Thor Luciano

Name: Thor Achilles Luciano
Portrayed By: Sam Clafin
Parents: Michael Madden (father), Carla Luciano (mother)
Siblings: Ronan Madden (half-brother)
Marital Status: Skye Morgan (lover)
Previous Relationship: Carrie O’Connor (ex-fiancé), Cassie Montgomery (ex-lover)
Written by: Chris

Thor Achilles Luciano is the only son of Greek and Italian immigrant Carla Luciano. The daughter of a mob godfather from Europe. Carla watched her father run his business in America and Italy. When he died she took over naturally as his only heir. Carla and Michael Madden relationship was antagonistic at first but they eventually fell for each other. In a steamy affair they ended up having a son Thor Achilles Luciano. Thor grew up in Atlas Falls as a resident heart breaker. The handsome boy broke many of girl’s heart but he and Cassie were unbreakable. From the moment he met Cassie he was in love and it lead to his heart being broken. They stayed in a constant state of being together and broken up.

Carla would arrange for Thor to move to Cape Kenitrich and be arranged to marry Carrie O’Connor after the hotel explosion. Thor and Carrie actually fell in love but Cassie arrived at the wedding and Thor ran way home. This would lead to Carla and Kelly O’Connor getting into a bitter war which Ronan Madden was forced to protect his hated brother. Thor and Cassie relationship flourished this time and they counted on each other. Thor is looking to take over his mother’s business when she deems him ready. After graduating Thor took on his mother’s legal business such as laundromats, salons, and a carwash in Pennsylvania.

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