Charles Hessington

Name: Charles Alexander Hessington
Portrayed by: Bruce Greenwood
Spouse: Ava Crestwood-Hessington (wife, deceased)
Children: Lex Hessington (son), Whitney Hessington Walker (daughter) and Connor Hessington (son)
Other relatives: Ryan Walker (son in law), Miles Hessington (grandson), Morgan Hessington (granddaugther)
Occupation: Governor of Pennsylvania
Written by: Both

Charles was born and raised In Kentucky only moving to Pennsylvania when he attended law school in Atlas Falls where he met local Ava Crestwood. They were a match made in heaven and after marrying Charles began his political career over the span of four decades they had three children Lex, Whitney and baby Connor. After marrying Ava he was never strapped for money and he combined their assets in the hotel industry with his own to form the Hessington Conglomerate in which his children have equal shares having assigned Lex the bulk of the duties at. He and Walter became close after Walter’s fall out with Lowell Devonshire so much that Dani is his goddaughter.

The eventually relocated to Pittsburgh after Walter was outed at DGI where Charles ran for Senate where he held the seat for close to twelve years after which his political ambitions took over and he ran for Governor. The run was successful and he almost won in a landside though there was debate about fraud related to his win. His wife Ava died of complications from ovarian cancer three years into his first term devastating the family till this day. Charles is now in his second term as governor and has no desire to quit and has political pull in the state as well as on a national level with local senators. Some even speculate that his underhanded business dealings mean that he has pull in Europe and with certain heads of state.

Season 1

He was mentioned by Anderson as his mentor in Pittsburgh as Anderson was trying to start a political career after Steven’s death. Charles briefly appeared at Walter’s political party for his win as mayor long with his son Lex who was in attendance.

Season 2

Charles arrived in town to see Walter on a quick business trip and then met with Brenda when she convinced him to by the hold Hotel La Gordia he had been planting revenge on Steven for years and took advantage of her in the deal leaving him all the power in their arrangement and swindling her out of part of the Kincaid fortune. It also prompted him to make a change for his family wanting them to move to Atlas Falls in order to open the new Crestwood and have a clean break from Pittsburgh, it helped that his con Connor was there playing for the basketball team. He was revealed to have been behind Skye giving Miles to his daughter Whitney and her husband Ryan in less than clear circumstances and refused to allow Jon or Skye to see Miles. Reminding Jon that Miles was his grandson legally and in every way but blood, he also stepped in to marry Bliss and Hunter Kincaid at the Kincaid mansion. He also attended Jackson and Dani’s wedding, as Dani is his goddaughter and Whitney was her maid of honor.

