you bro.” He saw his brother’s confused expression. “Watching you follow your heart is showing me that we only got one life. We only got one chance at this shit. I guess with the Kendrick shit, Rachel, Val, Yasmine and now I got a chance at something fresh and new. This is good for me and I hope for her as well. My career is popping. Ivan is the first latino trap rapper and his next project might change hip-hop. Glory Road is killing it in the alt-pop scene, and I’m thinking of a R&B girl group soon. But she makes everything complete and I think you and Selina are showing me we all need a partner in life not crime.” In his mind Belle would and could be that for him.

Mason was content to be Jamal’s support or his wingman. If that is what his baby brother needed him to be he wanted him to just live his life and not worry about all the other things.He had no idea when or where he or Zach were going to meet with a surrogate or start the process and it was a lot to think about. Plus he also wanted to be sensitive to Selina too given all her struggles. “Listen when Zach and I decide to start the process you will be one of the first to know if not the first, we have some other things coming up that we want to take care of. Enjoy each other a bit and I want to expand my clients a bit.” Mason reassured him, taking a sip of his drink while he watched Jamal look across the room at Aspen Sinclair trying a bit too hard in his opinion to fit into the party as Rory’s fiance. Not his business in the least and it wasn’t his place to tell the youngest male Devonshire how to run his life for business. He looked at his watch making sure that he still had time to mingle a bit before the mystery meeting at DGI. He had a little while longer though he was still bummed that Zach was working tonight. “I’m happy for you if you are happy Jamal.”

“I think that is all Selina and I want is for you to be happy after everything that we have all been through this year and if me and Zach have inspired you that is amazing. If it was Selina and her relationship with Elliot even better, if Belle is that partner for you in the long run we’ll back you and support you one hundred percent all the way.” He said looking at his baby brother with a grin on his face, he wasn’t going to stand in the way of the relationship in the slightest. He sat his empty glass down at the bar when Jamal mentioned all the other plans that he had for the record label, Delacroix Records was going places meaning DGI would go places too, it was a win win. He sometimes thought that Lowell backing the label under the company was their grandfather just trying to keep Jamal out of trouble or maybe he saw a diamond in the rough. “The label was one of the smartest things that you ever pitched to Lowell and you and Rory deciding to go all in even more with the exclusive with RePlay proved that no one should count us out. Be proud of that because we are proud of you and I know dad was too. Listen, I gotta go talk to Chauncey before heading to a meeting at DGI that I think Natasha called. But I’ll catch you later. Love you bro.” Mason said leaning in and hugging his baby brother tightly hoping it was a comfort to Jamal before pulling back and smiling at him. “I’d go rescue Belle before she has to deal with Aspen if I was you.”


Chauncey had gone home after his run in with Greer to make sure Maddie was staying home for the evening, supervised of course with a security team and then made a few calls. He may have burned a few bridges at the hospital but he knew when he could also call in a few favors as well like when Greers first appointment was for her pregnancy. He learned two things from his former mistress at the front desk that she saw Ophelia a few weeks after their encounter, was now under Kelsey Fraiser’s care and no one had ever seen Brock at any appointment. If Brock was the father then why did he for all purposes seem so absent from her appointments, unless she wanted it that way meaning maybe she hadn’t just misspoke when he bumped into her. He had been thinking about it while he arranged his tie to look at his phone and the text that suddenly there was some emergency meeting at DGI involving DGI, SandStar and newcomer BA Energy, it was the evening of Max’s opening for the casino. Who in the world would call the meeting on his end, his brother certainly wouldn’t if anything Jackson loved Max. Tess could have easily called it and he knew that but why include some unknown new company and SandStar. Once he was satisfied with his tie he went out and met Natasha at the bottom of the stairs to head to the limo for the evening.

For a moment he was quiet on the ride over wondering just who he could get a hold of at the hospital to find out the truth. Greer seemed to not want to tell him the entire truth, why was Brock not going to her appointments with her? Either Brock was the biggest Fraiser to ever asshole or Greer wasn’t being truthful with either of them, he was starting to guess the latter. He made a mental note of all his hospital contacts that he could possibly bribe to get a DNA test done on the baby once it was born and came up with at least a handful. He looked over to Natasha for now he could play the devoted husband until he knew the truth and it wasn’t like Natasha had told him they had succeeded in that department with having a child. “So do you have any idea who exactly called this meeting at DGI? I thought things were going well between us but I was quite surprised when I got the text for it today in my notifications. I wasn’t even aware that SandStar did business with a company called BA Energy. You didn’t clear it with either me or the board. Unless you have people under you taking liberties like Noah perhaps?” Chauncey asked, looking pointedly as they arrived at the casino ready to face the press before heading  DGI for the meeting.

“Well under the circumstances I didn’t think I needed to clear it with the board or you. In fact the board will be quite pleased to hear exactly what I have to say and what BA Energy is about to do to DGI.” She snickered as she picked up the champagne flute as they drove toward the docks of Atlas Falls. A sketchy area indeed but the police presence made her feel safe. “Let’s just say tonight will be a night you will never forget and that’s a promise my dear husband.” Leaning back in the limo’s plush leather seats she felt like Queen of the world. Tonight she would get SandStar back and she would finally be done with Atlas Falls first family. Not many people could say they won over the Devonshire’s but she would be one of the few. As she looked at her husband she snickered. “You are nervous aren’t you Chauncey maybe you should have shown me more concern and Noah he’s always shown me the respect that I deserve. You think I’m dumb don’t you? Always around her and always in her face. She’s alluring and even pregnant you can’t stay away from Greer LeClerq soon to be Fraiser. You know your family’s fucking sworn enemies. I can’t with you. You are still whipped and I wanted a king not a pauper. I wanted someone who I could rule with but it’s clear the only thing that rules you is your penis.” Natasha huffed as she looked at him. “I’m bored now.”

Twisting the champagne flute between her fingers she saw him getting annoyed. “Am I always going to come second to you? If it isn’t Maddie it’s Greer or Selina or DGI or your family. I could honestly care not but tonight I finally will come first you’ll see. But let’s enjoy tonight beloved we are going to celebrate the casino and a new beginning. The new era of DGI and I hope to be there watching to blaze an entirely new path for not just you but DGI..” She could tell he was confused and knew that it wasn’t smart to keep toying with him. Natasha wasn’t going to stay around, she was going to grab the gold and get gone. The gold in her eyes was SandStar. “Look there’s the boat, I can’t wait to see the ship. But we won’t be staying long, we have a meeting, remember?” Natasha asked rhetorically. “Shall we this will be quite the evening.”

Chauncey looked at her sitting smug in that seat and if he hadn’t been thinking about Greer in that moment and that the child she was carrying could be his, he’d probably have asked the driver to go around the block a time or two. She was right he had thought with his dick more often than not but it wasn’t like he was out around town chasing down Greer they ran in the same circles. “Interesting that you seem to think that I’m chasing after Greer when we’ve bumped into each other at functions when you were whispering on the phone to your lovers first Anderson and you just gave yourself away with Noah. You seem to think that you have some sort of spell over me when I know your secret and I’ll use it if I have to show you just how much of a good friend I am to Greer. I bet you she is itching to bury you in the sand. The wife of Chauncey Devonshire’s baby was in fact Anderson Kincaid’s is such a brazen headline. What would SandStar investors think of that? Your precious Noah? Nevermind it would cost your very dear and precious Anderson any chance of election here or in the White House.” Chauncey said, taking a sip of his own champagne while his eyes met hers over the glass.

“Interesting that you seem to think that I’m such a terrible person that I’d actually pick you over my daughter? I wonder if this is how all the women that came into your life reacted when your father would bring them around. Maybe that is why you seem to want to fight with Madeline so much. I thought we could have a partnership together and it wouldn’t be one that you deemed as so traditionally rooted that you needed a man to put you first. The only thing I put first is myself, DGI and then Maddie and you’re not that dumb to think that changed when we said I do.” Chauncey said looking at her and then taking another sip of the champagne while he then looked out the window at their destination, it did look gorgeous his sister had outdone herself. Max was always ambitious and he admired that in her as his sister that she went after what she wanted, though he could tell she wasn’t happy with Seabastian someone like them could only pretend so much. He had come to realize over the last year that he was trying so blindly with Natasha to hide what he really was pretending to be this amazing and upstanding guy she wanted to poke the snake that he knew he was, she was going to get bit. “So this new path that you seem to think you have us on. I assume it is going to help DGI in the long run. What are you going to dangle in my brother’s face since right now he controls more than you do for SandStar? We should. We can talk on the way.” Chauncey said flashing her the fakest smile he could while the driver opened the door and they were bombarded on the red carpet by the press snapping their picture.

Natasha walked out of the limo and smiled as she walked the red carpet. The lights were blinded as she looked at Chauncey’s face. Instead of stopping the conversation she chose to make him just a drop more uncomfortable. As uncomfortable as she had been with his family who never showed her an iota of respect or concern. Except when she lost what they assumed was a Devonshire heir. “My precious Noah? Are you jealous of him? I mean it would serve you right. After all, I’ve created a perfect companion to you. Have I not? I stayed as loyal as we could be.” She said, looking at him. “And how loyal were you Chauncey? You keep questioning my place but have you stayed faithful to me? Also Chauncey you know what they say about assumptions you make an ass out of yourself. SandStar well being is my first priority and I think that’s been known for a long time since your brother stole my company. I only want what is rightfully mine. I find it ironic Jackson used my sexuality to get my family’s legacy and now you are all fighting for yours. Full circle right? Karma actually how I see it but funny SandStar thrives even bigger so I thank your brother for that but I think it’s time for me to take everything I want in my hands again.” Stepping away she began to spin on the carpet to take the attention off of them as a couple and all on her.

As she spun right into Max who didn’t look pleased as she smiled in her sister-in-law’s face. “Well this is grand Max, you should be proud. Tonight is a win for DGI and lord knows you all need a win with Tess looming. Although I think it would have been amazing if Lowell wasn’t so sexist and did put you or Bliss in power. I mean Bliss is the most stable out of all of you and yet Jackson got the power my husband deserved for his years of loyalty to DGI. I mean I’m sure Chauncey got other opportunities and yet he stayed. But my how the mighty have fallen. I fear for what’s next for your precious legacies and I will help in whatever way I can.” Including helping with their downfall. It was time the Devonshire’s felt how so many others had felt dealing with them, hopeless. The battle for the crown was devastating and hadn’t united them in fact it would be his faith in Jackson that would destroy DGI. “Oh there you are husband, I must have forgotten you.”

Chauncey had gone to get out of the car with Natasha only for her to go ahead of him and have her own moment on the carpet, he ignored the flashing of the cameras as he felt his phone vibrate taking it out to see a text from Greer. She always had impeccable timing when it came to them; perhaps what he had talked to her about earlier had hit a nerve, whatever the case the game Natasha was playing had begun to get on his everlasting nerve. The fact that she seemed to think that he was really going to send Madeline off to boarding school was ridiculous. THe partnership he thought this was going to be for both DGI and SandStar seemed to be off on the wrong foot every other turn and he honestly wondered if marriage was even worth it at this rate no that Natasha was boring in bed but even Selina had understood his need to be little more lax with those rules. It didn’t help matters that she seemed more hell bent on not owning up to her standards or end of the agreement. She had yet to actually get pregnant let alone give him his male heir that she had promised and he wasn’t about to admit that the child she lost was possibly Anderson Kincaid’s, his eyebrow raised at the mere mention of Noah.

“I’m just pointing out to my dear wife how does he feel knowing that Anderson had you, then I had you and you weren’t even sure who the baby actually belonged to. I saw how he looked at you at the wedding did you tell him that right before we walked down the isle I fucked your brains out? How you were quivering under my touch begging me.” Chauncey said leaning into her ear watching her reaction people said he was awful they had no idea how awful he could be in this case it was deserved. She wanted to play hardball or chicken with his family and the legacy that his father had left she could but Devonshire’s always came out on top. He’d screw her over if he had to in order to ensure that DGI didn’t flounder. If that meant joining Jackson with Dani he would. “Jackson is never just going to hand SandStar back to you and if you think he will after calling some surprise meeting to pitch that you are delusional. The sooner you realize that the better off this marriage and merger will be. So perhaps instead of attacking my dear sister on her night you would do well to remember that.” He bit out before turning to Max, leaning in hugging his sister and smiling. “The casino looks amazing, Max stunning really. Natasha is right, our star is rising and anyone standing in the way of that is an enemy at this point.”

Max wished she could have had a glass of champagne in her hand. If she did she would have tossed it into Natasha’s face at the sheer audacity she had to talk to her like that. Jackson was her brother, her twin brother did she understand her father’s decision not entirely but she also was never going to turn her back on her twin brother for the harpy in front of her. She also had to bite her tongue about the Bliss comment her sister was only so stable because she had come to town and wowed everyone. She noticed the tension between her brother and Natasha and almost laughed when Natasha wanted to talk about not being stable, she should look in the mirror. Yes Bliss and Hunter were stable, hell her brother and Dani were solid or at least she liked to think they were at the moment, her brother looked like he wanted to wring Natasha’s neck. She smiled politely for the cameras while they walked the carpet for a bit and hugged her big brother back. At least Chauncey knew tonight was about her and not about the little meeting that Natasha seemed to want to do on her big night.

‘Whatever could there be to possibly fear for Natasha? This casino as you can tell is going to do wonders for the business, it is afterall my big night even when you tried to sideswipe it from me. It’s cute that you think that we’re friends. I heard about your little spat with Madeline at the house. Funny I don’t ever remember my niece lashing out so violently at someone. My father knew what he was doing when he picked Jackson to be CEO.” Max said seeing Sebastian approaching them again hoping that he wasn’t going to bring up the farm for what felt like the hundredth time that evening, why couldn’t he focus on the casino and her achievement instead of wanting her to move to the country and what farm in the dirt? She saw Chauncey take a glass of champagne in front of the waiter as she moved some hair behind her face. “I do have to wonder why you’d ever think of calling a meeting so late tonight and right in the middle of my event nonetheless. A good sister in law would have waited till after my big moment because they know their damned place but then again you’ve always been a bit loose of a cannon. And I do mean that in more ways than one. Care to tell us all what the suspense about the meeting is that it couldn’t wait till tomorrow or Monday?” Max said, taking a sip of her water seeing the steam almost coming out of Natasha’s ears.

“Wouldn’t you like to know but you aren’t invited are you? Only the real VIPs, not the pretenders.” Natasha seethed as she slinked to the bar feeling like a feline ready to pounce. “Funny you weren’t there so you don’t know what that banshee did to me. If Chauncey was smart he’d send her off to military school or boarding school. I mean she is absolutely repugnant, disrespectful, and an incredibly vile human. With role models like your family I couldn’t expect that.” She said picking up a champagne flute from the waiter. “We shall not talk about who is the bigger whore between us Max when you were sniffing coke off one guy’s dick and you can suck mine. You aren’t invited and I won’t be telling you a damn thing but I will say your words were so wrong just now. One of your happy couples isn’t so happy. I have the tea and I’m going to spill all over Atlas Falls unless I get what I want. So tell me, are you excited to know fire I’m about to reign on all your heads.” She could feel Chauncey looming behind her. Natasha laid her head back on her husband biting her lip. “We all can play games but I’ve always been a winner and I claim this victory.”

“Watch yourself you little bitch that is my niece you are talking about and Maddie not a banshee, the only place she’ll be going is learning from me just like my father wanted her too. To go to college, get her business degree and eat bitches like you for breakfast. Then again from what I heard she already did that and put you in your place. As for the bigger whore I think Anderson is around somewhere, then again it seems Chauncey really doesn’t mind telling you all you need to know about his real feelings for you. I can’t wait till my twin puts you in your place again and Chauncey moves on.” Max seethed at her seeing Chauncey approach it was laughable that he was trying with this woman and she refrained from tossing the drink in her hand at Natasha ruining the makeup on her face and that dress that she was wearing. It was her night and she was not going to bend down to anyone and this woman really thought if she didn’t fall in like that they would rally around her over one of their own. “Nat was just telling me about the meeting, something about fire reigning down on all our heads. I thought you were smarter than that big brother.” Max said taking a sip of her now water since she had the champagne taken away earlier everyone wanted to take away her fun it seemed like.

Chauncey watched Natasha strut to the bar and waited a few moments checking his phone to see if Greer had texted him again and looking at the time. He was giving this a few more minutes tops and then they could head over to DGI. They would arrive a little early and perhaps he could get to the bottom of it. Something was clearly going on, then one of the reporters had to stop him while he eyed his pregnant sister and his wife arguing at the bar. He let Natasha lean on him while he had caught the tail end of the conversation about what Natasha was planning. “Interesting development that I am sure that Natasha can’t wait to fill me in on the car ride over to DGI. We both are delighted at the casino. It looks amazing doesn’t it, dear wife and tonight is about you. We really should get going to your meeting isn’t that right Natasha with traffic? I want to be the first ones there to make sure we are ahead of Jackson and Dani.” Chauncey said acting like the dutiful husband was the best he could do gripping her waist. As soon as he had a moment he was pulling his brother aside and asking him for help out of this SandStar mess if that meant making nice with Dani so be it, Natasha wasn’t fit to be his wife. “Besides I am sure we can all ride over after and Jackson will be so proud of you Max.”

“I can’t wait until you drop that baby. I’m going to rip your bad dye job out of your pretty little head you uptight little bitch. You want to be something so important but you are just tits and a bought degree. But I am a real business woman.” Natasha hissed as she broke away from Chauncey grip. Pointing her finger in Max’s face. “Watch yourself because just like that.” She snapped her fingers in Max’s face. “Things could change and you princess will be washed away. Be as forgetful as this vanity project to make you feel like you’ve done something when your father brokered the entire deal and you just decorated Max? You aren’t special and I do think you are just as toxic as your beloved big brother. You are vile as is that little girl you all think is so endearing but I will get the last laugh bitch.” Storming away from Max and Chauncey. “Fuck these cameras.” Purposely causing quite the scene as she stormed away slapping a camera out of a photographer’s hand. Seeing Chauncey, Sebastian, and Max all looking horrified. “Chauncey let’s go! I’m leaving!” Storming off the boat.

Stepping into the car she bit her lip as she pulled out her phone texting her silent partner. A whore was cheap and she played chess. For months she had Chauncey thinking about Noah, Anderson or another man. He was constantly drawn to that siren Greer and that was enough. He was so preoccupied with if her child was his that he never saw that she was working with her partner. Letting them know she had Chauncey and he was on his way. This night would be unforgettable. He acted so noble when something happened between Greer and Chauncey. She couldn’t put her finger on when and where and how but she felt it deep down. Call it a woman’s intuition but she felt it. She knew it.Tapping the partition Natasha called out to the driver. “Pull off in five minutes if he hasn’t arrived.” Staring at the Devonshire driver she saw his bewilderment and instant sadness. If he drove off Chauncey would fire him if he stayed she’d hang his neck. Sitting back folding her arms petulantly.

Chauncey watched the entire thing fuming at Natasha and then glancing at his sister while the camera’s snapped their pictures it was for sure looking like a story was brewing. A story that he was pretty sure that Max didn’t want a part of on her own night but he didn’t have time to wait for it or to talk to her about it at the very moment. He needed to get to the car, get to DGI and find a way out of whatever it was that Natasha was planning. Clearly it was something now at this point and he walked calmly to the waiting driver who opened the door. He looked over at Natasha as the door closed behind them and he took out his phone texting his brother that once at DGI he needed to speak to him. Who knew it would have taken Jackson coming to him about a problem with Dru and the woman next to him playing mind games for him and Jackson to actually talk the irony was not lost on him. “I think we are ready now, take us to DGI.” He said looking at the driver before looking coldly over at Natasha. “Quite the scene I did warn you Natasha you want it to be this way fine.” He finished because she wanted a war instead of him as an ally, he’d give her one.


Cassie looked out around the casino. It was fine if you liked Devonshire tastes she would have gone with a more modern aesthetic than old school Vegas glam but that was the difference she always looked to the future. Max had always been stuck in the past of living off her daddy’s coattails. Did Max even do anything on her own at this point even the casino had been handed to her from Lowell, at one point she was an unmatched rival and now it was just sad and pathetic. She swirled her glass of champagne in her hand remembering that she would have to find a way to get rid of it over the night not to cause suspicion just yet, she wanted to tell Thor on her own time not before she was ready. They could have a sit down and discuss their options. She most certainly wouldn’t parade around like Max was tonight and embarrass him there was a way to be classy that most certainly was not it. She waved at a few other patrons that were there wondering when her brother and father would be arriving. Surely they were as over the Devonshire’s as much as she was, they were hopefully arriving in style to make sure this blew up in Max’s face that was the only explanation. Walking by one of the fake palm trees she tipped a bit of her drink into it there, none the wiser. Turning around to one of the slot machines she almost jumped a bit only to smile instead when Thor was behind her.

“There you are, if we must make small talk tonight can it at least be with Hunter and Bliss and not with the atrocious other  Devonshire woman behind this monstrosity. Your brother too of course I want you and Ronan to have a good relationship now that you are officially out of the business. Though I think we can both agree that seeing Ronan for a moment alone and away from the woman that got you shot in Gia would be wise as well.” Cassie said, smoothing out a wrinkle on her dress while she placed a few chips into the slot machine in front of them pulling the handle down and watching it spin. The lights went off the colors blinking while it decided her fate and she had to frown a bit and even chuckle when it was a complete loss, but even she had to admit it was thrilling and fun, the rush of it all even if she had lost. “Now I would think with Ronan running the place and given who you are and everything he at least could have got us a discount and pointed us in the right direction for a payout.” She said placing her glass down on the space for the drinks while he saw Thor beaming at her like he had at brunch earlier in the day and she smiled at him coyly. “Maybe later there are rooms here. What?” She said her heart fluttered at him again when he just kept staring.

Thor looked at Cassie and knew he wasn’t tripping. She was glowing and it was all over her. He didn’t like to be weird but he knew her cycle. Hell he couldn’t get any for a week you know that time of the month. Well all last night, earlier in the day in the kitchen and a few other times. Now call him crazy but Cassie was sick lately, always eating unhealthy snacks, and seemed to be more tired than normal. He wasn’t dumb. At this point he was just waiting on her but she seemed determined to find the perfect moment or something. That wasn’t happening. Whenever it happened it would be perfect and he wasn’t afraid to ask the question. “I can’t stop looking at you Cassie. You are radiant and I can’t believe that you are mine.” He touched a strand of her hair leaning as he pulled her into his body he leaned down kissing her neck. “Cassie, is there something you have been hiding from me?” Thor said, smirking.

“Please don’t think this is strange but I happen to think you haven’t used a tampon this month. You haven’t bled because we’ve been fucking all month nonstop now you could be irregular but I just know your body and like clock work the third week in the month. I can’t dive into you each and every position I want. I have to wait and be patient and I just want you to tell me that your beautiful glow is because I’m about to be a father. That I’m about to be a man that picks you up and spins you around. That man that screams at the top of my lungs. Let me celebrate that tonight and you’ll never forget tonight.”

Cassie couldn’t help the flush that came into her cheeks when he started to talk about her body, most men probably wouldn’t even pay attention but in Thor’s case it had always been a bit different. Thor knew her in different ways; he was always attentive and for a moment she considered lying to him and or at least dragging it out. This was his brother’s big night and if she were to say something judging by the huge grin on his face at the mere prospect of it, he’d have a reaction that would for sure turn a few heads their way. She wasn’t going to object to that in the least the pure look of hatred on Max’s face alone would be worth it after the night that her longtime rival was having between Natasha storming out and what she could only assume was trouble with Sebastian Navarro on the rise well Max deserved everything she was receiving and more. Everyone else in town may have forgotten that Max had played a hand in shooting her brother and leaving him for dead or Hunter had done it she didn’t care. The fact was Max either pulled the trigger or she covered it up and had no consequences for her actions so if she was miserable for one night then for her that was all that mattered.

“Maybe there is and maybe there isn’t? The fact you have my timing down Thor is amazing in and of itself most men wouldn’t care or could even be bothered. I can barely be bothered or keep up with it but knowing that you do, it is quite the charm.” Cassie said looking at him while the machine beeped out an annoying ringing sound and it lit up, depositing what she assumed was an abysmal win amount underneath in the silver collection tray. She picked up the coins and put them back into the slot machine, turning it again while she let out a light squeal of delight and laughter over it all. She had been shocked at the pregnancy results not a hundred percent shocked of course they made love a lot and fucked a lot too plus her doctor had always let her know there was a chance, this time is was that slim chance. “I think you may be onto something and yes okay I wanted to tell you more in private but if you insist. Yes I’m pregnant or at least that is what the digital test I took a week or two ago says. I know it’s unexpected but you’re not in the business anymore and maybe that is the fresh start we needed. I want to figure this out with you.” Cassie finished still unsure about a lot of it. She wasn’t a hundred percent ready by any means but she wanted to figure it out.

Thor stood slightly shocked. He’d always wanted a child. He always wanted a family with Cassie especially. It was hard to believe that he felt all these emotions. Even though he’d left the life he’d always been a target, his profile was low but he was still an Luciano and Ronan’s brother. Those things along with Cassie’s lineage would make this child and the situation very tense. He however couldn’t help but love every moment of what was happening. He was ready unlike his big brother his eyes were wide open.Once he was done with the Devonshire’s he’d run all of Ronan’s legit legal businesses. That meant one thing that bitch Gia wouldn’t have a place at the table and he knew it. He knew she was a snake and felt it deep in his bones and whispers were true our friends from Florida weren’t happy. He however was ecstatic. “Girl or boy this child is ours and whatever you and I choose I’m beyond grateful to have you in my life and sharing this moment with. I’m scared and I’m also simply tickled that I could and possibly will be a father. This is what I’ve always wanted with you and if you are uncertain or now isn’t the right time I understand Cassie but I want you and this.” He spoke from his heart. If she chose to terminate the pregnancy that was her choice because it was her body. Would it hurt him, absolutely but he’d also knew they would have more opportunities.

“How about this we enjoy tonight and we figure out everything else after that. I want to celebrate with you and if that’s alright with you we can dance, laugh, and I’ll get tipsy with all the libations.” He clapped his hands as he looked at her. “You know I think it was that one time we were going hot and heavy and well I know I put it down so.” Thor laughed, feeling the intensity between them and seeing relief somehow washing over Cassie. Did she think he would make this choice for her or force her into being a mother? If that was something she couldn’t do right now he could understand it. Would it hurt yes, would they have to get over the possibility probably but it wasn’t a deal breaker. Even with children Cassie would be top priority. Children grow up and leave but his marriage and soulmate was forever and that he understood. “I love you Cassie and that’s enough and everything else we will figure out. Got that?” Raising her chin up to a soft kiss on the lips.

Cassie looked at him when he started talking about the baby. None of it was how she planned it, it wasn’t like she ever thought that she’d be here but she knew that deep down she wanted to be here. She wanted a baby with Thor and a family with him, after everything that they had been through over the years no one understood her like the man before her. Jon had never asked her to put her life or career on hold either and she couldn’t quite explain it, or maybe she could. She was never the top woman in Jon’s life. That was why she agreed to the plan with Thor when Skye came back, why she was jealous of Jon’s friendship with Dani, it was also why she lied to him about Miles too. Looking back their relationship was not built to last like hers with Thor had always been, she and Thor shared everything and didn’t hide secrets or lies from each other. Not to mention the man had left the only lifestyle he knew in the mafia for her well being and for them to start a life together, essentially losing a part of his relationship with his own brother for her. She and their unborn child would be grateful for that sacrifice and then on top of that he also went to work at DGI to spy for her.

“I love you too, since you insist I’ll be happy to let you indulge tonight for the both of us with all that booze that we know Max stuffed in here. Then you can take me home and then we can have a repeat performance of this morning. As for when it happened I’m pretty sure I recall a certain phone call.” Cassie said with a smile, she couldn’t help the laugh that came out at it all as well, the happiness within it. She was beyond happy at the moment and at peace with the fact she was having Thor’s baby and they would figure the rest out even if it meant sucking it up for tonight and Max of all people including her over zealous arrangements. “We’re having a baby!” Cassie said her voice rising enough to so that people around them could hear, the press would surely get wind of it and she smiled at Thor leaning in to kiss him as the cameras flashed taking their picture knowing that for a few moments the Montgomery’s also had a spotlight on the night of a Devonshire event.


Walter had dusted off his suit for the second time in a month for his nephews wedding and now to show city support for the casino. As mayor it wasn’t anything that he decided he would be against even if having Ronan Madden involved gave him major reservations about the entire thing. Regardless, it was done now and had employed people in the city and by all accounts looked like it was going to be a plus which was unfortunate as it was Ronan and Max Devonshire behind it. Did they really need another Devonshire business around the city? He even had to admit that it looked as regal and as rich as Lowell would have liked one could never say that they never had taste in the indulging experience. He shook hands with a few voters and members of city council while he walked around the room. The slot machines were already humming and in a few cases eleven ringing for the eager winners on the other end, he had even thought he had seen Lauren arrive alone. He had got Dani’s text a few days before but honestly thought it was best that he take a step back and discuss it with Braden when his son got home. Talking about Victoria or that night seemed too raw and a little too real for him, how had he been dumb enough to let Randall pull an entire interview out of him?

He was going to talk to Dani tonight about it given that she had found her mother and he wanted to know exactly what Randall had found out how rattled Lauren was. He may have been a lot of things but he did care about Lauren as his ex-wife and the mother of his children and that time had been traumatic for them both. Making his way towards the bar he had to do a slight double take when it came to seeing Dru there actually covered wasn’t she supposed to be watching the kids? He didn’t question it. Dani seemed to be uneasy about the idea of having a nanny and Lauren mentioned that something was going on at home with Dru, his daughter and Jackson. He raised his hand at the bartender while he looked over at Dru. “A double whiskey on the rocks Fraiser if you have it, it is the best. If not, I suppose something else will do and one for the lady.” He said turning his attention to Dru seeing her looking around the room wondering who she was looking for perhaps Ronan? “I see that you found a closet with actual clothes that cover your body this time. Care to tell me why you aren’t watching my grandchildren?”

“If the Versace dress came earlier I would have been just as naked.” Dru said tartly. As she looked at the phone. Jackson was literally too calm whatever was coming she would have to brace herself for whatever Pierre did with the tape. As she smiled at Walter. She refused to have a baby so if she was pregnant she didn’t give a damn. She couldn’t take that test. It made her feel sick just thinking about it. As she looked over as Walter questioned her and she rolled her eyes. “I think I’m about to be in the unemployment line.That’s fine I’ve done what I set out to do.” Where were Jackson and Dani? She needed to see them before whatever Pierre did was executed and she was going to get to decimate them personally. ”Why is any of this your business? You have multiple daughters in fact. Two dead and one living right? Why don’t you love Dani? I have heard her cries to Jackson and I can only imagine what would happen if your other daughters were alive. Do you think about your other dead daughters, Walter? While you’re over here bothering me. I don’t care about your opinion on my dress and I don’t think that’s what you want so spit it out. Or did I hit a little below the belt? Can’t handle anything I’m saying huh?” Dru took the drink and drank it down.

Her eyes glazed over to Brenda gliding through with her eldest son and his wife. They looked exquisite. Her mother was stunning and she knew that her words earlier were a haunting warning. She wasn’t going to be thrown out of town nor would she miss her chance to be a superstar. To be the Monica Lewinsky to Dani’s Hilary. To be the most powerful woman in America to be the catalyst to Jackson and the Devonshire’s losing everything. Just because Jackson married that bitch of a big sister Dani. It’s what they deserve and she wasn’t going to let her guard down or stop hounding and haunting Walter and Brenda. Soon they’d know why she was so mad and when everything was out she’d be a phenom. “So do you think about your and Brenda kid or the drowned one more? That sounds more harsh than I meant but I mean she did it’s no doubt right?” Dru said rhetorically looking at him. “She was lost, and she was in need of you. Hell maybe I needed a father like you. If you were around I might not have made so many of my choices. Dani doesn’t deserve a dad like you to me. Whatever it is, what it is. I hate she is gone because she would have never liked y’all pretentious sons of a bitches.”

Walter eyed her up and then down that was certainly quick and if he was honest a but unexpected that she would leave his daughter and Jackson in such a bind. Then again maybe there was something there that had caused such an abrupt change in employment. He had thought about the various reasons and had recently heard that rumor of something happening between Jackson and Dru. Had Dani’s temper finally decided to make an appearance? He was happy to make a call to his son to make sure his daughter came out ahead with a piece of DGI this time around. “I didn’t realize that things had gotten so bad for you with my daughter and her husband there surely had to be a good reason for your sudden departure. Dani’s not irrational and the twins can be quite the handful. You must have finally seen her very awful temper come out perhaps over those rumors about you and her husband.” Walter said looking at Kendall’s best friend and he narrowed his eyes at how nosy she was about his relationship with Dani. He’d been nothing but an upstanding and supportive father as of late if Dani was having a problem with that she needed to say something good or stop whining about it. “Why is it that you seem to think my relationship with Dani is any of your business to begin with?”

He took the whiskey to his lips Taking a sip of the liquid clearly it was not his brand and he cast a glare over at Max it was such a shame. The flavor was all wrong, it wasn’t smooth on the palette and the flavor profile was weak unfortunately and the casinos loss in his mind. He twirled the glass for a bit wondering who placed the order for the liquor if it was Lowell’s spoiled princess across the room or the one that was with Brenda’s son. “I actually think about them both quite often you’re treading on shaky ground again Dru perhaps Brenda was right about you the other day at the Rawlings how you seemed to have infiltrated yourself into my family and my business. You are not Kendall and I do not owe you anything, I think about her and Victoria the problem with it being they are both dead. I don’t dwell on the fact I never got to see a lot of their firsts or be around for them as they grew up. I did as best I could with Dani. That is between me and her little girl. The only pretentious one here is you at this point. I saw you and Zach get into it at his wedding, I found it fascinating. You’re a little young for my tastes so if you are trying to entice an older man to your bed. I suggest you simply find one of the current men sharing your bed. So what exactly did you come to town to do?” He said glaring at her and taking a long sip of the subpar whiskey in his hand.

Dru dug her nails into the palm or her hands to keep from screaming that she wasn’t Kendall. She was Kendall and she was disgusted that nobody saw it until now. The Fraiser clan prided themselves on knowing their bloodline and she was standing right there. Everything in her body wanted to hit him, scream at this man in front of her. She wasn’t going to just cower away. She was going to stay in the misery since he wanted a front row seat. He wanted to think about Kendall so he’d meet her soon enough. Something she couldn’t stop her happily homo cousin was like a dog with a bone and that meant one thing. She wasn’t long for this secret so playing this moment would be keen for her. “You don’t have to worry dad oops I mean Walter I don’t want you. Only old dick I do is a rich old dick. Got that?” Dru said knowing that would slice him later. “I love powerful men and The Fraiser’s you are all pathetic but your son-in-law. Oh that was a man. Ronan is a man, Zerick is a man, and so many others are men but you Fraiser’s I’d never waste my time. You want to know what I came to do, Walter, it’s to shake shit up. To make you all remember that you have hurt so many people and ruined lives and I am here to make all you old motherfuckers remember that. Lowell died before I could tell him that so telling you is just as good. You all played God with lives and people just are supposed to be alright with that?”

Dru looked at him, stepping closer as she shook her head. “You keep bragging about your family as if coming from you is special. I’m not going to be a part of this shitty family ever and I am so happy about it. You are a weak man because you ignored Brenda and pretended that she wasn’t pregnant. She threw away Kendall like trash to a backwood couple who scared her. She slept with older men to get money and live a lavish life because she knew she was destined for greatness and a car crash took her away. So I might not be Kendall but I loved her like a sister and you won’t and can’t get to dictate my connection and why I despise your family and your self righteous daughter. I don’t like you, I don’t like the Devonshire’s, I don’t like the Kincaid’s. I don’t like all of you sons of bitches who have hurt me over and over again.” Dru spilled as she looked at him disgusted. “I will never be your daughter Walter. You could never be strong enough to protect me, or love me. I’m too difficult and you will never get the chance or opportunity.”

Walter took a sip of his whiskey wondering what type of men that Dru was mentioning when she mentioned an old rich dick he supposed that could safely exclude him thank God and then he looked over at her when she mentioned his son in law. Whatever in the world was she hinting at that Jackson had apparently done something to Dani or with the nanny? Frankly he was disappointed if that was the case seeing how he had tried so hard to convince him at every turn that he was going to be a good husband to Dani and a father to his grandchildren, then again maybe the apple really didn’t fall that far from the tree where the Devonshire’s were concerned. “He was a man you say so something did happen between you and Jackson, it’s a damn shame he stooped so low after all his talk. My dear you couldn’t live up to warming my bed at this rate seeing how much you get around. From what I hear Zerick then Philip, you’ve walked yourself down to Ronan’s bed too and from your very own mouth my son in law. Having that type of a reputation in this town won’t get you anywhere with me. At least we can agree to that on both our ends.” Walter said snidely while he texted his son that he needed to speak to him, had what Dru said was true it would be easy at this point to convince Dani to leave Jackson.

“Once Dani finds out I would advise you to leave town quietly Dru she doesn’t take well to someone betraying her and seeing how she trusted you to close your legs and watch her children sleeping with her husband she’s going to come for you. Drag you down the street and back and it won’t matter to her that you were Kendall’s friend. Seeing how much she hates Brenda and what I did to her mother unless you haven’t been paying attention to that with her at all. What exactly is it that you want from me at this point Dru to embrace you as the daughter I never had?” Walter asked, annoyed with her. At this rate she always talked in riddles as if she had some claim over Kendall’s life or feelings because they were friends. He knew that Kendall had a less than ideal upbringing but that wasn’t his fault had he known he would have stepped up and now he had chosen to forgive Brenda for what she did. “I think you’re looking to fill her shoes by trying to fit into and weasel your way into my life. I have a daughter if you hadn’t noticed and she keeps me plenty busy and on my toes as far as drama and problems. I don’t need yours. What would you prefer I do to mourn Kendall till my dying days when I never got the chance to even meet her?” Walter finished looking at her and then across the room at Brenda who had just arrived.

“That’s exactly what you should be doing.” She seethed looking at him. Her eyes looked wild as she shook her head. “One day you’ll know everything and those words you speak well you’ll choke on them. One day you’ll see the truth but it’s too late now Walter. I wanted you to be a father to Kendall. I wanted you to want some revenge or anger about what Brenda did. You just are still like a lapdog to that bitch. Walter I hope everything you do crumbles and I hope you and your beloved chosen daughter Dani’s relationship continues to crack and fracture.” She rolled her eyes. “You think I’m scared of big bad Dani. She can’t even keep her dates correct. How could she possibly come for me?” Snickering at her handy work she knew she had done a number on her. “I mean it’s possible those Cumming genes are finally kicking in and she’ll be just as crazy as Lauren’s family. I mean that’s what you are truly scared of Dani being a fucking loon just like all of Lauren’s clan right? Or is it that you thought that Harvey LeClerq was her father? What makes you hate your daughter so much Walter?” She knew she had just hit a weak spot and she was going to twist the dagger even more.

“I mean Lauren was desperate to keep you back then. It’s funny to me how all I had to do was google and ask a few questions around town and boom. Everything I ever wanted to know about the salt of the fucking earth Fraiser’s came rolling out. So many secrets and so many scandals for you all to be so beloved. I mean Zach’s a flammer, Brock is marrying your daughter’s sworn enemy, Kelsey is a big fat lesbian, and Lucy is in the slammer. Dani married the most notorious coke head since Scarface and Braden is a DA burn out you guys are so special. As I said I don’t want your family nor will I ever be a part of it. Plus whatever Dani has to throw at me, I promise I can catch it. I’ve done enough damage for years to come and when all is said and done I will get away with it. So open or closed legs maybe she won’t be the only person carrying a Devonshire heir.” She seethed knowing the insinuation that she might be pregnant would make him go mad. Dru noticed Charles making his way closer to them. “Oh smarmy politicians aren’t my scene as you know so I’ll be leaving. Walter you had a chance but you never saw it and now. Atlas Falls will burn.”

Walter glared at her at the insinuation that he was supposed to be some sort of father figure to her or Kendall, Kendall was dead there was no changing that. Frankly it was a little disturbing to him that Dru felt the need to place herself into that position of course he had been angry at Brenda and Lowell of course but he knew if he didn’t accept what happened he’d never see Donovan and Jolene meaning he had accepted it. “I can’t very well be a father to Kendall when she is dead now can I and now you seem to think you’re entitled to live her life, you should go get your own. Instead of living in my dead daughter’s shadow. I have chosen to have a good relationship or at least try to have a relationship with Dani for the sake of my grandchildren. I think Dani can handle her own just fine.” Walter said looking at the woman in front of him of course Lauren’s side of the family had been a concern of his in the past and perhaps with the call Lauren had made to him about Dani’s behavior recently but it was just a concern. “I made plenty of mistakes with Dani when she was growing up so maybe I’m old and senile now or maybe I’m just showing repentance. Regardless I was stuck with her and maybe at one point I wished she had been Harvey’s but she’s not. I told Freya to get pregnant to keep Harvey away from Lauren. Did you know that?”

“You see I always played the long game with Lauren. I couldn’t have my happy ending with Brenda; she wasn’t going to get hers with Harvey. The look on her face when Dani was mine, the sadness on hers and Harvey’s serves her right now that I know that she and Lowell kept Kendall from me. You seem to think that you have some power and sway over my family when you are what again here in town? You’re not a Fraiser, Kincaid, Delacroix or Harrison. And you are most certainly not a Devonshire meaning you are a nobody in Atlas Falls, a nobody that sleeps around with so many men I’d have to move to two hands to count them all. My current son in law possibly included. Perhaps I’ll be proved right at the end that the apple didn’t fall that far from Lowell’s branch and you think what you’ve won?” Walter sneered glaring at her before taking another sip of the below bar whiskey in his glass. Who made this awful selection when theirs was right here in town? He looked at Charles and saw the mutual disgust towards Dru and nearly laughed again at her. In fact he didn’t hold back this time when he let out a chuckle at her when her eyes caught Charles. Did she really think Lex was going to chase after her? Judging by the expression on Charles’s face he was not impressed. “Oh you did think that something remarkable was going to happen with you either with Jackson or someone else. Once this entire mess is over Dani will be fine I assure you of that. You see she has someone to fall back on waiting in the wings and Charles has no problem removing you from the equation if needed.” Walter finished drowning his drink.

Dru eyes burned with tears as she nodded. “You’re right I’m not a Fraiser or a Kincaid.” She said, nodding her head and slightly gritting her teeth. “I’m so much more. I’m not afraid of Dani, or Charles or even you. I have something none of you have. I have had to fight for everything I ever wanted. That has made me more impressive than any of you. Remember this Walter and remember my words. All I ever wanted was what was mine. You belong to me and I belong to you. You just don’t know it. We are one in the same. You see the callous thing you did to Lauren, Freya, and Harvey. I’ve done the same thing. I didn’t see it before but you are every bit of a monster just like me. So show me your teeth Walter because when I’m done with your family and you nobody will forget me. I will be emblazoned on the streets of Atlas Falls. I’m not going to be thrown away. Maybe my mentor was right. I want to stay right here and watch everything burn. You’re going to regret how you spoke to me. I’m your… I’m your karma and you’ll see one day why until then tata.” Turning around she fixed his jacket and looked him in the eyes. “You will regret it.”

Dru placed her clutch underneath her arms storming off with all the strength she had. Today she would make them all know who she was and where she belonged.


Zach was in the van bored as hell. To be honest he wished he could be inside with Miranda and helping her. He felt off because she was saying she was alright but something in her voice was shaking him. Tapping his foot he was listening to Miranda interacting with a lot of Ronan’s team. When his cell phone chimed and he saw he had an email from Diego. For the first time he sat back and thought about the man that got away. Dante died because of him and Scarlett. Honestly he had never forgiven himself for letting her in Dante’s life. His fashion line was doing amazing under Val and his legacy was in good hands. No matter how the media played with her image because of her abortion he knew her. Tapping his foot he looked at the information and his heart dropped. So Diego had found out who was messing with Dani’s phone and it all happened from inside her very own house and The Pub. His lips curled in a fury. That bitch was inside of Dani’s house doing this to her. Then the final location that the app pinged from was Dru’s apartment. So there was no doubt in his mind. This bitch was his cousin and she was also the one who was messing with Dani. She would never be a part of his family after this. Everyone knew the rumors about the Cummings family. For her to even suggest that Dani was losing it. Zach’s mind instantly started racing as he began to think about all the bad that had happened to his family when Dru appeared. Braden lost his job, Lauren was spiraling, Dani was being haunted, and now it was all making sense. If she was Kendall then he froze. Greer kept saying it wasn’t her who revealed Braden’s indiscretions to the press, what if that bitch was telling the truth. What if it was Dru all along? She had a good person to place all this on. Jesus if they had to apologize to Greer LeClerq. Scrolling down he saw the DNA test results and nodded his head just as he thought. Dru Price was Kendall Richardson aka his fucking cousin who they all assumed was dead.

He knew that Devin and Jon would be arriving soon. He took his headset off and passed it to the rookie Rebecca. “Keep vigil and listen to every damn word. If you hear the safe words then come and get me instantly.” Stepping out the van he dialed up Mason. Hearing the music in the background he smiled wondering if he was enjoying himself. “Hey look I need a favor. If you see Jackson and Dani, hell anyone before me. Tell them to get the hell away from Dru. I don’t know what she has done or will do but she’s after the family and I just want you to stay back. Mason I’m serious we have proof she was trying to drive Dani crazy and if she would do that it’s no telling what else Dru is capable of.” Wondering what Mason was thinking. “I don’t know welcome to the Fraiser’s this is insane. Wait did we ever find out who told the press about Steven’s racist past? Shit what if she was behind that as well? The Kincaid’s haven’t recovered from that. I’m going to send Rebecca and our other rookie Nico in to arrest her. She committed fraud tampering with Dani’s phone.” Zach didn’t want to think about how he was going to tell the entire family.

Mason had been at home listening to ABBA’s Dancing Queen while he had put on his suit for the evening getting ready to head to this meeting at DGI to meet Zach on the Nightingale hopefully with Ronan and the rest behind bars. Meaning that everyone could move on with the chaos of the city behind bars, mainly Ronan and Gia, the gangs over in Scottswood would come afterwards and he could finally get rid of Ronan out of a DGI partnership. When the phone rang and he saw it was Zach’s number he smiled, he wanted to hear his husband’s voice so he didn’t have to think about Tess’s latest scheme for this last minute meeting that she called. He had no idea what in the hell she was up to but it was exhausting him already, why couldn’t she just roll with the flow and Lowell’s wishes and not cause the entire company to go into flux? Was it really that hard for her to play nice with Lowell’s children that she didn’t birth, instead she was out here calling a desperate meeting with Natasha over SandStar. He wasn’t even going to get started on Natasha, she had a controlling interest in her birthright, a board seat at DGI and Chauncey’s wife wasn’t that enough for her? Not that he thought Chauncey was the best husband his sister noped out of that but Natasha hadn’t been blind going into that.

He listened to Zach talk about Dru and he knew if he got there early he could warn Jackson that he needed to talk to him after the meeting, meaning their visit had produced results. They had to have sold proof about who Dru was and she could be out of his best friend’s life and Zach’s cousin, things could be normal again. “So she’s Brenda and Walter’s daughter, meaning you could ask for federal charges of fraud if she doesn’t back the fuck off, who in the hell takes their best friends identity over and comes to town to fuck with her half sister for God knows what reason, did she think that you guys would roll over and like welcome her into the family with wide open arms?” Mason asked into the phone he was pretty sure that Dru or Kendall was absolutely nuts to him. There had to be a better explanation for why she was doing what she was, wouldn’t it make more sense to want to be close to your family, it wasn’t like he thought Walter or Brenda wouldn’t have been salivating to know she was their daughter and alive. “I’m pretty sure once I tell them one of them is going to go straight to Dru you want to give your uncle a heads up or naw? How is the party going?” Mason asked finally.

“Terribly boring.” He confessed. “You know for a mob event there’s not much mobbing going on.” Zach said leaning back thinking about how much he’d rather be in Florida making love to his husband. “I can say this about Dru. She made a hell of a splash. Nobody will forget what she’s done. I assure you that our family will never take to her after this. She’s assured that nobody will forgive her and what makes matters worse is what else has she done? I mean has she attacked Braden? Her other siblings? I mean how far does this go? I honestly think it might be better to have Dru leave Atlas Falls and nobody knows the truth but the people who need to. If Dani finds out she’s going to kill that girl.” Shaking his head knowing his cousin’s wrath. How far had Dru gone to hurt Dani and the Fraiser family was his question. “I want to tell someone else but I don’t know who could handle this. If Lucy was around she’d kick her ass then push her out of Atlas Falls.”

He wondered if he was being more duplicitous than even Dru. To keep this type of secret would eat him alive but at the same time Dru’s secret could destroy his family. Having forever ripple effects. “Well you asked so we know she stole a lot of money from the O’Connor family and we know she’s basically in hiding. Everybody she is connected to has a direct connection to either Brooke or Dani. It’s clear she’s targeting her family. I just want to know why? She was the victim, do I think it would have been easy nope not at all. But we wouldn’t have hated her. God I know Jackson has to know but I almost want to bury this. Make it another secret lost to our city.” Zach confessed, lowering his head.

Mason had been making sure his hair was on point in the mirror as he listened to Zach talk about Dru and his mind was racing a million miles a minute. He wasn’t sure what to think, surely there had to have been a better way to handle things with Dru and the way she came to town opposed to the mass chaos she caused. Braden didn’t deserve to lose his job and almost lost his law license in the process and as much as he disliked Anderson at times, he grew up around Steven. His father broke bread with Steven, did he think that all of Steven’s children needed to pay for their father’s shady ass past, no. “I know it would be easier if you just hid this shit from your family or we could force her out of town, but he’s my best friend. Dani is your cousin. I think we’ll tell them.” Mason said Zach always wanted to protect his family and he got that in this case, it was past that had been since someone was messing with Dani’s phone. “If not, what if she does something worse than messing with Dani’s phone.”

He was a little disappointed that ever since he left Jamal at the party to head home for a quick shower and change before going to DGI that nothing exciting had happened, it was a casino with Ronan there. Not that he liked Ronan or Gia or that life but he had hoped that something would go down so that they were brought in off the streets and the police would finally get a win against him. Maybe he was being idealist at best but the streets would be safer if that were to happen, maybe if they cut off the head the violence would stop over in the Scottswood side. “Who knew that mobsters were so boring? I would have liked to think that with Miranda undercover you guys would have found something. Ronan is smart we all know that but eventually he will fall and when he does I was just hoping he wouldn’t drag the Devonshire name down with him. Lowell had to have been blackmailed or something to even agree with him to be a partner with the casino.” Mason said realizing that he was rambling and he let out a chuckle. “Plus the sooner he is behind bars the sooner you and I can really settle down and start our future.”

“Have our little girl and another little boy and Kieran. Man, I see the vision.” Zach said smiling as he balanced his phone on his ear and shoulder. Leaning back in the van he knew that his life was about to be full. His eyes were fixated on a picture Diego had given him of Kieran and Scarlett. They were his goals, possibly he could help Scarlett by getting her in some type of facility and deprogram Kieran from her toxicity. “I don’t know why Lowell went into business with Ronan and the world may never know now that he’s gone but I do know that man brings death. Death comes wherever Ronan Madden follows and now he’s with Gia “The Black Widow” Falcone. I’m convinced that we can get new evidence tonight and nail him finally.” With that Zach didn’t want to spend this conversation talking to Mason about Ronan. Looking at Devin staring at him nodding for them to enter the boat he knew it was time.

“Mason listens to me tell Dani she will know how to handle Dru. To be honest it is our family business to know what this woman has been up to. To be fair I believe every bad thing may be linked to Dru or Kendall or whatever her name is. She has done some unforgivable things but I have a feeling that we are barely cracking the surface. Either way I can’t wait for another night like we had in Florida. Well me not on the bottom again. I much prefer being on top if you know what I’m saying.” Seeing the SWAT team arrive he knew it was time. “Mase I have to go but I love you. Have a hot bath waiting because I get the feeling I’m going to need it after tonight.”  Zach said, placing his gun inside of the holster he then heard Mason on the other end tell him the same before the line went dead and he needed to focus on the mission and night ahead.


Simon had arrived at the opening making sure that everything was in order with Talia and the rest of the DGI team so that they could arrange the red carpet. Afterwards he would make sure to check in about the mystery meeting that Natasha had called at DGI, tonight seemed to want to pull him in two directions meaning it was all hands on deck for both. DGI didn’t need anymore damage to its image or any more drama but it seemed like tonight was going to try and pull them all into it again, if only he could remember where Lowell had hidden his actual will. There was no way in hell that the man he had worked for ever since college was going to turn his fucking empire over to Tess Blisston and he didn’t care if he had married the bitch before his death. There was no way nothing added up to that conclusion. Why have meetings scheduled with all the children? Why did he meet in secret with Jackson at DGI if he was going to hand it over to Tess. No one was buying what Tess was selling unless you were blind or stupid he wasn’t quite sure which yet, he needed to start to do something to trigger his memory from that day down the stairs. He took out his phone seeing a text from his brother mentioning hypnosis and almost rolled his eyes. Maybe he was onto something regardless; he began to make his way down the hallway to the restroom to take a leak he had too much caffeine earlier.

Everything at least for the casino was going as planned and he noted how empty the bathroom was, everyone would be out lining up for the speech that Max was going to give to open the casino. Meaning he had a few moments of peace before taking out his phone and texting Ivan he hated how they ended things even though he knew they both needed to for different reasons he still feared for Ivan’s safety. Maybe tonight he could talk to Jon or even Devin on his behalf and let them know that they needed to move fast to remove Hector front he equation how hard could it be he was likely here with Gia walking around wide open in the casino surely the man had to have an outstanding warrant or two they could use for the arrest. Walking to the urinals that were thankfully partitioned he went ahead and lowered  his zipper to relieve himself closing his eyes. He heard the door open behind him and assumed it was just some other patron at the casino doing their own business. He went to tuck everything back in to be shoved forward and pinned seeing the knife at his throat. “What the fuck!” He screamed out not sure who could hear him or not pretty sure it was Hector who had him there.

“Let me tell you a story blanco.” Hector whispered in his ear. “My brother is Ivan’s father. So growing up we watched our father beat the living fuck out of my mother. It was traumatizing. One day Alphonso stood up to my father and he beat him so badly that his entire body was in a cast. The doctor told him he’d never have kids but that lying bitch Francia had all these babies. I don’t believe that he’s my nephew but he wants me dead. He wants me to leave you alone but I can’t. Can I tell you another story? I always knew he was a maricon so I just had to be the first one to taste him. You see my brother couldn’t have children and Francia thought she got one over on us but we got to hurt her. Ivan is mine and just like Gia that’s my soulmate but I branded my hate all over Ivan and I’m going to continue to do it. So how do you want to die Blanco because you make him forget about all the bad things. I need him to remember, baby. Maybe I should taste you before you die.” Kissing Simon’s neck. “Nobody loves me but maybe before you die tonight you can satisfy my hunger.” He whispered in his ear.

‘You know what turns me on? Hurting men like you. Men who do depraved things like sucking cock and getting your assholes rimmed out. You make me sick Simon and I am going to make sure you understand why I’m the thing that goes bump in the night.” He unfastened Simon’s pants, yanking them down. Pressing the knife deeper into Simon’s throat his dick was so hard. He loved violence and sex. It was an enthralling combination and once you had both neither was the same after. “Did you like when my nephew fucked you. Tell me what you liked most Simon. You keep being the damsel but he told you. He warned you I was coming and I told you to back away from him. He’s mine and mine alone and you kept going so I’m going kill you tonight in this very bathroom and fuck your corpse as a victory that my nephew doesn’t get to be happy.” Hector seethed as he dry humped Simon from behind.

Simon was frozen in fear looking at the man behind him that was holding a knife to his neck against the wall, the music from the casino clearly drawing out any of what was going on inside the bathroom. Surely there had to be someone else that wanted to take a leak or relieve themselves after a few fucking drinks and a round or two at a damened machine. Instead this psychopath had pinned him against the wall to try and give him some sob story about how he was a child molestor and rapist that he was supposed to feel something for? Clearly he had underestimated Hector and that was his fault and his mind wandered to Ivan hoping that he was at least safe from the man behind him. He should have called the police as soon as he left Ivan at the studio the other day. Not all police were assholes and he was pretty sure that Jon or Devin, hell Zach if he even wanted to ask, would have helped him out with the situation with Ivan. They would have taken his claims with Hector seriously and gotten him off the streets and behind bars. Now though he was facing a knife to his neck and fear scratching into his chest while a party was taking place outside the door.

“If it’s so disgusting and depraved why the fuck are you so hard right now? You want to know what I think you crazy mother fucker? I think deep down you like men and preyed on little boys early on as an excuse for whatever sick thoughts you have in your own head. It doesn’t make you gay or a thug or a man. It makes you a child molester and rapist.” Simon said his voice wavering while he said it if no one else was ever going to call out the monster behind him he fucking would as he bled out or whatever else Hector had planned. He had to make it at least until someone came so if that meant talking this asshole’s ear off he would but he woudln’t be raped that was not happening he may not have been much of fighter but he did work out in the gym at least three times a week and knew how to throw a punch or scream. “Help!” Simon said screaming out again wrestling against Hector and his body pressed against him almost ready to vomit at the thought of it all.

Pushing the knife into his neck and using the tip of the blade he pricked his skin. As the blood trickled down Simon’s neck, Hector leaned in and licked it. “You are mine you faggot.” He whispered as he used his right forearm to press into his neck keeping Simon in place. Using the knife he started to slice the buttons off of Simon’s Tom Ford shirt. He could feel him trembling in his arms and the power he felt almost made him bust a nut from the thrill. “You keep talking like that, I’ll keep you alive so you can see all the fireworks. You know I did something crazy Simon. Too bad you aren’t going to be alive to witness the bomb going boom.” Getting to his belt, he used his left hand and began to unfasten it. With all his strength he slammed Simon into the wall. Then used the belt to begin whipping him with all his might. “You called me what? I made him a man! I made him a man! I’m going to show you, you fucking fairy! You think that you can talk to me.” Using all his might he kicked Simon’s in his ribs. Pushing him over he sat on Simon’s chest as he pushed the knife into his chest. “Should I carve my name or Ivan’s. Since you want to  be so submissive to him. Oh let’s make it juicy.” Hector sliced Simon’s chest with one swift move. Before he knew it he saw a boot coming at his face as he braced for impact he flew into a urinal hitting his head.

Ivan stood above his abuser and his eyes were glossed over in a rage. What had he done to Simon? Seeing his boyfriend or ex boyfriend trembling. Quickly picking up Simon he gripped him in his arms as he looked at him. Taking in the welts from being beaten with a belt, then the gash on his chest and his neck was bleeding as well. “Look at me are you alright did he do anything to you Simon? Did he hurt you? Simon, talk to me, are you alright?” Seeing him in shock he knew that he would have to shake his boyfriend out of it. He was his and they were in love and he was just ready to come out for the man before him. “Look at me he’s a monster and I tried to tell you. Look you have to believe me now right? You have to understand why I was scared to come out and this has to explain what my fear was right? I need you and I will never let him near you.” He pulled Simon into his arms again, hugging him tightly as he sniffled, beginning to crack himself. “I’m so sorry I brought him into your life, you don’t deserve any of this. You didn’t deserve me failing you. You aren’t a secret Simon, you are the love of my life. I will tell this entire boat. I will tell the world but I need to get you away from him. I need to find the police okay? I need him in jail for the rest of his life. So if what he did to you right now was attempted murder and rape. Okay we got him but I need you to come with me. I need to get you away from him.” Ivan opened his eyes to see Hector still laid out. “Simon.” He said, shaking him again. “Baby talk to me.”

Simon had been caught off guard when Hector slammed him into the wall and he rehit his head against the wall he barely had time to bring his arms up as the man started to beat him with the belt and he became disoriented at it. He eventually felt his legs give out as he sank to the floor and the lights began to turn into flashing as a buzz started in his ears. He barely could make out Hector’s shadow when he was rolled over and he felt him crushing down on his chest and he could barely make out Hector’s face as he was turning his head his vision going back into focus he remembered hitting his head at DGI and hsi memory being fuzzy how many times was that going to happen to him? What type of damned karma was that when it kept happening to him over and over again, he let out a groan at the searing pain only to have his hands come up when he realized Hector had taken out a knife and then he let out a searing scream when the blade connected with his shirt and then his chest, pretty sure it was  flesh wound but it stung and hurt and he was completely defenseless. There was so much going on when he felt Hector fly off his chest and his senses were so overloaded.

The lights burning into his eyes that were blurred with tears his body was aching, there was some sort of noise he could hear over the speakers he was pretty sure Ronana’s voice meant the ribbon cutting was happening. The ringing was starting to go down in his ears and his hands had gone to his chest and his neck while he felt Ivan holding him and his world started to come into focus again. Looking into Ivan’s eyes he was so overwhelmed he just nodded as the tears flooded out Hector was crazy there was no way around that, he now got the threat and knew that perhaps this time Ivan was right they had caught Hector. ‘No he didn’t rape me, I tried to get him off for a minute I thought no one would hear me. You’re right we need to go find Jon or Devin, hell Zach even someone while he is still on the floor. None of this is your fault.” Simon said the words stumbling out as he looked at Ivan, his hands shaking while he looked over at Hector’s crumpled body and they began to walk to the exit. In the doorway he heard the speeches still going on and he and Ivan began to make their way to someone, anyone for help to put some damned cuffs on Hector.


Everything was in order even if Max was slightly annoyed with Sebastian and his mother looking out at the casino which was packed at capacity gave her a sense of pride and joy, for a moment she wondered if her father would be proud of her or not. Looking over her shoulder she saw Ronan and Gia making her way to her at the podium, an inconvenience at best. One day she would buy him out once they turned a profit and he could go back to the alleys and the streets. She had no idea what her father had been thinking when he agreed to go in on the casino deal with him to begin with clearly he wasn’t in his right mind and had been misguided. She glanced over at Gia before wrinkling her nose at her dress, hers was much more gorgeous in her mind and truly showed off everything that she had. She couldn’t help but be gleeful at the way Gia sneered at her while Sebastian helped her towards the microphone and she nearly rolled her eyes at her sister and Hunter who seemed to be staring at her, likely judging her all over again.

“Good evening I would personally like to welcome you all to the Nightingale Casino opening over two years ago. My father had a vision for a casino that would bring people rich and poor together to enjoy the riches that he knew Atlas Falls could have. Granted I am sure they won’t all be at the biggest table in the house, we do have to have modicum of decency.” She paused just slightly the dig running throughout the room; not everyone could or should be a Devonshire, Delacroix, Kincaid or even a Montgomery and those that weren’t needed to learn their place. Which just so happened to include people in the room and the man standing next to her that she knew dealt drugs, guns and murdered people. Did he really think he was fooling anyone walking in here like a legitimate businessman with that awful woman by his side? “Until that time I suppose we will all have to settle for the mingling of the crowd gathering here for our maiden voyage on the lake and the river, eventually my father wanted an entire fleet of at least three to five boats. That of course can come with time if everyone here keeps coming back to support his dream which is now my own.”

She paused for the drama of it all touching her stomach for the photo opportunity that it presented to the press, she was on top of the world. She wouldn’t be stepping down anytime soon either no matter who told her she should. It meant that she and Sebastian needed to sit down and talk as well. She was content the way things were living together if he wasn’t then they needed a plan. “DGI is on the upswing given how successful tonight has been so far. I can already hear the ringing of the machines, the laughter of the crowd hopefully lining your pockets just a tad that you are willing to spend even more. It would be terribly rude of me if I were not to introduce you to the rest of my team that made this possible. Ronan Madden of Madden Enterprises, my sister Bliss and finally city planner and my ex-husband Hunter Kincaid. Without their work under my leadership we would not be here today. I would like them each to say a few words and then we will cut the ribbon to officially open the evening.” Max finished watching the look her sister and Hunter shot her before stepping back when Ronan approached the microphone.

Ronan watched around the casino after his run in with Brooke and Atticus earlier making sure that the woman by his side remained there he frankly needed to keep Gia close. So pretending that he was interested in her hell in love with her was the way he needed to play things, until he found a good solution. His problem was two fold: one she was carrying his child and two Hector was always lurking in the shadows. He had a solution to the pregnancy: his lawyer Braden was working on custody papers to be drawn up as soon as the baby was born. If needed he could hire out the job to get rid of Hector and then Gia would have no one in her corner to do her bidding. So he had to watch and wait till the time was right and now he had to pretend that Lowell’s spoiled rotten eldest daughter didn’t just trash him to the very people that were in the casino or talk down to their guests like gum on the bottom of her shoes. He put on a polite smile over it all, casting his eyes at Gia and her rage towards Max to not cause a scene. He then looked over at Bliss and Hunter who like himself were trying their best to make due of the situation. He adjusted his tie as he made his way to the podium before taking a breath and looking out at Brooke before speaking.

“I think we can all agree that our hostess for the evening is being quite gracious in her words towards the people of this city that are here to support a mutual dream that we have all shared. I want this casino to be the start of a fleet where the city can come together and enrich each other no matter where the people come from. In here it doesn’t matter where you came from or what you do, you’re an equal at our table. That was something that Lowell and I both understood and wanted.” Ronan said seeing Max crinkle her nose at the statement it was the truth  money was money no matter where it came from it was all the same color. It would feed through the business all the same to bring them profits and if he was lucky to launder his own money into the casino, a few would maybe even need a bookie when push came to shove and Max was too clean to actually take up that role. “Lowell and I started this plan a few years ago and went through so many hoops to get here with resistance from our very own governor and our late mayor Steven Kincaid. It wasn’t until Walter became mayor that things turned around and he agreed to push it through. Max took over and we were joined by her sister and Hunter. I want to thank them both for their time and devotion to the project. This could not have happened without them.” Ronan said moving to the side while he saw Bliss moving forward to say a few words while the press snapped a few photos.

Bliss had stood to the side with Hunter, watching first Max and then Ronan give their opening remarks with a well practiced smile plastered on her face. If all that time spent in Isla de Cruces had taught her anything it was how to smile through the pain. Listening to Max alienate half of the casino’s clientele was uncomfortable at best though which was worse, the speech or the dress that showed off all the goods? She leaned in to whisper to Hunter who had been spot on with his prediction about Max’s behavior. “She should have taken that modicum of decency with her when she went dress shopping.” She smiled through yet another dig at her and Hunter’s marriage. Honestly it was getting boring at this point and she felt bad for Sebastian. Did her sister ever spare a thought for this person she was building a life with? But what was even more eye roll worthy was Ronan’s campaign ad for Walter who certainly needed all the help he could get but this was not the place. Walter really had nothing to do with this casino and a sleight against the Kincaids wouldn’t earn him any goodwill from her. Not if her husband decided to pursue the political career they’d discussed. She’d made her move towards the front ready to hurry things along so she and Hunter could take off for their romantic evening at the Lodge. As she looked out over the crowd, she wished her father could’ve been here to see his vision come to life. He was certainly smiling down on them now.

“Thank you for your kind words, Ronan,” she said, wondering just how much money Ronan would be laundering through their coffers tonight as she moved to block Max as best she could. Fox loved to see pictures from these events and he didn’t need an anatomy lesson courtesy of Auntie Max. “And, Max. Thank you for… sharing so much of yourself with us tonight. Like my partners, I’m so pleased to welcome you and thrilled that you could all share in this remarkable accomplishment with us. This evening we not only celebrate our father’s great vision for a world class entertainment venue but also our amazing community. Without you all, we wouldn’t be opening our doors tonight. This casino is a testament to the spirit of innovation that defines our city and marks my family’s commitment to the kind of progress that will bring Atlas Falls to new heights. I’m so proud to be giving back to the community and the city through the creation of jobs and tax revenues that will go right back to our residents. As Ronan so graciously mentioned, we’re all saddened that Steven Kincaid left us before he could see our hard work come to fruition. When our own Brenda Kincaid stepped down and handed the election to Walter, he wisely supported the endeavor begun by the Kincaid’s to the benefit of our great city but it was our illustrious city planner, Hunter Kincaid, who truly brought that work home and paved the way to the promise of new Atlas Falls. Ladies and gentlemen, my amazing husband, Hunter,” Bliss said, holding her hand out towards him as he joined her.

Hunter had nodded his head in agreement when it came to everything with Max he had been shocked at her attire leaving her entire body for show and she was clearly proud of it as well. Poor Sebastian looked uncomfortable all evening and he wasn’t sure if it was her attire or more so her self centered attitude even in a speech that insulted most everyone in the room. He watched the crowd warm to Bliss when she started to speak and then watched his mother’s face too the pride that was there Anderson looked a little shocked. He had been thinking about running; he just didn’t expect tonight to be the  start of his political campaign or the testing of those waters. Max looked furious as Sebastian was tightly holding onto her while he took the stage to a room of clapping and acceptance. Not a bad start by any means it showed people that he and Bliss cared that the Kincaid name was still worth something in Atlas Falls as well. His father’s legacy could live on. Anderson had abandoned them for the bigger and brighter stage and he wanted to help the city he loved. It didn’t hurt to have the Devonshire name behind that endorsement either. Once at the podium he leaned down to kiss Bliss on the lips letting the camera capture the moment before knowing that his speech needed to be short, simple and to the point to plant those seeds.

“As much as I would love to take full credit for this glorious casino that we are inside today, the real heroes that should get the credit are the visionaries and the workers. I simply made sure everything was up to code and worked tirelessly with our current mayor, governor and of course DGI to make sure everything was followed correctly. The real work was the people that worked with their bare hands to build this enormous boat, hard working people of Atlas Falls many of which are in this very room today.” Hunter said he kept his eyes on the crowd making sure he saw what he wanted to in their eyes: hope, acceptance, sparks exactly what he wanted. He would need a good campaign manager and if there was any justice in the world Walter would be so bored of the job he’d move on he was pretty sure the only reason he ran was to stick it to his father who was now dead. Besides now that his mother and Walter were together maybe she could convince him to step down. “Tonight is about their accomplishments and their achievements and I am sure that is what Max meant, pregnancy hormones likely made her misspeak.” Hunter finished, garnering a few chuckles while he stepped back and Max made her way back up to the podium.

Max finally felt Sebastian release her while she glared out over the crowd cutting daggers at her sister and Hunter on the way back up, she knew what they had done. Hijacked her evening to promote Hunter’s political career, she didn’t even know he liked politics. Regardless, maybe it would teach them both a lesson that the glass house they liked to live in could shatter. Especially if the press got wind of her sister’s dark past with Dimitri and Hunter’s father being part of the KKK well she was glad it wasn’t her in the wife of political candidate shoes. Looking out over the crowd she smiled not even bothering to cast a glance at her sister and Hunter. “I think we’ve all done enough talking for the evening. We are all happy to be here and we are ready to officially open.” Max finished the cue coming at the end for the scissors to be brought out while she grabbed them walking to the ribbon to open up the blackjack and poker area.

Miranda had been in the back of the crowd; she’d eventually take her spot on the floor. The problem right now was she didn’t have eyes on Hector. She knew that the rest of the team were inside the casino but it was so crowded and the lights were so bright she couldn’t see where Hector was in the crowd. She moved her way up wanting to roll her eyes everytime Max opened her mouth and then Bliss along with Hunter, didn’t they care that they were on stage with a psychopath in Gia? Of course not the elite never really cared about right or wrong as long as it didn’t affect them, she strained up on her tiptoes trying to see over the man in front of her. “Zach I don’t see him anywhere I lost sight.” She said quietly into her coms microphone.

Zach was watching Hector he had been since Ivan and Simon rushed out of that bathroom. He had been following the man since he entered the boat. Now it was moving and he saw him fiddling with something in his pocket. He informed Simon and Ivan to get to one of the rooms on board and not to leave. If he found them he’d try to kill them. they would end at least one person in the mob. As he moved purposefully knowing if he lost Hector it wouldn’t be good. Something that Simon said that Hector mentioned earlier in the night. That he was going to make things explode. If there was a bomb on the boat and reading the docile on Hector he knew he was a bomb expert. He’d been trained as a child soldier. Rushing through he saw Gia, Ronan, Max, Bliss, and Hunter all on stage. He watched him signal Gia and his face grew grim as he saw a trigger in his hand.

Hector was standing at the top of the bow of the boat. Smiling at the faggot cop following him he winked at Zach and pressed the trigger as he watched small explosions starting to echo throughout the ship. Seeing the ship begin to crumble and it began to shatter as bodies started to fly all around the room as the ship began to fill with water as an explosion after shock blew him back down. Bombs were going off all around the boat. Nothing too big but big enough to cause so many people’s lives to be over. The bodies and the death that he was doing at this moment was bigger than anything he had ever done.  Hector saw Zach racing for him and instantly picked up a piece of shrapnel and although he was dizzy and slightly dazed he was ready to fight. He instantly saw Zach collapsing on the bow.. He smirked as he slowly started to make his way back to Gia. He had to find Gia and Max because tonight he cemented his place in Gia’s life.

Zach was so close to Hector. Touching his stomach he saw blood gushing from his wound. Fuck he needed a doctor. Pressing his head set he called out but the signal was jammed. He couldn’t breathe and all he could do was think of Mason and his parents at the moment. He wanted his dad and mom to be proud of him. He wanted to find his son. He wanted his husband but the air was seeping as he began to gasp for air. He saw Miranda looking at him as she was trying to get to him. He saw the explosions still going off and shook his head, Miranda was trying to get to him. He couldn’t let her continue towards him. “Miranda! Stay back I swear to God stay back we don’t know how many explosions are next. Go help the people I’m going to be alright.” He said smiling as he felt the ground collapse underneath him. He fell down an entire floor feeling his body crumple against the ruble. Debris falling and pummeling on his body Zach screamed out as he felt everything going black. The air left his body and he knew that he might not get out of this one. “Miranda.” He mumbled as blood curdled out the corners of his mouth. Knowing she was coming. He didn’t want to die but the bombs and the carnage around him. “Mason.” He mumbled looking up at the fire and falling pieces of the metal and the ship.