1×24 “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang”

1×24 “Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang”
Written by: Chris Coleman and Kelly Zollo

Selina was wearing a off-white pantsuit that fit her better than anything else in her closet. Today she was sure that Cadamus was on the agenda. The leak about the military documents made her chest feel heavy. How did all of that get out to the press? No doubt in her mind that DGI had a mole and they were trying to destroy them. Picking up her briefcase Selina knew that she didn’t make that deal. Not only that but Cadamus implicated DGI into gun trading with active terrorist organizations. This could be treason and she knew Lowell wouldn’t take this lightly. They would have to step in front of the bullet and figure out who or what was causing all these leaks. Slowly walking into Lowell’s office she saw Chauncey sitting with them.

Taking a seat across from her ex-fiance she felt a weird sense of amusement on the entire situation. This however wasn’t a game her name was on the documents. She could get into serious trouble. As she looked at her boss and Chauncey she spoke from her heart. “I’ve spent my entire adult life at DGI. I would never risk something so stupidly as in sending guns to Afghanistan or anywhere in the middle east. I’m sure that I never signed off on this and I apologies for any of this happening. I have a few things we can do to step in front of this and make it look like a simple accident.”

Lowell looked up at Chauncey who he’d been questioning for hours on how this information got into public hands? As he read of the documents Selina had been the one who signed off on the deal. This wasn’t a good for the company let alone Chauncey. This was his deal and now it was looking like this deal would ruin DGI reputation in the global market. “I want to know how this happened Selina and Chauncey. I want to know how you two let this leak to the media and do you know what this means?” He said looking at them. “It’s one of you two. You both understand why you’re here. It’s either Chauncey or you Selina. I don’t want to lose either of you but I’m sorry to say Selina my son stays.”

Selina sat silent for a moment seeing the satisfaction on Chauncey face. How did this happen? Well your son was irresponsible and he possibly was selling weapons to America’s rivals unbeknownst to him. Biting her lip she looked at Lowell and then her ex. “I have put my entire life into DGI. Do you understand that? I have worked for you my entire adult life and I have done exemplary work. I have brought you millions in deals and my work isn’t to be trifled with. Not to say fire him or I but today I’m saying I didn’t do this.” Selina eyes started to water out of shock. “Look I know I hurt you Chauncey and I know I disappointed you all by marrying Braden. I’m still loyal to DGI and I love this company and everything I do. Please don’t do this to me.”

Lowell lowered his head knowing Selina was correct she was a shark. He loved her for being a fierce executive. Chauncey and she were a unstoppable team at one point. As he said it was Selina or Chauncey and he wouldn’t fire his son. He couldn’t when he was sick himself. He needed to see if Chauncey, Jackson, Max, Bliss, or Rory was ready to stand as CEO of billions dollars and tons of people. “Listen Selina I will get you a job wherever you want. I just can’t have you here. I’ll protect you and Chauncey from the law because this could get nasty. I just can’t have you here.”

“Chauncey say something.” Selina said looking at him. “I know I hurt you but if it’s any condolences my marriage is in shambles. I’m unhappy and I’m regretting my choices that’s punishment enough please.”

Chauncey had been in since his father called him of course he had hoped his father’s attention would be on the bigger problem the fuck up in the news. Instead it was on the Cadamus deal, of course he had made a business contact and sold the weapons under his father’s nose. He had of course denied all part of that to his father’s face and then when he saw the papers with Selina’s name he knew she was the scapegoat whoever had changed the papers and leaked them well had just saved him all the work. He looked at her broken before them both miserable with Braden he couldn’t help the smirk and smug satisfaction that was written on his face. He leaned back in his chair knowing he was secure at DGI his father would never oust his own flesh and blood from the company today proved that.

“I can’t really say anything other than I am shocked you did this after all how did your signature get on the papers? Perhaps if you had chosen wiser when you left me to marry Braden on our wedding day this would be easier to brush under and perhaps you could stay, but you made those choices.” Chauncey said looking at his father before looking back at Selina had they been married his father could have likely kept her on at the company but now she was an appendage with a bad deal. A deal that would no doubt open up investigations into other deals they had done, bad press and well someone had to go down for that. “You don’t have the name to stay on here unfortunately that is the situation now isn’t it father? Had you of married me and taken on the Devonshire name perhaps we could blame this on someone else.”

Selina stood up as she looked at him and Lowell as she leaned in and slapped Chauncey. “I’ve been wanting to do that forever. If I’m leaving I assure you I’m going to stand up again. Do you both want me as a enemy? I will do everything to take on you my beloved Godfather.” She hissed as she picked up her purse. It was nothing else to talk about she’d seen plenty of people fired from DGI. Lowell would give her time to clean her office out then she’d be escorted out the building. The feeling of years of her youth that she gave this company? Folding her arms she shook in fury how could he? How could they just dismiss her? Clearing her throat she exhaled knowing that Chauncey was enjoying every moment of this. “I’m going to come for you with gun blazing Lowell know that.”

With that Selina stormed out of the office as she brushed past Talia and Simon. They couldn’t look her in the eyes at that moment they knew what had occurred. Biting down on her lip she walked to her old office. They had already removed her name and she saw all her things boxed up. Her lip quivering she walked to the phone and dialed for security to come get her belongings. Years of memories packed up as she touched the box her eyes watered as she grabbed a paper weight and threw it at the crystal sculpture in her office. Her chest heaved as she looked at the shattered glass all over. “Go to hell!” She screamed as her chest tightened swiftly walking out of the office.

Lowell heard the glass breaking and jumped up as he looked at Chauncey. Swiftly moving out of his office also passing Talia and Simon. He saw Selina storming out of her office. When he walked to the door he saw his Meng crystal sculpture in pieces. A piece of him felt like they deserved it. Selina could be being framed but at this moment the stock could crash and DGI couldn’t afford it. He wanted her back one day but hearing her swear revenge well that wasn’t going to due. He’d talk to Tony maybe he could smooth things over. As he looked at his eldest following him down the hall.

“We just lost one of our sharpest minds. I want a list of qualified candidates on my desk by tomorrow. Since you have no clue how this happened you are responsible for find a new executive understood? I have no more time to babysit you Chauncey any of you fuckers!” Lowell screamed at his son. “God you all just take from me and your mother can’t any of you stand alone.” He said incredulously as he thought about what Simon told him about Max, Bliss, and Hunter. The shit they were in was beyond his very own comprehension. They had shot and covered up Philip Montgomery being shot. Chauncey and Selina had sold weapons to God knows who. Rory was madly in love with a stripper and drug dealer. Jackson had just gotten his pregnant fiance kidnapped. “I’m old and when I die what are you all going to do? Huh? When the likes of Forbes Montgomery and every other bottom feeders arrive to take what is your legacy. Tell me Chauncey how are you going to fight?”

Chauncey watched her go satisfaction coming over his entire face that he was sure made him look like an asshole to everyone in the office. That wasn’t what he was worried about though Selina had made her choices that day with Braden. He did understand that his father still felt a loyalty to her, that he still wanted her at DGI that wasn’t in his mind the best thing especially after her threatening him. He saw her leave the office and heard the glass sculpture shatter saw his father get up and he had to wonder if he was always this emotional about letting an employee go. He followed him down the hallway and was taken aback by his father’s outburst at him that seemed to have others scrambling around the office and out of earshot. He stared at his father and the way he spoke about leaving the company sooner rather than later in his mind would be better.

“You’ll have your list father and you’ll see Selina was hardly some placeholder of honor and value at our company in the long run, she’ll be replaced by the best.We’ll run this company around them isn’t that what you’ve always wanted? Us to take over?” Chauncey said evenly while he looked into his father’s eyes sensing something about it all. Of course his father’s actions had been brash over the last few months and he had been out of sorts at the custody meeting all signs that in his mind meant that is was long overdue that his father should step down at DGI and turn the reins over to him to run. “I’ll send Forbes up a river if I have too, I’m the only one with the balls to do it. You haven’t even named your successor yet but you will soon that I am sure of father and that person will be me. Who else would fit Jackson with his problems? Max with her legs open to Forbes spawn? Bliss who wants to play house with Hunter or Rory and the stripper?”

“Or you who sleeps with a very married woman and flaunts it all over? Have you forgotten a rogue isn’t what the investors wants? Chauncey the PR around dismissing Selina won’t be pretty. Do you understand the implications this brings on our company? This was all scoring a win against Selina for exposing the man you are.” Lowell scoffed in disgust as he shook his head feeling all his anger was erupting in him. “One thing about your siblings is I see their flaws and I can’t seem to nail what and who my eldest son is. Listen very carefully when I see you I don’t see my legacy living on. I see a snake Chauncey in all my children I fear you wearing the crown because what the world doesn’t need is another Forbes. Your loyalty comes with a deathwish and handing my empire to you when I can see the hunger I once had well. That isn’t a option, make me see you as a human because this isn’t what I wanted for my eldest.”

Lowell walked back in his office and closing the door behind him. His hand trembled as he started to breathe heavily slowly taking deep breaths. Pulling out a prescription pill bottle. He opened it and popped four pills. David had to figure out something out. They weren’t ready to lose him just yet. He needed more time to teach lessons to children. Show that arrogant bastard Chauncey he’d done every stunt under the book. “Some things have to change and one thing I have to say, you better find yourself or else someone else is going to have your place.”

Chauncey leaned back in his chair looking at his father who he felt was cynial and old, not up with the times and most definitely not making the best decisions. His father carried on an affair with Tess who was at the time from what he recalled from rumors very much so almost married to another man not to mention those rumors about him and Audrey yet he was upset about his affair with Greer. An affair that if anything was going to do some good in the long run, at least she wouldn’t be taking a piece of DGI with her. He watched his father go into his office and then walked by the door hearing the comment. He didn’t bother to leave a response as he walked onward to his own office. He had a list to prepare and someone to see, someone that was going to help him get everything that he deserved.


Chauncey returned to the country club getting a key at the front desk as he made his way up the stairs of course the staff looking at him, knowing he was going to Mrs. Westwood suite. There would be talk of course and on his way up he couldn’t help it the smugness everything was going his way. Selina paid the ultimate price for her betrayal and now the news was ongoing about the shooting. Rumors circulating that his younger brother had slipped back into the drug array. He was about to fall from his father’s good graces as well meaning he was back in the forefront. Knocking on her door he smiled at Greer as she let him inside the suite and his hand ran up her shirt circling her breast watching her face. He supposed he owed all the success to her he was certain that she was behind the Cadamus files he owed her and he already knew she had been instrumental in his baby brother’s spiral again. He moved to the living room smiling at the news scroll everything was going according to plan. He saw the bit about Philip’s shooting and thought perhaps that maybe Max needed him, that could wait he needed to solidify Greer as his ally while keeping Natasha at an arm’s length. He knew where his parents expected that to go and perhaps they could all come to an arrangement that suited everybody.

“I had a meeting with my father this morning Selina was there too imagine my surprise when the documents I had signed were no longer in my name. I know you have contacts you have went above and beyond to prove your loyalty to me and my family. I thought it time that we cut the shit to so speak and make your offer to get me that CEO position permanent.” Chauncey said leaning into her lips and then pulling away when she reached for a kiss. Instead he moved to the sofa in the living room of the suite and watched the TV seeing the destruction and chaos in front of them both. “You have yet to tell me why you hate my father so much and I want to know why. I know your husband has it out for him but you helped me to turn the tables. You could have went to any of my siblings you still could. Bat your eyelashes at my other two brothers. Perhaps you play with girls too. Max may be into that sort of thing. You see Greer that makes you dangerous.”

“What can I say? I know a winner and I always bet on the winner.” Greer said as she laid her legs across his lap. Throwing her head back she saw a look in his eyes. A look of curiosity and she wasn’t sure how to explain everything. “You really want to know huh?” Nodding her head as a long exhale of air escaped her lips. “Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who lived all alone in a castle in Paris. She had every toy and any playmate she wanted but she didn’t have the king. The king was taken away by a vicious tyrant who fashioned himself a king. They betrayed the king and locked him away in a jail almost never to be heard of again. A mysterious wise sage would free the king to come home and raise his princess. Your father had mine locked away and threw away the key. My father never recovered and honestly his life has been about stomping on your father. So to get my father to finally see.” Her voice cracked as she lowered her head. “That I can help him in ways he never knew. I can be amazing force to get him what was taken. I can’t return years but I can bring pain to the man who made my father so damn miserable.” Greer knew that if Chauncey ever got comfortable enough with his father to ask questions he would figure out Pierre was her father but they had to trust each other.

“As for Selina I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She playfully laughed at the thought that the Queen Delacroix was falling from her perfect perch. “Let’s be honest Selina had crossed the line a long time ago and I just pushed everything along. She deserved to fall after she embarrassed you in front of Atlas Falls. Your father is a ruthless businessman but he doesn’t have a team of people on his side. Pierre LeClerq, Walter Fraiser, Harvey LeClerq, and Forbes Montgomery made DGI a empire and now he has pushed them all away. You however have me and others who are ready for a new era in DGI. We are ready to reclaim its greatness without Lowell. It’s your time baby and I don’t do a junkie or a child or a woman. Unless it’s your birthday.”

Chauncey was caught up in her story about Paris in a foreign land with no one to help her, an uncle that became her father from the sounds of it. He had gotten the idea on the way over he could have Greer beside him at DGI he would put her name and Natasha’s before the board as a replacement for Selina. It showed him as a player at the table other companies would probably seek out a man for the position but DGI over the last few years was know to be an employer of women executives heck look at his family tree. His father being partially responsible or from the sounds of it all the way responsible for her upbringing for some reason endeared him to her. Plus if what she was saying was true watching his father’s face as she took an office at DGI would be well worth the hell that would come his way.

“Of course you have no idea about what happened to Selina, after all you are just Zerick’s wife correct? My father is old and foolish, he should have retired years ago when I graduated graduate school and began working for him, he should have started to leave and groom me to take over it is my birthright. More than any of my siblings and today I realized that he wants a list of replaceable executives to take Selina’s spot.” Chauncey said his hand roaming up her back soothing her, perhaps even soothing him in the process. She was right about of it, it was his time to take what he wanted he was going to oust his father at DGI and humiliate her husband all at once when he stole her from him and revealed to everyone that he and Greer were fucking for months. “I was thinking of submitting your name would that satisfy your revenge? Could you imagine the faces of my father, siblings and your husband in that very moment? Think about it their faces you and I owning the company, Zerick knowing I have you in my office and bed while you finalize your divorce from him.”

Greer threw her long blond hair as she slowly straddled Chauncey. Leaning down she kissed his neck and smiled. He was falling for her no matter what he said. She had laid waste to everything in his way from claiming the top spot. The truth of the matter was that Zerick was aiming at taking over DGI and she couldn’t have that. She tried with her husband and no matter what he wanted to tackle the war against DGI alone. Or whatever his internal battle was with Lowell he had ruined there trust. Now it was every man for themselves. If she had to seduce and trick Chauncey to get her claws into DGI. Smiling widely with a cat-like grin on her face Greer was ready. This was her shot and she was going to take it.

“Well my husband is about to be destroyed just like Dani, Selina and whomever else gets in our way. So much of my life has been about the Devonshire’s but today is about starting a new legacy. Our legacy as the future of DGI.” His hands ran down the small of her back and she arched her back slightly as she grabbed his face. “Tell me you are mine.” Greer said passionately. “Say it because I’m yours and together we are going to fucking destroy your brother and his dimwitted girlfriend. Together we are going to set fire to Atlas Falls and when I’m done I will finally have everything I deserve. Revenge and happiness with the son of the man who ruined my life. What is more delicious than that?”

Chauncey looked at her as she climbed onto his lap content to have her on his side for now. He knew he still had a part to play with this father and Natasha as well something about that was still calling to him. A chance to swipe the energy and have that corporate name along with the CEO title attached to to no matter the cost. Both Greer and Natasha could help him achieve that. He wasn’t going to be that picky about it whichever one helped him achieve that goal in the end. Her revenge though against his father was something he could get behind. His father had screwed over how many people on his way to power so many he had lost count there would be those out ready for revenge.

“See to it that he is. I’d hate to settle in this wager we have going on with him still having won anything at the end of it. For now I’m yours Greer as long as I get what I want at the end of everything a seat, the seat that my father has denied me for years.” Chauncey said leaning in and giving her a kiss before pulling back and looking at the news screen. He had to get back to the office and as tempting as Greer was in all her ways his focus had to be on the company right now. “I need to get back to the office and take care of a few things. Have your things delivered to the mansion I’ll make sure the staff knows you are coming. They will take your things to the appropriate room mine. My father won’t know what happened when everything comes out.”

Greer smiled as she listened to Chauncey basically knowing that she had finally had him. He was hers and she had him in her hands. As she got off of Chauncey lap with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. Leaning back she sucked her teeth wanting to trap him in her bed. Flipping her long hair she narrowed her eyes. “I will see to it because that seat at the table because Selina is gone is mine.” Slowly standing up she unbuttoned her dress letting it fall to the floor. “I’m going to take a bath, one more thing Chauncey tonight I want you in my bed. Or else I’ll do it myself.” Greer slowly sauntered away to the bathroom turning on the shower. Looking back as she smirked. “Hurry back.”


A gunshot loudly in Yasmine head as she stirred awake. Looking around her heart started to skip faster. Where was she? Was she safe? Was she still with Kendrick? Rolling over she saw she was in Rory’s penthouse. It was over. She didn’t get raped, she didn’t get murdered, and she wasn’t in jail for being a drug dealer. Running her hand up her face and through her silky black hair she felt her nerves bad. Sitting up she saw the sun was rising and it had been one day since the shooting. One day since she lost the man she considered a brother. Rolling over in the bed she picked up her phone seeing three missed calls. One from Braden Fraiser saying she had to come in for a statement. The second was her mother checking on her. The final one Ronan saying it was all over and her debt was paid. What had Rory done? Or hell who had cleaned up her debt to Mr. Madden? Walking to the bathroom her face completely changed into a girlish giggle. Rory was a trip Mr. smooth because honestly how did he do this? She had a slew of designer clothes hanging up and a smile appeared on her face.

Picking a black sheer mesh jersey Balenciaga top, a black LaPerla bra and panties set, some Guess stonewashed shorts, and thigh high Chanel boots. After a quick shower she placed her wet hair in a messy bun. Once all dressed Yasmine walked down the stairs seeing Rory setting up the breakfast table. “You know this is the first time I’ve slept over and haven’t had to run to that club. It’s nice and thank-you for the clothes no doubt Max or Bliss helped these are dope.” She walked to him and wrapped her arms around him kissing him. “Did I ever tell you that you’re the best? You’re my best friend and the best boyfriend I have had.” Wiping the black lipstick from his lips. “I’m going to talk to Atlas Falls University possibly get back into school or something. I’m free.”

Rory had woke up early that morning checking the news and making sure Kendrick was still dead the nightmare was over, he let her sleep in as long as she wanted. Yasmine had tossed and turned most of the night and even a few times he heard her cry, he had remained there by her side in the bed doing his best to comfort her. When she finally had stopped crying and fell asleep and he got a few hours himself he felt like they could breath. The moment he heard the shower turn on he went ahead and got some food ready for her scrambled eggs, toast and bacon, he also made a fresh pot of coffee. He heard his phone ring and gritted his teeth at the call that he ignored from Tess as Yasmine made her way down the stairs. He wanted to make love to her again wearing all that place lace and mesh but he hadn’t pressured her about it. With what she went through with Kendrick he wasn’t sure she was ready again.

“Morning. It’s over he’s gone from our lives and you never have to go back to that shady club ever again.” He mumbled against her lips when she kissed him, pulling her close to him against his silk pants his hands on her waist while she talked about their life before. She was always running off the the club before they really hadn’t adjusted to being a couple in the mornings or evenings when she was rushing off. Not to mention she wasn’t living there, she may of stayed over but moving in seemed like a huge step and commitment he wasn’t sure either of them was ready for. “Max was glad for the distraction. She’s been at the hospital most of the morning and last night long story short Philip got shot. You don’t have to do school today I was thinking maybe a morning in is what we both need?”

Yasmine grabbed a piece of toast as he finished cooking and nibbled on that for a moment. As she nodded thinking maybe she did just need a day. A day to just be a twenty something and be free. Twisting a loose curl around her finger she sat down at the bar. When he said Philip got shot for some reason she felt concerned but then she shook it off. Fuck him he forced her to dance also. So whatever happened to his weak ass he deserved it. “I think that’s a great idea. Being able to say in is actually what I need. Can we veg out and watch Netflix I heard it’s a few shows on there we can watch. I just want to cuddle all day and laugh and be normal.” She said as she leaned over taking a strip of bacon. “What I’m starved were you just held hostage?” Yasmine couldn’t help but laughing as she looked at him. “Sorry too soon.”

“Can I ask a question? You were beat and you never gave up on me? Why? I just think that I gave you enough reasons to run but you stayed by my side. I know I wasn’t living right and you didn’t deserve that.” She look at him and tried not to feel so unworthy. “I’m stripper Rory and I have sold drugs to your very own brother. How can you love? Maybe that’s why I love you because you see me in all my ugliness and you see me as someone you love. I don’t know how I deserve you man. How to repay you for all you’ve done for me.”

“Kendrick stuck his goons on me because he was scared Yasmine he knew that if you came outside that you would never return to that place. He needed some sense of control over you, whether that be for brotherly affection or because of the drugs you sold. I did it because I love you. I knew you pushing me away was out of character.” Rory said looking at her as he picked up his cup of coffee and took a drink watching her eat the toast. He would have done it all over again, checked on her. Taken a beating for her and maybe he was crazy for that but he wondered if this was the type of relationship his parents had before Tess ruined them and his father had an affair with her. “You’ll find out Devonshire’s rarely give up when we have something we want. You’re stuck with me sorry to tell you that.” He said with a smile on his face not wanting to think about Tess further.

“As for you and Jackson I can forgive it. He was really shaken up by what happened and I don’t think he ever meant to get you or Dani kidnapped. Like he was beside himself Yasmine when it happened, was he an absolute idiot for going along with Jamal’s dumb plan yeah. But I do think he was trying to help because he felt guilty about you dealing to him and how that affected us.” Rory said he had time to think about that over the last few months ever since he knew about her dealing to his brother and he did think Yasmine stopped when she did. He knew his brother used during the kidnapping but that was not his secret to tell nope that was on his brother plus he felt Yasmine got enough of a rap out of it. He looked at her and took her hand in his. “You are way more than a stripper drug dealer. You are smart, an amazing dancer who can do anything she wants with my support. Plus I know you didn’t deal to Jackson once he started to try and get clean again I believe that.”

Yasmine nodded her head as she walked up to him. “I know that this was hard. Hell it was hard on me.” Biting her lip she slowly grabbed his hand kissing it. “I just want you to know the beginning of our relationship, the fight that we went through it only made us stronger. To be honest I didn’t think a white boy from some preppy ass mansion could turn me out. You have me spinning Rory and I’m high on you. Like a drug boy but you the healthiest high I’ve ever seen. I wanted to be better for you.” She said with a smile as she wiped her eyes. “No more tears for me. This is a happy ass time. We can finally be together and I just want to show you how grateful I am for all you’ve done for me.” Yasmine pulled off her shirt and showed the lacey black bra. Running her hands down her rock hard abs she slipped her hand inside of shorts. Yasmine played with herself then licked her finger never showing him anything. One thing being a stripper did was give her sex appeal.

“Are you going to stand there or are you going to take it.” She said seductively unbuttoning the shorts she was wearing. Turning around she showed her lean body off. “This time I want to go as long as you want. This time I want to go again and again.” Yasmine slowly walked up to Rory and ran her hands up his chest. “I just know now everything is going to be alright. If I had you it’s enough because you filled me up with love. Now I need you to make love to me okay?” She said laughing with a playful yet all seductive smile on her face.

Rory looked at her for a moment not sure what to say to her, they had been through a lot and he supposed someone else would have given up on them he should have according to everyone in his life. The problem was that he couldn’t and that to him told him that he loved Yasmine and that mattered more to him than a title at the company or his father’s approval on who he was sleeping with. He watched her as she removed her shirt and he felt himself get brick hard, it wasn’t that he didn’t want her earlier he did. He just wanted to make sure it was the right time she had been through so much with Kendrick but when her hand lowered into her shorts he wasn’t going to deny what his body was telling him. He watched her slip off her shorts at the dinner table and stood up leaning over and wrapping his arms around her waist before kissing her neck.

“I don’t have to be told twice.” Rory said his voice low as his hands traveled down her sides seeing her shiver just slightly under his touch. He’d thought about this ost of the morning and the previous night but had wanted to be respectable gentleman and give her the space she needed. Now that he knew that she was ready as well he was going to make sure that it lasted and she was satisfied it was the least he could do. Tess would be in his past, his secret that Yasmine never had a know about and so far his worst mistake in their relationship. Leaning his lips on her neck, he kissed softly as his fingers undid her bra clasp, letting it fall to the floor and leaving her breasts to his desire. “Tell me how you want me.” Rory whispered taking her nipples in his fingertips and gently twisting them.

As she felt her his lips on her neck Yasmine gasped. Slowly drawing her nails down his back she felt her legs shaking. This man had changed her life. From stripper to whatever she wanted now. It was in her grasp because of Rory and the love she felt swelled inside of her. She was caught up in the moment, she was ready for him to do anything he wanted to her. When he asked her, Yasmine kissed his lips as her hands ran through his hair. Then she playfully spread her legs looking him in the eyes. Using her right arm she pushed his head down. “I want you to feast on me. Then I want you to make love to me until the sun sets and then again when I rises.” Today was Rory’s day as much as it was hers. She was free and she wanted to show him how much she appreciated everything. “I don’t want to make love yet though. I want you to fuck me with everything then afterward we can make love all day and night.”

She wasn’t going to play fair right now. As his lips touched on her thighs Yasmine hissed grabbing him by his face. Then she quickly leaned down showing her flexibility and kissed him. Throwing her hair back she cried out in pleasure as he went in face first. Her legs were already getting weak. Devonshire men seemed to turn out the girls they were with. She was here for it because she was high on him. “Rory.” Her nails dug into the counter as she threw her head back.

Rory gripped his hands on her thighs spreading her just enough to get right where he wanted before his tongue ran up her seam, his lips began to suck gently, feeling her tug on his hair he opened his eyes looking up at her. Her hair thrown back her mouth open in pleasure as her name was escaping her throat in gasps. It only drove him further as he made sure to have all of her, making sure his tongue hit that sweet little spot and her juices began flowing more. He made sure to make sure her cries kept coming and when he was sure she had enough he worked his way up her body and then lifted her in his arms desperate to take her. Carrying her towards the hallway he stopped halfway clearing the contents of one of his end tables on the floor, letting out a small laugh as the contents hit the floor. His lips went back to hers while his hands traveled down her body again before making sure to press three fingers inside of her while he felt her hands on his sweatpants.

“You’re on something right? The condoms are in the bedroom.” Rory managed to get out, he’d never thought about going without a condom on anyone. Too many girls would try and trap him given his name and sometimes in the past he was with more than one person at a time. But he had been with Yasmine a while now, he was committed to just her and that in his mind should have been enough. His fingers glided in and out while his lips worked on her neck again. “I want to be inside of you without anything but if you don’t or can’t let me know.” Rory said wanting to be respectful as he felt the strain in his throbbing manhood wanting her permission before he fucked her raw.

“I’m on the shot but that doesn’t mean you get to hit raw.” Yasmine paused wondering why not? She had been with Rory for a while and they both had already explored their relationship sexually. Hell her mother was on birth control when she got pregnant with her. So it did make her a little nervous. She’d never had sex without a condoms but for some reason she knew. If she would somehow turn up knocked up then Rory would stand up for them. She knew that she wanted to give him something to show she trusted him completely. This was the first time she knew that she wanted to feel him completely inside of her. She wanted to feel him in every way and to connect to him on another level.

“Rory, I never had unprotected sex.” Yasmine whispered as his fingers slid in and out of her wetness. She felt herself knowing that this was the right move. “I want to please you so if that’s what you want. I’m down.” Spreading her legs so he could get in between her legs. “Go slow a it’s been a while.” She teased as she felt him entering her body. A gasp from his girth shocked her. She forgot how thick he was. “Baby.” Yasmine cried out as her nails dug into his back as he got all the way inside of her.

Rory wasn’t sure how to respond when at first she was hesitant of it was her worried about him taking responsibility on the shot that wasn’t going to be a problem. When she eventually relented he let out a slow breath as he slowly dug inside of her, it took restraint but he wanted to memorize this moment. “God Yasmine.” He cried out when he was finally all the way inside of her, he placed his hands on her hips. The feeling was something that he was sure he hadn’t experienced before love making, sure he’d fucked a lot and had sex a lot. But this time felt different because of how he felt about her. He plunged out and back inside slowly wanting her to experience each stroke.

He tried to go slowly but soon he was working the way up into a fast tempo while he slammed out and back into her his lips went to hers while he leaned over slightly pushing her almost laying on the table. She had asked for him to fuck her and now that he was inside of her he wasn’t sure what had come over him and for a moment he feared it was guilt for what he did with Tess, shaking the thoughts away again he slammed into her pussy, feeling her starting to tighten on him he stopped. When he felt that she wasn’t as wound he started again, repeating the steps a few times intent on giving her what she wanted. “Fuck you feel good.” Rory said against her lips wanting to make sure he was pleasing her completely.

With each stroke Yasmine swore she was feeling a new stimulation. It was as if she was a virgin again. Something about loving the person you were with having sex made her feel more passion. Without trying at all Rory was making her want to burst but she knew that she had to hold it. Her entire body started to shiver slowly squeezing tightly against his thickness. Wrapping her arms around his neck she cried out. “Rory fuck me.” She said as her clit started to swell, feeling herself about to explode soon she kissed him. “I love you.” Yasmine said between breathy moans crying out for more.

Yasmine knew that it was time her entire body started to shiver. Nothing could prepare her for this because at this moment she was lost in the pleasure of her man. The man that never gave up on her. Unlike Khalil and so many other people in her life. Every fiber in her body started to tingle and shiver knowing her cries were echoing throughout the condo. Looking up at the skylight the sun seemed to shine on them. As her body felt weak and she collapsed in his arms. Slowly her breath calmed as she stared into his eyes. “You are amazing you know that?”

Rory kept pounding into her her cries encouraging him combined the way her body began to shake and shiver with his touches. It was enough k send him over the edge as well crying out against her neck when he felt himself explode and she told him she loved him. “I love you too.” He said looking into her eyes while he continued to release inside of her and her body constricted around him. He’d lost count how many times he shook emptying himself into her while he breathed his heart rate coming down.

He laid there for a moment on the table looking at the rays coming down on them into the otherwise dim light of the condo. She looked perfect right there the rays hitting her jet black hair chocolate skin against the wood and he kissed her slowly before pulling back. “You’re amazing too Yasmine you’re one of the toughest and strongest people I know it’s what I love about you. I’m thinking we get you off this uncomfortable surface and do as you requested go again. I don’t have anywhere else I need to be today but with you.”

“I don’t either and I need all the attention you want to bask on me.” She said playfully hopping down her legs feeling like puddy. She was a dancer but he had just sent her body into another world. As she strutted up the stairs Yasmine jumped into the bed and looked over at him. “So how about you run us a bath and we just make love on every surface of this house.” Her dark eyes narrowed as she smiled. “I don’t care how long it took us to get here. I’m glad we are here.”


Gideon looked down at his prepared notes in front of him for the press conference something that the department and the mayor had called at the last minute. The last of the crime scene unit had left the scene about an hour ago, the FBI would be there until the next morning. Jon was on administrative leave, both girls were found alive and a young black man was dead. He was still standing behind Jon the shot was legal, it was clean but unfortunately, the shooting had kicked a hornets nest. The Scottswood neighborhood was already on alert residents scared for their lives due to the gangs and drug dealers, they were already untrustworthy of the police. Walking out the doors he could face the small crowd there signs flashed in his face with various groups that had lined up for their cause. The local news stations were in front of him microphones ready as he stepped to the podium.

“Thank you for coming out this morning. At approximately eight o’clock last night there was an officer involved shooting at Fairmont Park. Officers arrived at the scene for a hostage exchange with a wanted suspect in Kendrick Watkins. The FBI was on hand to assist. I can confirm there was one death at the scene of the crime, the hostages he had taken earlier that day were safely returned to their families. Currently the officer that took the shot was placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation into the shooting.” Gideon said watching the reporters jot down notes on their pad while he saw some of the protesters angry faces. He placed his hands on the side of the podium as he braced himself. “I’ll now take a few questions.”

Tristan’s hand shot up first and Gideon looked at it nodding the news anchor.

“Is it true that the man that shot Kendrick Watkins is an ex military member on staff as a detective for the force?”

“Yes I confirm that the suspect that was shot was fired by a detective on the force one who did in fact serve our country.” Gideon said looking at the next hand that shot up.

“Were the two girls that he had kidnapped Danielle Fraiser and Yasmine Kohl unharmed? There has been some speculation about how they were treated by sources at the hospital.” One of the other reports asked. She was a young girl probably a little older than Rachel.

“The girls were returned back to their families and loved ones late last night. They were not severely injured to my knowledge during their captivity.” Gideon said watching her take a few notes on her pad while an older gentleman’s hand shot up.

“Is it true that before the kidnapping Kendrick had shot and killed a member of the Madden organization inside a nightclub run by Philip Montgomery, Club XES?”

Gideon didn’t want to know who in the department had talked about the incident at the club that was something that the FBI wanted under wraps. When the kidnapping alert had went out for the girls that was something they didn’t want out. Eventually over the next few days a timeline would be fully established but that all had to do with the investigation. Taking a breath he nodded his head.

“There was an incident at the club that involved Mr. Watkins and that is where he had taken Ms. Kohl. I can’t comment further as that is part of a federal investigation.” He said looking at the man, he saw the girls hand shot up again. “Yes?”

“Why was there such a long gap between the kidnappings? How did the mayor’s daughter get involved?” Due diligence Gideon respected that about the girl asking the questions. She reminded him so much of Rachel.

“Rory Devonshire arrived with his brother Jackson to report Yasmine Kohl missing that morning, our detectives and the FBI were already heavily looking into her disappearance when the other kidnapping occurred.” Gideon paused as he looked at the FBI liaison who nodded that he could answer the last part of the question. “Kendrick kidnapped Ms. Fraiser due to Jackson Devonshire’s involvement with Yasmine Kohl. I can’t say more about the case.”

“Were Jackson and Yasmine in an affair?” A young man with wild hair asked and Gideon looked at him he was from the gossip pages did they have no shame.

“No as far as we can tell their relationship was one of an illegal business nature, next.” Gideon said his tone clipped he wanted to roll his eyes and then looked over when he saw Tristan raise his hand again.

“There have been sources and video footage popping up on social media about the shooting. Witnesses are saying that Kendrick was gunned down and was not holding a weapon at the time, can you elaborate?”

“You know that I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation until the department and the FBI have gathered all the evidence and the facts. It is to our knowledge that the officer involved acted accordingly at this time.” Gideon said and he saw the flurry of hands jot down the notes, saw some of the protesters no doubt tweeting out his comments to further their cause.

“Are you saying that Jon Harrison did not gun down and kill Kendrick Watkins in cold blood? Jon is white is he not while Kendrick is African-American?”

Gideon barely heard the question as he turned to Tristan and watched as the crowd grew more antsy. “At this time detective Harrison has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of the investigation. I have no further comment on the matter thank you all for your time.”

Stepping back from the podium as the camera’s snapped pictures and the news recorded the interview, reporters jotted down notes and then he saw out of his eyes one part of the crowd began marching forward. He heard an array of shouts and slurs no doubt that would be plastered all over the news and media the following morning in a few hours. Officers in front hands on their own weapons and he knew that things would only escalate more. He nodded at the men on the door as he looked at his watch it had been a long night and now it was late in the morning he was tired and now that the press conference was over, he was going to go home pour a glass and start again tomorrow.


Jamal couldn’t believe that it was over. He wasn’t sure how to feel after all the last year of his life had been imaginary. He was outside and wasn’t worried about a bullet shooting him in his head. Not only that he wasn’t dressed like a thug anymore. Gone were the baggy pants and hoodies and what remained was fitted jeans and slacks. Whatever the last year was it taught him he had to strive harder. In the heart of Atlas Falls, Scottswood either made you a hero or victim. He wasn’t either he was a fake and he just wanted to repair that. He wanted to make sure that he gave back to Scottswood after his rich pompous ass took Kendrick. Yeah it was Kendrick fault he was dead but he knew he played a part. Kendrick was forced into the role of leader and wanted him in second. He let him down right along with everyone else.

As he walked in TJ’s he felt the shame of what he did in the whispers. People knew who he was now and what he had done. He wasn’t the innocent playful bad boy now. He was honestly destructive  and hurt so many people. Paying for his bagel he rushed out of there and right into Valentina. “Shit.” He mumbled as he saw his bagel on the ground. He scoffed as he finally figured out where he knew her. “Brooke’s bestie right? My bad I was distracted man and fuck.” Before he knew it Jamal punched the wall out of frustration. He almost started to crying because he let his boys go down like that. He let Kendrick be killed. “I’m sorry my mind is elsewhere.”

Val had left Brooke with her family that morning to check out the space that Dante had left her, it was massive bolts of fabric covered in plastic. It was also creatively the best space she could have asked for the light was amazing and hit the drawing desk just the right way. She had so many design ideas running through her head as she walked the floor and then her stomach growled and she let out a chuckle, food it was. Locking the shop behind her she walked the two blocks down the street to TJ’s bakery and was just about to enter when someone bumped into her almost sending her on her ass. When she looked up she saw Jamal in front of her, they’d met a few times before and she knew he was all over the news right now. Her hand went to her hair she had always thought he was cute.

“Yeah Valentina but everyone calls me Val. It’s not a big deal.” Val said watching him freak out in front of her she saw a few people come out of the cafe and point at him, his name was everywhere. The news had been retelling the story since it happened so many different sides to the shooting coming out one Kendrick was armed one that he wasn’t, Jamal’s name had come up so much in the news over it. She could tell they were talking about him and she tried to not let the stares get to her. “Don’t suppose you picked up another bagel? I can run inside and get my own they’re the best in town. Maybe afterwards if you need somewhere to hide out I can shelter you inside Dante’s old studio if you want.”

“Man I just want to go somewhere that all these people aren’t looking at me.” Jamal pulled out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to Val. “Can you grab me one since I just dropped mine and two coffees. Yeah you’re Dante cousin right? He was going to make my mom a couture gown for this party a couple of months ago. He was talented as hell.” Jamal said not really wanting to get into his life right away. Looking at Val she was so stunning he didn’t know what to say. She had those fiery eyes, she wasn’t skinny because she had curves and her swag was crazy. Val was the type of Latina his mother would love for him to even be talking to. “I’d love to hide out there for a second or two Val man you’re a lifesaver. I didn’t know how hard it would be to show my face.” Jamal said honestly as he leaned against the wall watching her go in and get their bagels.

When she returned he took the bag from her and his coffee letting her carry her own. “May I say we met once or twice before but damn girl.” He chuckled as he looked down. “I can’t do this. I can’t even talk to a girl right now because my world feels rocked. You know Kendrick was a motherfucker but he was cool. The guy literally took me under his wings when I was.” He paused knowing she knew. “When I was being hella fraudulent and fucking pretending to be a thug. It was stupid Val don’t ever be something you aren’t. I wasn’t built for the streets and that’s the truth man.”

Val had taken the money and went inside to grab the vanilla latte and the two bagels feeling like people were staring at her too. Her eyes shot up to the screen and the press conference listening to Gideon talk about the case and then took the change from the girl behind the counter. She didn’t know how she felt about it all, she was latina but she didn’t think she could speak for the people of the Scottswood neighborhood and how they felt, or how they lived. She grew up strictly middle class with hard working parents whereas she felt that some of those people or kids in that neighborhood didn’t. Opening the door she rounded the corner back to Jamal handing him the bag and his coffee nodding her head as they began walking back down the street towards the studio.

“It’s all good Jamal I ain’t going to judge you for what happened I wasn’t even here when it did. I remember Brooke warning me to stay away from you, she told me you might be a little too fast for me. I think she got it wrong though, I might of been a little to fast for you.” Val said once they reached the shop she put in her key into the door and opened it turning on the lights, her statement causing her to blush a bit. Jamal was good looking and could probably pull a fast one over her, a boy her momma would have warned her about any time she got. It was probably the same reason Brooke warned her when they met. Setting her purse down she took a bite of her bagel. “I don’t know much about Kendrick all I do know is that you used to roll with him and the threatened Brooke’s life a few times when she was with Ronan. I sometimes felt like that in Europe during my internship you know someone I wasn’t. This right here is maybe my chance to be who I am thanks to my cousin.”

Jamal nodded understanding exactly what she meant about being who he wasn’t. He was in love with the hood culture and maybe it was his fault also. He glorified the black struggle instead of receiving the blessing that his parents provided for him. “You don’t know me shorty. I mean honestly I have a bad attitude, I can be a jerk at times but I’m not fast. I’m actually a privileged brat who got everything he ever wanted. Then I thought it was cool being a thug for some reason. Until I saw some shit I can never unsee. I have nightmares about the streets and I don’t think now I was ever made for them. Look I appreciate you listening to my stupid ass.” Jamal sat down looking around and seeing all the designs around the room. “Now seeing this is inspiration.” He saw they were signed with her initials and he nodded. “Yo.”

Taking a look at her sketches framed on the walls, he saw that he she was diving into Latin culture and turning it modern. She was going to be huge and he was impressed by her skills. “You know seeing this inspires me. I was doing all this so I could be legit hustler. What makes me mad is that as long as I could make beautiful music then I would be legit. Now I feel like I see the struggle but how I got there to see it. That was cloudy. That was horrible and I‘m sure it wasn’t worth it. I should have never and I mean never did that.” Jamal tried to stay away from the conversation. “So tell me does being fashionable ruin in ya’ll DNA or something. I remember Dante had made these shoes and I wanted a pair.”

“I don’t know you that’s true but you don’t deserve people throwing shit at you either or those ugly ass stares you were getting. I may of been gone from town a while and only heard bits and pieces from my cousin but you tried to do the right things when you realized none of it was what you wanted. That has to count for something in my opinion.” Val said placing ehr coffee down on the desk next to the sketches and watching him as he took a seat. She’d been inspired since Dante’s death in a weird and odd way a way of honoring him, which she supposed some would consider him morbid for it. “I think that’s part of human nature that doesn’t make you a bad person Jamal.”

“I don’t think some would consider this inspiration there was some scathing reviews of the last line and the fashion show I was at. Some have been a little apprehensive to the thought of my line and taking over and even accused me of using Dante’s death to do it. Even though he left me the line and his designs in his last will. I’ve always had a knack for design you could say me and Dante would play as children designing and drawing.” Val said taking a sip of her coffee and then looking over at him. She saw him look at her and then over at the designs again as she looked at a few notes on her desk. “So now that the hustling life is behind you now what. Music perhaps I don’t think I’ve ever heard of something like that here.”

“Which is crazy considering the diversity in Atlas Falls. We have every race and nationality here and so many different people make so many different sounds. I want a label for my own selfish reason. Now I’ve been writing all this music and producing some crazy ass beats since I was on the ankle monitor. I want to help the kids in Scottswood. I know that sounds stupid after all I’ve done to the community but my soul is saying that’s how I make peace. I want to produce a artist and I got him already in mind.” Ivan was one of the best rappers he’d ever seen. The craziest thing was that Kendrick used to tell him he didn’t have a chance. Well that was too make sure that guy never left. Now he could help someone who was lost in the wind. Hell ever since Money died, Ivan was lost.

“As for you I think that this shit is hot.” He said touching one of the portraits hanging. “My mother would love it. You are bringing fashion into latin culture. I love that because honestly I don’t show my mom side the love they deserve. Well you know what?” Jamal paused looking at Val. “How about this if I produce something you like a beat, song, anything let me use it in your show. All those fashion bigwigs are going to be there. I want them and everyone to see we aren’t coasting off our families but doing something fresh and new. Plus I think that my artist I’m going to sign is latino. I think he could bring hip-hop and fashion together Kanye style.”

Val nodded her head at him understanding what he was saying she always thought that Atlas Falls was diverse it was showing more and more in various businesses, artwork that was popping up. Schools getting more and more diverse programs as well it was time for a label to be included in that. Perhaps even overdue on some accounts. He was also making a good point on the line and his label his music to her clothes would be a smart move. He could get exclusive rights to her designs, his artists could wear them in return she could promote his music on the runway. She got up from her chair coffee in hand as she took a seat next to him on the sofa holding out her hand to him.

“I say deal made. It will take me a few months to get a new line up. You get our artist lined up and let’s make a go of it. I don’t think this can do anything other than benefit the both of us in in the long run, you get your music out there. My line gets exposure and the DGI backing, that is do you think you still have that?” Val asked she wasn’t that out of the loop having a branch of DGI in her business would be beyond valuable on two fronts the money Jackie had given her cousin and backing of a DGI music label. She knew with Jamal’s trouble though DGI may be unwilling to have a risk with Jamal. “How long do you think it will take to get your end up?”

“I don’t need DGI backing.” Jamal said honestly looking at her. “My trust fund I could access that and if that happens I’m in business by myself. That’s what I want but after this do you think my father or mother would let me touch that money?” He said not so much asking Val but scolding himself. His parents would never go for him dropping out and pursuing music full time. “I already have my first artist in mind. He’s actually a Latino rapper I met him during the last few months.” Ivan was his goal after all this time he’d found the first artist to make him feel something. The catch was that Ivan would never sign to his label. He’d never respect him after what he did to Kendrick.

“Not long at all Val.” Jamal said lying through his teeth. It had become second nature after all he did pretend for a entire year to be a Philly street kid. When he was one of the richest young men in America. His father restaurants had changed the culinary world. Mixing Mexican, soul food and French cuisine made him legendary. “I’m going to actually go see my artist right now and sign them. I think in a few months I can push out a mixtape and be working on a EP.” Picking up his coffee cup he smiled. “To a business partnership?”

Val smiled at him not sure how Jamal would swing going back to DGI or how he would get the label up and running but she knew that was his business. She tapped her cup to his nodding her head. “To a business partnership.” She pulled the cup back and then took a sip as the news softly played on the TV in the background. She watched the crowds starting to gather, watched the unrest in the streets and then looked over at Jamal. Walking to the TV she turned it off as her phone rang it was her mother no doubt she had to answer it. “Listen hang out here as long as you want, the extra key for the front door is by the register. I have to take this.” Val said walking towards the back room and fabrics as she answered her mother’s call.


Diego opened the hotel room door it was the late hours of the morning well after seven when he rolled in just enough time for a quick shower, some sleep and then calls. Everything was a mess now his superiors in Washington were less than happy about the turn of events that happened and not because a man like Kendrick Watkins was dead. No they were upset that their best led in the Madden case was gone, deceased and now that Rocky was in custody at the local prison that even meant more worry. He knew how loyal the Madden organization was he he wouldn’t be surprised if Rocky ended up taking his own life or dead in a few days. Shrugging off his jacket he took his gun out from the holster and then locking it inside the safe in his room.

Undoing his tie and discarding his shirt on a chair in the room he then went into the bathroom closing the door behind him. He took off the rest of his clothes before jumping into the shower letting the steaming hot spray wash away the day. The grime and the stench of civil unrest and death from his body, drying off he grabbed his cellphone on the bathroom counter. Placing on a pair of boxers and a fresh shirt from his bag as he walked back out to his room. Going to the work area he opened up his laptop. Logging into the bureaus website in order to look at updated instructions and files. Waiting a few minutes he looked at the department wide memo that went out as he heard his cell phone ring.

Swiping his fingers typed rapidly on the phone send the text he needed. Line secure?

He waited a few more moments for the text to come back. Proceed

Dialing the number back into the phone he spoke. “The lead fell through I will need you both to stay at the safehouse a bit longer. No more sneaking out last time you almost blew the entire operation.”

He waited a few moments listening to the other caller, he got their plight. They wanted to help, wanted to quit playing the shadow game that they were trained to do. They wanted a sense of normalcy again. He closed his eyes for a moment to will back the emotions as they came at him hard. It was a life they all signed up for and in ways many in their line of work always paid the ultimate price. Sacrificing family and friends, happiness for the job an oath they all took.

“No I don’t think he’s involved in what happened to Dante. There is no evidence to substantiate that.” Diego said hearing the strong of curse words that followed. “Give me a few more weeks sit tight. I got your back.”

He waited a few minutes as the caller talked a bit more before the call was ended and he threw his phone down on the bed. People wanted the Madden case done with, they wanted him locked behind bars. Unable to hurt more people, kill those that came against him he understood that most of all. At first he had thought that Ronan had killed his brother until the case had to many turns to point to him, to many loose holes. Ronan wasn’t that sloppy, he covered his tracks and always made sure nothing ever could trace back to him through a paper trail. Dante’s death was connected to Zach and whoever was stalking Scarlett and if he had to guess, he’d pinpoint Scarlett as his brother’s murdered he just couldn’t prove it.

Shaking his head he turned on the tv in the room half listening to the news and then looking at the clock he needed to get a few hours of sleep. Picking back up his phone he sent a text to his mother he didn’t want her worrying the next few days he always did. He waited a few moments for her reply when his hand swiped up to his photo library. Flipping through them a small smile on his face about Dante’s last visit to Washington to see hi, He swiped a few more times looking at the message from his mother a stern warning to not end up dead. His finger paused at the photo in his head KC Rhodes standing with him in front of the Bureau a few years ago. A good agent and closing his phone he placed it on the nightstand.

Turning off the light on the bedside table he closed his eyes determined to get a few hours of sleep put the day behind him and then move on. Ronan would make a mistake and the moment he did he’d take him in and then things could go back to normal. Scarlett would confess he could feel it it was close, she was a loose cannon. All it would take is the right about pressure and questions he was patient. Some called him a little too patient but he knew what was at stake and he had no intention of walking away back to Washington till his brother’s killer was behind bars. Closing his eyes he knew tomorrow was another day and he drifted off to sleep.


Patricia sat inside of the airport bags packed with luggage for a few months vacation she was taking her daughter overseas to their vacation home in Aruba. It would be good for them both and the private doctor she hired on the island could watch over Scarlett until it was safe for them to return home. Everyone won that way Zach could worry about the child going missing and of course she would have Scarlett keep contact with him, to keep him on edge. In turn Scarlett and she could lay low until the case with Dante ran cold. No one would be none the wiser, straightening her hair she saw her daughter approaching her and then looked over at the flight attendants raised eyebrows. Scarlett handed her the letter in her hands from the OBGYN at the local women’s clinic who was desperate to cover some bills allowing her to travel to Aruba.

“Did everything go as planned? I made arrangements to have everything taken care of while we are gone a trusted friend will be speaking for us at board meetings.” Patricia said handing the letter to the attendant noticing the look on her face. She sneered at the woman behind the counter. “Everything is in order as you can see let us on our plane now. It’s a private charter jet I’m still upset we have to even provide this, if my husband was here he would be outraged.”

“I’m just following the rules Mrs. Nichols. The crew will come out and get your things. Enjoy your flight.” The young woman said her tone clipped as she walked out of the small airport doors and to the waiting small jet to inform them that everything was in order.

Scarlett was tired at almost six months pregnant she knew how risky it was to be traveling but it was just her mother and her now. Philip was closing in on what had happened to her sister and the gory details of their family and she wasn’t sure how many more steps ahead she could keep up with everything. Veronica’s death was an accident she was sure of it, they had fought on the boat and her memory was still hazy about how it all went down. Veronica wouldn’t shut up about everything their father had done. Police investigations she would start how she would destroy their family and she couldn’t let her do that. Shaking her head to keep the memories at bay she knew what she had to do. Lay low with her mother for a few months until she was near ready to give birth and return home. Use the child inside of her as the ultimate weapon against Zach and his loyalty to it or the law.

“That letter was a pain to get mother a lot of money to buy her off, this better work. Not that right now there is anything wrong with the baby but from here across the ocean to Aruba is a long way to travel.” Scarlett siad watching as they began taking all the luggage out to the plane, it was smart to go to the small airfield to take off. Most everyone else used the international airport but in their case low on the radar it would be a few days before they would think to check the smaller airports. ”Right now Zach is distracted with the shooting that happened but he could easily see this as neglect or worse and what happens if he goes to a judge?”

She wasn’t able to say anything else as her mother’s hand collided as hard as it could against her face. Her right hand came to her stinging cheek  She knew what the slap was for to pull herself together that was expected of her now. To never speak about her sister or what happened on the boat that. To be silent as everything her mother did was setup to protect them both and she was right the baby inside of her, a little boy was just that. Her free ticket from her past and the gateway to her future and if she played her cards right everything would fall into place.

“Pull yourself together do I need to remind you about the sacrifices that I have made for you?” Patricia seethed going silent when the crew came back inside the small airport and the small automatic doors opened for them to board the private jet.

She had sacrificed so much over the years to make sure that Scarlett came out on top, that their family name was in good standing. Hours days and weeks, hell years if you wanted to count them that she made sure that every track was covered. She wasn’t going to have that all thrown away for her hormonal pregnant daughter to throw it away. She regained her composure as she watched them load the airplane with their bags and then walked out the doors. Early morning breaking on the skyline against the mountains when they returned in a few months it would change again. Walking up the stairs and into the plane she took a seat on the leather leaning back as the door closed and Scarlett joined her.

“No mother you don’t have to remind me of what you have sacrificed for me over the years. I am just looking forward to getting away from it all and moving on for a few months.” Scarlett said not wanting to get into it further with her mother who had done what seemed like such a moot point now in their plan. They had both sacrificed. She closed her eyes resting them on the glass for a moment while the plane started. She felt someone reach down to her belly and immediately grabbed their wrist only to see her mother staring at her in anger.

“Foolish girl put on the seat belt we don’t want you flying out of the seat.” Patricia said her eyes cold at her own daughter as she then strapped Scarlett in before taking her own seat. Once she was in and the pilot came in over the intercom.

“We have permission to go Mrs. Nichols our next stop will be Miami to refuel and then onto Aruba.”

Scarlett gripped the seat in front of her even as a child she hated flying mostly it was altitude but as she got older she knew why she really hated it. Her father would always take them to the back of the plane close the curtain her mother a drink in hand would stare out the window.  He would of course make it a game when she was younger and she idolized him for it, she could feel her knuckles turning white as she jerked back in the seat when the plane took off. Her eyes opened from the memories staring at her mother who was back in old habits a glass in hand and she was reminded that the baby inside her was her get away free card. Not her mother not the man that her mother had protecting them just the baby.

Everything was up to her now to ensure the baby was healthy and born, Zach would come around as soon he laid eyes on their child she was sure of it. Zach was loyal to his family and well this child would be considered just that family despite it’s conception. She would find out the sex in Aruba and maybe share the news with Zach about what she was having, keep him in the loop yet unable to be fully involved. On one hand she felt horrible for what she was doing, on the other she knew her future depended on it. Her mind was jolted awake again by her mother leaning into her ear.

“Everything will fall into place just like we need it Scarlett. Slouching will do you no favors sit up child.”

Obedience had paid off and without thinking Scarlett sat up even further in her seat back poised watching Atlas Falls and Pennsylvania disappear into the background.


Mason nodded to the front desk security of his building no need to alarm them as he walked up to the elevator and pressed the floor button. He looked down at his phone and the text from Selina from the night before. He hadn’t come over when Simon was here the night before instead he had gone home and got some sleep sending Simon a text that morning to meet him at his practice. He had no idea what Simon wanted the night before but now it was in his court he was going to text his sister and call her as soon as he was done here with Simon. Then he was going to reach out to Jamal’s lawyer Kyan make sure his plea deal was still in place. Perhaps after all the craziness settled he then could think about himself and being happy, if he even knew what that looked like anymore.

Walking into his office he passed his secretary who was glued to her computer screen he saw the headline she was reading about the shooting. Stopping at her desk as he picked up his messages he paused at the sheet of paper for a message from Dinah Watkins, he felt his chest tighten before closing his office door behind him. He was one of the best attorneys in town he knew that had represented so many of his brothers of color in cases and placing the messages down he wasn’t sure what to do. He had yet to talk to anyone that he knew as a lawyer about the case and for a moment he thought about calling Braden for an update and then realized that he couldn’t, not with everything that was going on with his sister. He ran a hand over his head before his secretary opened the door.

“Mr. Rutherford is here should I send him in?” She asked, Mason nodded at her bracing himself to see the man he thought he loved at one point.

“I’m glad you called.” Simon said entering the office.

He had been shocked when Mason had called him, he had stopped by the night before hoping they could talk only to have gotten called away by the kidnapping and then the situation with Philip. By the time he had reached Philip’s condo it was taped off, the jewelry box according to his sources not found at the crime scene at all. Meaning someone else had been tipped someone just as powerful as Lowell, which led to one person. Forbes Montgomery and if he had to guess, Forbes would not take kindly to Hunter shooting Philip over Lowell’s daughters. He had woken and shaved when Mason had texted him about meeting at the office. He heard the door close and he looked around the now empty office.

“You should call Selina after we are done. Lowell was harsh on her this morning, she will need you. I’ve had some time to think about everything that happened. I shouldn’t have been pressuring you so much over the last few years.” Simon said hoping that Mason could hear him sincerity in it, that was the truth. He just wanted the pretending to stop between them, he wanted to take Mason’s hand in public and make a real go of things. He never wanted what happened at Tony’s to happen. “You have to know that I didn’t do anything to tell your father. Think about it Mason why would I do that to you? Years together and I never once told him about us because I respected your wishes.”

“I thought it was time that we talked about everything that happened. This is not a reunion just so we are clear. At one point I honestly thought we’d be together, now thought let’s just say I’ve had an awakening.” Mason said glaring at Simon as he took a seat behind his desk and looked at his old lover. He knew what he wanted now and no matter what Simon was telling him he knew better Simon only served his interests and that of DGI, he would never change. That loyalty to the Devonshire’s that Mason felt was misguided from burying what happened to Cat all those years ago. “Don’t act so surprised Simon there is no reunion. I am sorry if I gave you that impression.”

“You want to know when I realized that this would never work the moment you actually showed up to my father’s restaurant. The way you looked at how he found out about us and me, how satisfied your face lit up at how it played out. You were callous and uncaring, you jat sat there while he attacked me attacked how we loved each other, you did nothing.” Mason said seeing Simon’s face go through the motions about what he was saying. Opening up a file on his desk he threw it at his old lover, in fact he was going to change everything starting now, A non disclosure agreement Simon would sign it and that would be the end of it. “You will see I have filed a non disclosure agreement the press asks you about us, anyone asks you about us you will say nothing.”

Simon picked up the papers looking over them, reading the agreement he felt sick, it was like Mason wanted to forget they even existed. That stung and he was then annoyed at the implication as he flipped through the pages in front of him that they were nothing. When he flipped the papers back and looked at Mason he tried to not show his emotions which he was sure he was giving away. Not only that the way Mason spoke about the incident like it was his business to defend Mason, he had tried only Tony wouldn’t let him interject at all he shifted uncomfortably in his seat not sure what to say to make it right with Mason. He knew he messed up when everything went down with Tony that he should have tried harder to make amends to defend Mason.

“Your father was going off his rocker that night you know that. What was I supposed to do and then you what want to erase our existence because of shame or some misguided sense of hiding still? The entire town knows Mason your dad made that clear. I wouldn’t out you and if you still believe that I have no idea what to tell you.” Simon said watching as Mason coldly picked up a pen on his desk to hand it to him. He took it gripping it in his hands, he wasn’t signing this people wanted to know what they did in the sheets he was more than happy to tell them. “I had no reason Mason, nothing to gain by telling your father about us. Maybe it was Scarlett or some other crazy ex lover of yours that taped us. I’m not signing this.”

Mason didn’t know what to say to him watching Simon protest his involvement in the tape was he telling the truth or was it all still some game. The thing he had learned about Simon over the years was that he would do anything to save his own skin. That was the bottom line for him he wasn’t sure he could take what Simon was telling him at face value because of who he worked for and the things he did for Lowell. How many times did Simon blackmail someone for Lowell, how many times did he set someone up or back stabbed them for DGI and Lowell to many to count. He saw Simon put the papers down without a signature and knew he wasn’t going to strong arm him into signing them he could also see the hurt on his ex’s face over it. Part  of him regretted that.

“Well I think we have said all we need to each other, my secretary can show you the way out. Don’t come back to the office Simon, leave a key at the front desk and your key to my place which you still have. I am not going to even justify my father what he did was disgusting but I expected you to stick up for me and us.” Mason said pausing to look at some contracts on his desk before waiting a moment for Simon to leave. He watched him get up from the chair saw the hesitation on his face and suddenly he felt like an asshole. “Simon.” He went only for Simon to cut him off.

“I get it you want to move on you have your wish. It’ll be like this never happened I wouldn’t go around running my mouth to the press. They already know Mason people in town already know and the only reason they aren’t all over that with DGI and your connections are is that a man got shot. You want to hide who you are still and let your daddy run rampant against who you are go for it.  Maybe you’re right and this is for the best I know who I am, you need to figure out you.” Simon said taking out his keys and fishing of his key to Mason’s and tossing it on the desk and then fishingout his keycard to the firm and placing that down too. He didn’t say anything else as he made his way out of the office he had work he had to get back to over at DGI.

Mason watched him go, his secretary looking into his office as he nodded at her to shut the door behind her when she got up to close it. Picking up the key on the table he played with it between his fingers not sure what to make of the statement it made. The worst part that he knew Simon’s words to be true everyone knew about them about him now, his father had made sure of that when it happened publically at La Callie. It was out and when things died down if they ever did with Kendrick the press would be spinning their version of the story. They would question Scarlett and he knew immediately what he had to do beat her at her own manipulations. Get out in front of it before she could. He would make sure of that place a few calls with the press but for now he had calls he had to return and cases to check up on.


Cassie had seen the news the night before but had gotten the call from her father that she was needed in Pittsburgh where she had went. He was coming and arriving shortly she didn’t question why after all these years was he coming home and had turned off her phone to think about it. By the time she had gotten in early that morning and turned on the news to see what happened with Jon she knew where she was needed. She had no more club to run and sending a text to Philip about where she was going she got in her car driving the back ways through Atlas Falls. The protest had died down during the day but seeing more and more people coming she knew it was just beginning. Making a left on his street she got out in front of Jon’s house and saw the officers parked out front. She let them know who she was and let them pat her down before walking to his door. Even if he couldn’t forgive her for not committing before she knew he needed her to be a friend right now. Knocking on his door she looked at him when he opened the door he looked like crap.

“I heard about what happened on the news. Are you alright?” Cassie asked her eyes scanning him for wounds and then realizing how insensitive that sounded let alone cruel of course he wasn’t alright. She waited for him to open the door and when he didn’t she let out a breath looking at him. “Let me in Jon you need someone even if you say you don’t. Let me be your someone today, have you eaten anything or slept at all? I’m not the greatest cook but I can handle the basics. Hearing about this on the news put things into perspective for me. I was so dumb before with us.”

Moving out of the way he finally let Cassie into his house. When she said she’d been thinking about them his heart skipped a beat. As his jaw locked up because she was right. He hadn’t slept all night, he wasn’t hungry, and really all he wanted was to drink. Maybe that would push the thoughts of war and pain out of his head. Hell he wasn’t even seeing war images Kendrick face haunted him. He knew what he did was the right move but he didn’t want to kill again. He didn’t want to be that person anymore. When you kill no matter who they are and what they’ve done you lose a piece of your soul. You question the type of person you are and he didn’t want to think of himself as a horrible person.

Closing the door the house was dark and it had a closed in scent. The fresh air waffled through the house as he flopped on the couch. “When I was younger I used to tell everyone I was joining the Army. I wanted to help the people around the world. When I joined the Army I have to say I was in a war I didn’t even support. I didn’t understand why we were at war at all but I fought. The first time I killed someone was a kid in Iran. He was sixteen fight some holy war when he should have been studying. I can never forget his face Cassie. No matter how horrible Kendrick was I can’t get those eyes out of my head. His brother was on the news crying out for justice against me. I’m not a racist Cassie and I’m not a quick draw either. Cops were yelling for him to give up to stop and he didn’t. He chose to die and I had to do what I had to do. If not then a young girl would have died or worse two people in one body. Dani is pregnant you know? I love her because she’s always been my best friend. Always and I had to protect my friend you know?” Jon saw it was dark in there and Cassie looked so hurt for him.  “I’m a good man Cassie and I love you. I love you and I dumped Skye yesterday because I wanted you. I want you and I’m sorry if this is happening at the wrong time. That I’m telling you this and if you can’t handle it walk out. Leave now because I’m wrapped up in you Cas. I’m completely and utterly in love with a crazy red head and I need you so if you can’t be here really for me. Then go please go.”

Cassie looked around the house it was a mes likely from his lack of sleep or caring about anything other than what happened. She was honestly a bit surprised that the protesters had not discovered where Jon lived yet it was eerie to her. On the other hand she was also happy for that the pressure that would put on Jon even more. When he started to talk about his war experiences she took a deep breath, not sure there was anything this could say to that, traumatic seemed like an understatement. She wasn’t immune to death or it rocking her world, when her mother committed suicide that rocked her world but she had never taken a life. She had never done or been through what Jon had, killing a mere child regardless of their motivations or the why on either side. She walked to the rack in the hallway taking off her coat and her scarf ignoring her ringing cell phone it was probably her father as she turned to Jon.

“Serving your country and community is honorable Jon and I’m not about to tell you otherwise or blame you for any of this. I am not here to make some stint of jealousy either, you’re a good friend to those you care about Jon and your friends like Dani are lucky to have you. You did what any decent human being and officer would have.” Cassie said she honestly was not going to wish ill on Dani or her unborn child that would be beyond petty. Plus it wasn’t like Jon and Dani had ever been a couple from what she understood they were good friends and Jon had an an unrequited crush on her for years. “You’re a good man Jon and I wasn’t I don’t know how to put this exactly.” She said pausing she was scared of having a good man in her life she never had one before. Her father would never count on that front and while Thor could be considered good she wasn’t naive he was a mobster. “I’ve never had a good man before and that frightened me. But I’m here now because I want to see where this goes with us too. I love you too.”

Jon stood baffled when she confessed her love. He thought it was going to be a fight. Hell then he thought about it didn’t he fight enough? This was his shot and he had no problem taking it. After all he loves her. Skye and he were the past but he had to say goodbye to that life, to start this one. The silence made him laugh awkwardly as he looked down. His chest heaved and his heart was in his throat. “I killed Kendrick and everyone is walking around like he didn’t kidnap two women. Like he wasn’t a criminal that was going to have a woman raped. Like he didn’t kill for Kendrick and I’m now the monster. I know that these times police have a bad rap. I know it Cassie but I’d never kill someone because they are black or any other race. I wasn’t raised to see it but I’m so scared that they are going to paint me into that box. That I’m just going to become another cop who killed a black man. I’m not that guy.” He exhaled as wiped is eyes turning away from her not wanting Cassie to see him emotional.

“I have so much sympathy for his family. I hate that guy you know for what he was doing to Scottswood. Did you know he was um paying his brother’s college tuition. His grandmother doctors bills and his mom house off. It fucking sucks that now all of them are in a downward spiral. Jamal statements man he just gushed about how great Kendrick was to people. I don’t understand how the dichotomy of that man worked. How did you destroy lives to build up your own family? Now that is what they can come after me for. I think he is a monster and not this saint Scottswood is making him to be.” He turned around as he looked at her in the eyes. “You love me and tonight that’s all I need. Tonight all I need is you to hold me and if I have a nightmare.” He stumbled on his words. “I just never wanted you to see me like this. Men shouldn’t be fragile, when I came back from war I broke and now I feel like I’m shattered even into more pieces. But you are holding me together, right now Cassie you are the glue.”

Cassie didn’t know what to say when Jon started to talk about the shooting she couldn’t even imagine what Jon was thinking or going through. She also couldn’t find it in her to ever care about Kendrick based on some of the things the news was saying. He kidnapped Yasmine and Dani, she already knew he was involved in Ronan’s crew and not to mention how he had threatened her at the meeting she and Philip had with him and Thor. While she was sure that he did nice things for his family much like her father did for her and Philip that didn’t mean that his crimes were absolved or that he was some pillar of goodness. She knew the Scottswood neighborhood though and she knew they would make him a martyr She walked to Jon and did the only thing that she could think of wrapping her arms around him tightly.

“He made a choice Jon and it sounded like you did what you thought was best that doesn’t make you a monster or a killer. You are none of those things.” Cassie said quietly before pulling back to look at him, seeing the tears in his eyes she thought it was such crap that men refused to cry and she was glad to see the human side of Jon the weaker side, If anything it tugged at her heartstrings even more. She looked at him and then stepped back hanging her coat on the entryway door. “Have you eaten anything at all or slept at all? I may not be the best cook ever but I’m not completely incompetent. Let me take care of you.”

“I think you’re trying to kill me.” He paused at his wording letting the bad thoughts swell in his mind. Jon knew he had to fight them so then he smiled. It would get easier again. It had to afterall he had been through he was up for the challenge. “I have some Chinese takeout in there. We can warm that up I just want to say one thing to you. Thank-you.” Touching her red hair he smiled as he pulled her into a hug. “I just needed you.” He whispered in her ear as he led her into the kitchen.


Gideon opened up the door to the house looking at the pictures on the wall of his late wife and Rachel. He of course missed her, as he knew Rachel did and he had to wonder if she would be proud of how he handled the press conference earlier. Placing his briefcase down in the hallway he went through some mail on the hallway table and then noticed the plain wrapped box and he looked around wondering how it had gotten inside. He figured Rachel brought it in when she came home and he heard the clatter of a spoon in the kitchen, as he made his way there he opened the package seeing the contents. A fine aged brandy was inside with a simple note attached.

Thank you for your contribution and had work, your reward will be coming soon a token of appreciation.

He placed the glass down on the wet bar in the living room as he made his way to the kitchen seeing his daughter over a skillet on the stove. He could smell the scrambled eggs, ham and onions all the way from the doorway, comfort food and he knew that Rachel could have been at Brenda’s given everything. Instead he was warmed to know that she came home no doubt to check on him and make sure he was alright and that he was eating. In truth the night before he had spent at the office. He was of course worn down and tired and he watched as Rachel went into the living room to grab the bottle he placed there, meanwhile he slipped the note into his back pocket.

“You didn’t have to come over. No doubt Brenda may need you at the mansion or you should be at your apartment.” Gideon said as he watched Rachel enter the kitchen again and reach for the plates in the cabinet. He saw her place the bottle down on the island and raised an eyebrow at her when she got the two glasses down. “It is quite early for a drink.” He let out with a slight laugh.

Rachel had come over after turning on the news traffic being backed up in her district due to some of the protesters that were still marching. She knew the safest place to be in the city would be with her father not to mention she wanted to check on him. Nothing like this had happened while he had been the chief of police since he took office heck she had to research when the last time something like this did happen. She’d wrote up a piece on the matter after watching her father’s press conference and sent it off to her old editor at the local paper. Two Sides to an Ailing City was her title and maybe it was something she needed, Atlas Falls needed a fresh perspective from both sides. She knew both sides had points and maybe this would open up that discussion to happen.

“Of course I did have you been down main street today? Brenda had some personal family stuff to attend too Brooke came home and she has foreign dignitaries at the estate I wasn’t needed today. You however dad I know how you get at work and let’s face it this is a big case. I wanted to make sure you were going to at least have some food in you.” Rachel said as she reached for the plates and short glasses on the shelf. Opening the drawer she got out the silverware too and placed them on the kitchen table. They’ had ate there so many years as family when her mother was alive, it felt like they hadn’t done that in ages till today. “Don’t you dare try and not eat this.”

Gideon had no choice but to to smile at her look at the plates as she moved the skillet over and served up the eggs. He watched as she grabbed the bourbon from the counter unscrewed the lid and poured some of the liquid into the small glasses before them. He watched as she took a seat across from her laid her napkin across her lap and then lean on the table waiting for him. Blessing the food had always been something they did at the table and he knew that she was expecting him to do it. It had always been his job back when they ate as a family before he had lost his late wife and Rachel lost her mother.

“Dear heavenly father, bless this food to our bodies. Replenish our strength to deal with what is to come. Help us heal from what happened in this town last night and please let Rachel find her own happiness so she doesn’t have to obsess over my health. Amen.” Gideon finished opening his eyes and then looking up at Rachel as she rolled her eyes and he picked up his fork, he had meant every word the shooting was all over the place and the streets. He was more worried about the rest of the town and with the shooting Rachel’s safety she was downtown close to the park. “You are carrying still correct? As your father it is my job to worry about you. You are close to the protests downtown Rachel, please tell me you are being smart and carrying the gun.”

“Of course I am dad but I don’t think you need to worry about me that much. I am perfectly safe at my apartment downtown. I never walk home alone and Brenda has even been kind enough to lend me out one of her drivers. I told her it wasn’t necessary but she has insisted.” Rachel said biting into her eggs and taking a bite as she watched her father do the same. She smiled at him while she reached for a piece of the bacon she had cooked as well, her phone buzzed and she ignored the call. “I should let you know that I submitted a piece to my old paper last night after the shooting happened. Tristan told me this morning before the news conference they were going to run it as a headline tomorrow.”

She saw his face beam with pride and took a sip of the brandy in front of her watching him do the same, she let out a sigh before. Going to the coffee pot and grabbing two mugs passing him one to go with his brandy while she poured the liquor into her coffee mug for flavor. Taking a sip she let out a grin much better. “It’s straight down the middle not too far left or too far right. I wanted to speak about the bigger problems in Scottwood and maybe point out to our esteemed mayor and city council how to really make change. Hear the people of that neighborhood you know, while still keeping the peace. Bridge that divide.”

Gideon took a sip of his brandy admiring the taste for a moment the age of the brandy becoming clear in the taste expensive that was all he knew. He watched Rachel eat as he took a bite of the eggs as well. He thought over her words not sure how to respond to them Rachel had always had a passion for the story or the scoop which was when the paper then had cuts in the past he was shocked when she had been let go. He could tell she was too, she then picked herself back up and went to city hall and got a position with Hunter as his assistant. From there she had flourished under Brenda as an assistant, looking up information for Brenda perhaps that helped ease things for her with losing at the paper.

“I would expect nothing less from you Rachel and I’ll make a call to Walter to let him know to expect.your article. Unless his team is already on it. Thank you for keeping your word on carrying.” Gideon said taking another bite of his eggs and then another drink of the brandy. He would drink the coffee afterwards, for now he needed the stiff drink and for some add reason he felt it paired well with the breakfast. Seeing her place hers inside her coffee though he glanced at the TV in the living room. “Have you spoken to Jamal I know at one point you and he were sort of seeing each other.”

Rachel looked up from the eggs as she looked at the news report on TV before turning back to her father. She and Jamal hadn’t really spoke a lot since he went into the safehouse and at one point she thought they could work it out. Now though she knew that wasn’t going to happen they were two completely different people and he had gotten too far into shit for her to ever be comfortable with it. He had the name Tony Delacroix’s son, beloved extended member of the Devonshire clan but she wanted more from a long term boyfriend. She wanted stability and trust, maybe even some romance thrown in.

“No I haven’t spoken to Jamal he isn’t the type of boy that I should be with dad. I kinda learned that when all this went down. Thanks for always supporting me even when it was looking pretty bleak after the paper. I really appreciate it. Now enough about me.” Rachel finished picking up her phone and texting Brenda back to stop by the house later that day to pick her up. Plus since Brenda and her dad were now sort of dating she figured they would want to see each other. “I’ll clean up and then I’ll go ahead and do the dishes. We can watch some TV Brenda’s going to stop by later to pick me up.”

“Always a smart girl.” Gideon said getting up from the table and taking his drink in his hand.

He would lay down in front of the TV for a bit let the stress of the day leave his body for a few hours. He took a seat on the sofa his ears ringing just slightly, he placed his hand down feeling the cup slipping from his hand. He couldn’t feel any of his muscles in his body at all, his heart beat suddenly becoming erratic and his mind raced wondering what was going on. Where was Rachel was he having a heart attack? He felt his breathing becoming more shallow and his eyes slowly closing. He felt his body convulse and then everything suddenly went black.


Jackie had been in a fray most of the day as she came into the hospital gripping Lowell’s hand it was not the first time they had been here in the last few months. It wouldn’t be the last, she had been trying to get a hold of Jackson most of the morning. The worry of the night before weighing on her with him, she knew he had used and then the call came early this morning from Max about Philip being shot. Dread filled her and then when Max brushed her off, she took action going straight to DGI giving her oldest son a glare about Selina as she picked up Lowell to head to the hospital. What in the world had Max been thinking or Hunter for that matter? It felt like her family was falling apart. Checking in with the front desk she and Lowell were privately escorted to a private viewing room and she was shocked Philip on an operating table face down.

“My God you told me it was nothing that he was stable. What happened?” Jackie said hugging her daughter and then reluctantly hugging Bliss. She starred over at Hunter who seemed to be staring off into space. She looked back at the surgery taking place, the blood coming out of Philip’s back and then looked up at Lowell’s face fear was etched there. Where was Forbes? People called her husband a pitbull when it came to his children, Forbes would be considered another monster all together. “Has anyone got a hold of Cassie or the rest of his family? Hunter do you need me to call your mother?”

Max looked over at her mother, her hand still gripping her cellphone, her knuckles turning white. The last day coming into focus from grabbing her father’s gun, the fight with Philip, the accidental shooting. Helping Rory late last night while Philip was in his first surgery, she and Bliss drifting off to sleep for a few hours while they all waited for Philip to wake up. The questions this morning from a few officers. When she had called her mother to tell her about Philip and that she was at the hospital everything was fine. After she had hung up Philip had coded and the doctors and nurses had rushed him back to another surgery. It was early this morning when she and Bliss had saw the news about Kendrick and she remembered Bliss grabbing her hand while the press drilled on about the shooting about Jackson’s involvement in it. Another worry for them both and she hugged her mother and then her father not to mention the Cadamus files leaking and stock taking a slight dive.

“I just went there to talk that was all. I took your gun daddy he had been so erratic lately. I stole it when I was in your office and then Hunter and Bliss showed up to talk to him about everything. It all happened so fast and then he and Hunter fought over the gun Hunter had.” Max said looking at her parents and then over at Hunter and Bliss. Looking back it had all happened in the blink of an eye, a blink that was now turning into an open nightmare. She took a breath as she looked over at Bliss who was rubbing her back. “He was fine when I called and then he started to code they said something about internal bleeding. What if he doesn’t make it daddy? They could come after me, Bliss or Hunter and none of us meant for this to happen. I’m so sorry I know how disappointed you must be in me.”

“Calm down all three of you.” He said looking at Bliss and Hunter approaching them. “Simon gave me your statements whoever of the three of you who stated it was a mugger, that was smart.” Lowell voice was hushed as a wave of fear washed over his body. What was he going to do? What could he do considering that his children all were in danger. These two more than any of the others. Forbes was going to draw blood if Philip didn’t make it. “I have flown in a surgeon from New York to come look at him, understand me when I say this none of you are to say that story again. A mugger shot this man and that’s all too it.” The disappointment in his wife face wasn’t unnoticed on him. “We can’t take another hit. Jackson was involved in this kidnapping plot and I’m going to have Simon take on a positive spin on this story as much as possible. Yet if it comes out that my children have shot a man we are all going to lose everything I’ve worked for. Years of betrayals and lies meaning absolutely nothing. I know for a fact that I’m not going to sit around and let this happen to us so we will stick to that story understood?”

He stepped back and grabbed Max. “Listen I’m not going to pretend to understand why and how this all happened but baby you’re alive.” Lowell kissed her forehead knowing that it could have went so many different ways. Then he grabbed Bliss and pulled her into the hug. “And somehow this has bonded you two.” He breathlessly said with a chuckle. “I’m happy to see the Devonshire daughter’s are finally seeing that they can do much more together than apart. You two looked out for each other and Bliss, she said you took control. Thank my love because I just need you all to be on your A games. I need you to stick to that story because if this is exposed DGI is doomed. Not only that but all three of you have made a enemy of one of the men I despise most. Understand that Forbes will be after you three especially if Philip remembers who shot him.”

Bliss took the hug and looked at Max nodding her head as she listened to her father’s words. God how did they put him and the company directly in the line like this? “I think that the best think we can um do is keep Brenda out of this just for now. She’d complicate the matters much worse. Daddy did you say Forbes? He came to visit mother once and it wasn’t pleasant. That man is petrifying and if he is after us.” She looked at Hunter as she broke away from the family embrace. “It’s okay you protected us but what if.” Bliss looked at Max. “Max what if what he said was true about that girl? What if she didn’t drown but was killed?” As badly as Bliss didn’t want to say it. “What if Hunter and you jumped to the wrong conclusion? What if he wasn’t the bad guy. I just want to know if what he said was the truth so all this can be done. Hell I just want to know if he’s going to make or not.”

Hunter was still in a daze as he saw Lowell, Jackie and Bliss comforting Max and then he glanced back at the operating room and Philip’s body hooked to machines as the surgeons began working on him again. He shot a man even if it was by accident he shot a man, he was a city council member part of the building commision his family would be ruined his mother especially. He didn’t know what to say at the moment he couldn’t be strong for Bliss or Max and shaking his head feeling the bile rise in his stomach at the realization that he could go to jail he pushed past all of them to the hallway. Gasping for air he reached into his pocket for his phone sending a text to his mother and Anderson, perhaps they could smooth things over. He couldn’t rely on Lowell to do that. He’d been with the Devonshire’s long enough to know he was an outsider at the moment they would protect their princesses at all costs.

Max looked at her father not knowing how she could ever repay him or thank him enough to get her and Bliss out of this mess. She knew being with Philip was dangerous for herself and the business, but it was all supposed to be a bit of fun against their fathers. It was never supposed to grow to what happened in the living room of his condo with her holding a gun on him questioning why he was so obsessed with Scarlett hiding something and Veronica’s death. It was never supposed to be result in Hunter and Bliss tracking her down there and Hunter shooting Philip. She thought about what Bliss was saying and shook her head at her sister. “You don’t understand Bliss even if he wasn’t the bad guy here Forbes won’t see it that way. He’ll see this as another Devonshire after him, after his family. What have I done? Does Cassie know yet? Someone should at least get his phone and call her.” Max said softly as she felt her mother’s arms wrap around her.

Jackie hugged her daughter her eyes pleading with Lowell to do whatever it took to make this nightmare disappear for Max. Forbes would want blood if he hadn’t of figured out a way to draw it yet no matter what happened to Philip, if he lived or died it wouldn’t matter. Forbes would see this as an attack and she wasn’t sure with everything else going on that he wouldn’t succeed they were emerged in scandal with Selina and Chauncey with the Cadmus scandal. Rory and Jackson were involved in what happened with Kendrick and this on top of it was just another strike to them as a whole. She felt Max calming down and she looked at Bliss not sure what she was talking about but she would find out and get to the bottom of it.

“Your father will protect you both you have to believe that. For now we all stick to the story Bliss saw the mugger leave the condo. You and Philip were arguing when it happened. No one got a good look at the mugger.” Jackie said her tone dead as she looked at her husband it wouldn’t be the first time they covered up a mess for one of their own and it wouldn’t be the last. The key now was making sure the story stuck looking around for Hunter she saw him out in the hallway on his phone no doubt reaching out to his family. “Forbes will be here soon if he isn’t yet. We all should be prepared for Brenda to come as well, she won’t leave Hunter to just us.”

“I agree this will bring Forbes back in town and when he finds out.” He paused looking at Hunter lost in his thought. “Hunter I’ve always been thankful for how you treated Max and now Bliss.” The awkwardness of that conversation wasn’t lost on him. His eldest daughter ex-husband was now engaged in a relationship with her younger sister. Watching the young man storm away he knew that Hunter was having second thoughts on what to do. “I want you all to know this is a act of war in Forbes eyes. If you have anything to hide, anything he’s going to use it to anchor his leverage against you.” This was the moment if Bliss or Max had anything else to hide he needed to know. Lowell looked at all three of the women in his life and the silence said it all. Hunter was the shooter and if it came down to his daughters going to jail or Hunter well he’d throw two books at him. “I’ll call Cassandra.” Lowell said touching the girls shoulders. “Jackie stay with them and if Forbes arrives call me instantly.” Stepping out he pulled out his cellphone. “Simon I need a favor. I need you to call your friends at the TCA and find out when the MontCorp private jet is landing or if it has already taken off. I want to know Forbes every move, once that’s accomplished Simon I need you to call Cassandra Montgomery and tell her that Philip has been shot. Finally I want you to tell me everything you can dig up on Veronica Nichols death. I have a feeling that if we get to the bottom of that we get to the bottom of why my daughters were in the middle of a shooting.”

Bliss sat down as she looked at Jackie holding Max. Watching the surgery she couldn’t help but feel jealousy. Where was Tess? Of course no doubt feeding her ego or doing something that didn’t involve her. It wasn’t like she had another kid or something. As she stood up Bliss paced back and forth. “I hate this.” She mumbled looking at Jackie and Max. “We can’t do anything at all. We just have to wait and if this Forbes guy hates us like this then why in the hell didn’t we know. Or did you?” She said looking at Max. “Oh my God you did. Max I’m not judging here but God, I’ve never seen Jackie or dad like this. This is petrifying and if he dies then we are all in the middle of a murder investigation.” She exhaled looking at Max. “Is it true did Scarlett do something to her sister? I mean that’s why Philip was doing all of this right? None of this makes any sense.” Bliss sat down by Jackie and Max. “You are lucky Max your mom is here for you. Don’t forget that alright?”

Max wasn’t sure what to say to Bliss to any of it or to her parents the only thing on her mind right now was if Philip would survive and be alright. She looked grateful when her father had called Simon to handle calling Cassie but that worried her even more. Cassie would see this as the ultimate attack and their feud would get even worse, she couldn’t imagine Brenda’s wrath either and the only thing she knew she was glad her parents were there. Scarlett and what Philip said about her was the last thing on her mind, thinking about what happened to Veronica all those years ago was the last thing on her mind.

Lowell entered the room and watched Max looking at the surgery. “I think it’s best if you get some rest Bliss because I’ll stay with Maximillia. Jackie would you please escort Bliss home and I’ll wait on Brenda to arrive. I think that she’s going to be a handful.” He looked at his daughter and wife. Hopefully this would be the moment that Bliss and Jackie could have a moment. He had to comfort Max though. He’d never seen his daughter so amped up and confused.

“Sure dad I’m going to find Hunter and tell him I’m leaving. Jackie I’ll be one moment.” Bliss exited the room to find Hunter.

Sitting down by his daughter he looked her in the eyes. “He’s not going to die Max. Maximillia if that SOB is anything like his father. Then I assure you that he’s going to live a long and very destructive life. You need to think positive you understand?”

Jackie nodded her head at Bliss hugging Max as she then leaned down kissing Lowell’s cheek. Sometimes daughters needed their fathers and this was that time. The girls looked exhausted and if it meant that both Max and Bliss could rest for a moment till they heard more she would make sure Bliss got home safely. Exiting the room she walked to the lobby to wait.

Max heard the words or she tried to as her father spoke and she knew right now she was showing weakness and fear. She’d made messes before but she wasn’t sure this was a mess that  oils be wiped away this was different. “This is all my fault I should have listened when you said to stop and none of this would have happened.” Max said leaning on her father’s shoulder and feeling the exhaustion sink in. “He has to make it.” She said quietly closing her eyes tightly to wipe out the imagine of Philip bleeding out in front of her from her mind.

“And he will.” Lowell said unsure if he was telling the truth. As he watched the David working with a group of skilled trauma surgeons. A high profile person such as Philip got all the stops and he called in a favor from David. He had to make it because if he didn’t he knew his family was in even more danger. “I’m staying with you and don’t hesitate or worry my dear nothing will happen to you or Bliss.” He looked back at Hunter and narrowed his eyes. “And I hope you understand the Montgomery are our sworn enemies. Forbes will do anything to harm you, and you are a target. My dear you three may have reignited a feud that will always end in destruction.” Lowell kissed his daughter forehead and laid her head on his shoulder. “Rest Max and if anything happens I’ll awake you I promise.”